jerrup info

9 months, 5 days ago
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information on the jerrup species

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jerrups are a species of doll-like clown beings. they have their own proto-language and primitive culture, and have been around far longer than recent memory. 

jerrup biology is somewhat of a mystery, because it seems that no one can get their hands on one for long enough to really find out what makes them tick. when jerrups "die", they seem to just explode into confetti and glitter. no one knows if a jerrup can come back from that state or not, but most assume they cannot. 

jerrups can be a large range of sizes, from being only about 9 inches tall to being upwards of 8 and 9 feet tall. they are generally long with round heads and short legs, and with huge, very long arms. their hands seem to be mitten-like, without fingers except for a thumb. they are extremely elastic and stretchy, able to stretch out their body or limbs to do various things. their eyes are beady and black, appearing to be almost plastic, except for the fact that they can blink. they all have spherical, protruding noses in various colors that seem to be made of a soft material, but are definitely part of their body. the entire rest of their body is made of a peculiar foam-like material, comparable to slow-rise squishies. some wear clothes or accessories over their body, made of various materials.

the jerrups seemingly have no voice to speak of, and communicate entirely through gestures, honks, and jingles. it doesn't matter whether or not they have squeakers or bells on them, all jerrups have the ability to honk and jingle. it is unknown where the sound actually comes from. they communicate to each other extremely efficiently with a sort of proto-language made up of these gestures and sounds, but humans have had a hard time understanding what exactly it is that they are saying to each other.

there are different types of jerrup that seem to somewhat decide their temperament and power. these types are categorized by how many points a jerrups head or "hat" has. this can be 0 to 5 points, and each of these types have their own name and rarity.


0 points - mime (rare)


mime jerrups seem to have no "hat" and are quite rare. they make the least sound out of any type, choosing to communicate through gestures almost exclusively. sometimes other types of jerrups find it harder to communicate with them because of this.

1 point - pierrot (common)


pierrot jerrups are one of the 2 most common types, and usually have a smaller, single "hat" as opposed to an entire hood, though it is not unheard of for them to have a single pointed hood. pierrots are the most amicable of the types, preferring to make friends over playing pranks.

2 points - harlequin (common)


harlequin jerrups are the other most common type, having 2 points on their "hat" or hood. they have an even temperament and seem to be very patient, but play pranks more often than pierrots and mimes. even so, they still like to make friends, both with humans and other jerrups.

3 points - jester (uncommon)


jester jerrups are seen around much less than the common ones, but are still seen in regular numbers. they are the noisiest of the jerrups, always honking and jingling, even when just moving about. they are very enthusiastic about everything they do, but don't seem to make many friends. perhaps it is because of their increased prank pulling.

4 points - prankster (uncommon)


prankster jerrups are, true to their name, the type of jerrup that plays the most pranks. they are not seen around often, as most of the time they are scheming and planning their next prank. they also do not make very many friends, because their pranks tend to be more mean-natured than pranks that the other types play.

5 points - trickster (very rare)


trickster jerrups are extremely rare, barely ever seen by humans. they seem to hold an esteemed place in the jerrups' primitive culture, but not much is known about their habits or temperament.