Shimmering Twilight

9 months, 8 days ago
8 months, 21 days ago
2 773

Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 8 days ago

A girl with a love for nature, Eleanor takes pride in helping saving the enviroment by not driving cars or being too wasteful. She is an easy person to befriend but a difficult person to negotiate plans different from hers with. Eleanor also likes being the center of attention and isn't afraid to try and help people in order to get people to like and talk about her; a good example is that she reveals everything about herself to give others topics to conversate about.

One day she finds herself in a forest of sorts in what later turns out to be an unfamiliar world all on her own. With nobody around Eleanor to satisfy her attention seeking, how will she do in Crystalia?

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Eleanor: Opening

Opening her eyes and seeing what she assumed was the sky starting to brighten was a surprise for her. She sat up and zoned out for a few moments, not sure as to what to say or do.

"What..?" She finally muttered to herself, "Wasn't I just at.." Glancing around, the girl in black trailed off, quickly forgetting what she was going to say or where she assumed she was. With this, she stood up and took in her surroundings; there was nothing in particular to note in the forest she was in.

A path leading forward was infront of her, but that was really all there was other than rows of trees to her sides that never seemed to end. She barely thought about where to go before she had settled on following the path, hoping to find somewhere she recognised.

A raven had perched on her shoulder at somepoint in her first few steps. She quickly noticed this, stopping for a brief moment to admire it: she took a particular interest in a small piece of paper wrapped around one of its feet.

"Can I help you with this?" A hand ghosting over the paper, she frowned out of pity. She was waiting for an answer from the raven, with the realisation setting in and ridding her of any other thought seconds later. "Oh, right." She remembered that birds are not able to reply to her and she giggled at her own foolishness.

Regardless of whatever it thought about the paper, the girl in black gently removed it from the raven's foot and read what it said.

A name had been written in cursive. Eleanor.

"Eleanor? Is that your name?" The bird, of course, didn't say anything. "Eleanor.. that's a nice name. I think I'll just call you Eleanor until I figure out what that means." The girl discarded of the paper and smiled at the raven, which simply croaked in response.