Less a Stalker, more a new charge

1 year, 20 days ago
1 year, 20 days ago
3 4206

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 20 days ago

Kozmotis has noticed he's being followed, and that's his thing, so of course he has to put a stop to this. He does not expect it to be what he finds.

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Part Three

The light filters into his room, and Ozul awakens with a startle, his mind feels foggy and he’s struggling to work out what actually happened last night and what was some kind of strange dream that his overactive imagination has formed. He knows he’s desperate for Kozmotis to feel the same way, but he seems strangely convinced that he brought home a child and said it was for him. That makes no sense, why would he do that, he hates children.
He shakes his head, trying to clear it, it’s time for him to go and make breakfast for the two of them, Kozmotis got home late which means he probably forgot to eat any sort of dinner, and knowing how that man’s brain works – or as the case tends to be – doesn’t work. It’s highly unlikely that he even ended up having lunch. Why he’s having these strange thoughts about a child still confuse him, what could even have drawn his mind to that?
As he leaves, he checks Kozmotis’ door, it’s still drawn shut and as he approaches it all he can hear is soft and gentle breaths, so reassured that he’s still in comfortable sleep he continues his journey down to get breakfast on. His mind wondering with the different ideas of what he could make for breakfast, what could interest the other pokemon the most.
Then he freezes.

“Are you this, Ozul?” A small female voice says and he has to do a double take.
How does she know his name?
How is he in their house?
Then his mind drifts back to the strange dream.
And Kozmotis brining up that he brought a child…
Oh, it’s all real, of course it is.
“I am, though you seem to know more about me then I do you, child. May I ask what your name is?” He asks, trying to not seem too scary to the child, but then if she’s seen grumpy Kozmotis then she’s probably not that easy to frighten, not to mention he’s picking up some real gremlin energy from her and he’s not sure if that’s a positive or a negative just yet.
“Oh! I’m Kaylus!” She grins, “You two seem like an odd couple, how did you get together?” She asks and he turns bright pink.
That’s not, oh no, curse children and managing to both work out too much but also get completely the wrong stick. Just breath Ozul, be casual about this and she will understand all of it, over or under react and she will just continue to get the room idea. The problem here we have, is that Ozul may remember that Kozmotis doesn’t hang out with anyone other then him and is lacking some socialisation, but the same goes for him possibly even worse. Ozul hardly leaves other then to pick up some shopping and when he’s not spending time with it, he’s reading.
“What no! What makes you think that? We’re just roommates okay!” He exclaims, trying to ignore how his voice goes up an octave.
This just make Kaylus laugh and she moves, he doesn’t expect the tiny child to be able to move that fast and she’s already clambered up their furniture and is flexing her little claws at him.
“Interesting, he is a strange man so I don’t know why you want to be with him.” She says, head tilted and he winces as she nearly catches their sofa with her horn. The furniture isn’t that well cared for, a side affect of having two Bisharp fusions live together, but it doesn’t stop him from thinking about the cost when they get damaged. Kaylus then taps her claws to her face.
“But then, I’ve also decided I like it here and want to live with the strange man. So, maybe it’s wrong for me to question you for it.” She adds and then her stomach growls and Ozul remembers why he’s up.
“Would you like some breakfast?” Her face lights up, “Do you have any preferences?”
She shakes her head and clambers back down before basically climbing up Ozul’s side until she’s sat a little awkwardly on his shoulder.
“Nu uh. I don’t remember the last time that someone cooked breakfast for me.”
Her words break his heart a little and he gently wraps an arm around the child, comforting her.
“Well unless if Kozmotis has done something to really irritate me, I cook breakfast every day, so you best get used to it!” He smiles out, “Oh, and unless if you bite me I’ll cook for you when he irritates me too.” He adds on top and she grins and he’s a little wild at how pointed her teeth seem.
“I can bite him when he annoys you!” She replies with a laugh and Ozul can’t help but grin. It’s a tempting idea even if he doesn’t think he’ll ever ask her to do it, even in a more playful way he doubts he’d ever wish any form of pain upon the other pokemon – though maybe he wouldn’t feel too bad about it if Kaylus here decided to do it upon her own accord then maybe he won’t complain too badly about it.

He finishes his journey to the kitchen with Kaylus on his shoulder, there’s still no sound from Kozmotis’ room and he hopes that’s not a bad sign.
Kaylus hasn’t stopped chattering since her biting suggestion and as much as Ozul has zoned her out, he’s enjoying the background chatter and worked out at what points he actually needs to pay attention to interact with her.
It feels a bit odd to him to finally be cooking a meal for more then two, but it’s not too hard for him to adjust, especially with how small the extra mouth is. Though the fact that she keeps snacking and taste-testing the ingredients as he goes, does make it a little harder to work with, maybe he’s got to get a little more used to not needing to make the exact perfect amount and that a little extra won’t be a waste, especially if there is a mouth snacking on it. It seems that Kaylas has two moods, stuffing food in her mouth or talking, so he’s not actually sure how she snuck up on Kozmotis, maybe that’s one to ask her rather than him. He wouldn’t want it to get the wrong idea with the question, as if now doubting his abilities.

A sleepy Kozmotis finds the pair of them in this position, Kaylus chattering away between mouthfuls as Ozul listens away – he does pout when he looks at his portion and notices it’s smaller then it normally is. This just makes Kaylus laugh and Ozul shrugs,
“She’s small and surprisingly bitey, couldn’t stop her I’m sorry.” He says, it narrows his eyes, not really believing him.

Author's Notes

Characters: Ozul & Kaylus
Word Count: 1146
& Kozmotis appears at the end