Stopping the Infection

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Pushing through the thick brush, the trio, consisting of Valor, Glaucus, and Zephyr, moved swiftly after their quarry, a mixed herd of unicorn and qirin, one that they’ve been tracking for miles through these vast Vitalus lands. At least the crystal-filled scenery is beautiful as they travel, so none of them mind that things are taking a while. 

Sniffing at the air, Glaucus is the first to break their comfortable silence, “it doesn’t seem like they’re far off now… the scents getting fresh.” He’s humming in contentment at the thought, “I haven’t had fresh unicorn in ages, it’ll be nice to get my paws on some.”

Zephyr rolls his eyes, “we’re only getting the sick ones, remember? I doubt they’d be good for eating.” 

“Ughhh, no one has to know if we grab a nice healthy one.” Glaucus groans.

Valor gives him a rough bump with her hips as she walks alongside him, “we promised Omari we wouldn’t do that, she only told us about this heard under the pretense that we cull the sick ones before the rest of the herd gets infected.” That one is quite protective over those creatures, only ever participating in those hunts, or sharing information if she believes it to be largely beneficial or unavoidable. Betraying her trust would make her feel… quite bad, actually.

The green runner leans his head back to release a sigh into the air, “I guess, but what if I just… cut around the diseased parts?” He says this, but in actuality the thought makes him pretty nauseous. “At least the horn and pelt ‘outta still be good, right?”

“Probably,” Zephyr shrugs, “a pelt can be salvaged for the most part.” He knows plenty of tricks to save and repair a hide, largely living in the forests and working with the land has its perks.

The chit-chat is cut short, however, as the trio reach the edge of a clearing, and they’re all quickly crouching low to the ground to conceal themselves in the tall foliage as they creep up on it, investigative heads likely poking out from the brush to peer out…


Out in the center of the field, bathing in the warm sunlight, stands the herd of unicorn and qirin. There are many strong and healthy members… but it becomes evident quickly that their is a sickness within their numbers.

A few of them, two unicorns and a qirin, stick out like sore thumbs amongst the rest. A strange green, plant-like growth is sprouting from various points on their bodies. 

“Oh, poor things…” Zephyr mutters quietly to himself, but his companions are hearing them.

“What is that?” Valor asks, her head tilting, she’s never seen such a condition before… whatever it is, it looks painful, the creatures look incredibly stressed.

“I don’t know the official name… but it’s a parasitic plant, one that’ll sap all the nutrients from its host until it drops dead. A nasty thing, it is. Thankfully it can only infect a handful of things, so we’ll be safe, but unfortunately there’s no effective treatment, culling them is the only option, before they accidentally infect the others.”

Glaucus crinkles his nose in displeasure, “are you sure the others aren’t already infected?”

“Unlikely, it externally attaches itself to hosts, and then works its roots in through the skin, so if anyone else was infected we’d be able to see it pretty easily.” If it worked the opposite way, however, then the whole herd would need to be culled, just to be safe, but thankfully that’s not the case.

Valor hums in thought, but then nudges both males on either side of her, “alright then, let’s get going. I’ll go for the unicorn on the left, Zeph, you get the one of the right.”

“Leaving me with the qirin, okay.” Glaucus doesn’t mind that, he notes that Valor assigned the smallest prey to Zephyr, the female mindful of the possum-like runners small stature.

With their roles understood, the trio begin moving out, creeping through the grass towards the herd, their bodies kept low to the ground to conceal their presence to the best of their abilities, ears pinned forward in concentration.

Closer and closer… the herd suddenly alerts, bolting without warning in the opposite direction of their hunters, however, to the fortune of the Vayrons, the sick members don’t have the strength to keep up, despite their best efforts to run off.

Bursting from the grass, they’re splitting off after their individual targets.

Valor is the quickest in catching up to her prey, the unicorns condition being too debilitating to allow it to escape. While she’s wary about making contact, she’s trusting Zephyrs word about them being safe from infection. 

The unicorn can only bleat weakly in panic when Valor slashes out its back leg with her claws, the creature tumbling ungracefully to the ground, before its cries are swiftly silenced when her jaws find its throat.

Glaucus is next, his qirin, despite its deterioration, is running faster than the rest, though truthfully, the male isn’t surprised with that. Qirin have always been quite hardy when compared to unicorns.

It swings its head at Glaucus as he runs up alongside it, threatening to gore him with its horn, but the Vayron isn’t deterred as he suddenly veers into it, shoving his body roughly into its own to completely knock it off of its unsteady feet. He’s too uncertain about biting it, however, but he’s quick to reach for the belt strapped around his torso, grabbing the handle of a knife and yanking it free from its sheath.

As the qirin begins to try and get back up, Glaucus is descending upon it with his blade, plunging it deep within its body, piercing its heart with ease.

Lastly, Zephyr, and while he’s keeping up just fine with his prey… it’s a matter of gaining the confidence to make the lunge, he’s never been the best when it comes to hunting larger animals, always a bit skittish during the act in fear of accidentally getting himself hurt. 

He swallows down his nerves, and leaps at the unicorn, landing atop its back, making the animal cry in panic and struggle to keep itself upright at his sudden weight, it barely having enough strength to carry on. It’s a feeble effort, though, as Zephyr is letting out a steadying breath, before biting down on the back of the unicorns head, his crushing jaws bearing down with enough force to bring it to a swift end, albeit gruesome.

With their prey neutralized, Glaucus awkwardly clears his throat as Valor drags over everyones catch, lining them up side by side. “So, uh… we have to carry them back now? Even though they’re… like that?” 

Zephyr wipes at his mouth with the back of his arm, “I mean… yeah? I can’t exactly do anything about the plant until we get back, I don’t have the right supplies on me.” 

Glaucus grumbles, “but-”

“Oh, quiet, don’t be such a baby. We’ll be fine,” she rolls his eyes at Glaucus’ dramatics, “but if it’s that much of an issue, I can carry your kill, too.” 

Glaucus grimaces, especially when Zephyr is raising an eyebrow at his avoidance of this task… before he’s slumping, defeated, “fineee, but let’s get them back quick.” Sketchy ass plant. Ugh.

Unicorn and Qirin hunt for Alliion and QueenOfOpals !

Vays: Valor 12655, Zephyr 15376, and Glaucus (who... isn't uploaded yet smh)

WC: 1221