A Supposed Business Proposal

1 year, 13 days ago
1 year, 13 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 13 days ago

Iris and Hoshi have been rivals for years, was it finally time to change that?

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Author's Notes

Rivas to lovers time >:3c

Chapter 1

Hoshi was a normal Okaa. He’d swear up and down that it wasn’t true, though. Iris knew him too well to fall for his fortune teller schtick. No, there are those who are wise, and those who are just in it to make money. Hoshi was the latter. Just because his coat looked vaguely like the night sky, what with the purple base and white spots, he decided that he’d take over his family business as the “Teller of the Stars.” The title was far too ambitious and frankly quite disrespectful to other Seers like herself.

Iris was a humble servant of Halona, known well amongst her community for being a good Seer. Though, she’d disagree, if only due to the fact that her grandmother was a far better one. Iris was still learning how to interpret the signs that Halona gave, but she was learning. Unlike Hoshi. He figures he can just do some analysis on an Okaa and call it a day. Iris firmly disagrees. However, even though Hoshi was a fraud, he was a damned good businessman, and had nearly run Iris’ grandmother out of the profession before she took over the business side of things. He was a menace.

They had known each other for a long time.

Iris was about eight when she met Hoshi. He was a slime even then. Going on about money, how to make it, how to save it, and how to spend it. Though, Iris had to be somewhat grateful, because if he hadn’t told her all of that when they were younger, she wouldn’t have the business sense that she did today.

Not that she liked having to monetize her work. She had always thought that Seers should be kind enough to accept whatever was given, even if it wasn’t much. That way anyone who needs a Seer could afford one. Iris would do it for free if she had the choice. But no, Hoshi had to make it a competition between his family and hers.

That was why she was at Hoshi’s home and workplace today. To hopefully ease the tension, and maybe get this petty squabble that had been going on for however long. The only reason she was doing this was because, even though her business sense was good, Hoshi’s was better. He could steal customers easily and quickly. The point being: Iris’ business was floundering. Her work, her belief, and her family’s livelihood were all in jeopardy.

When she knocked, an older Okaa answered the door. Iris recognized him immediately as Hoshi’s father, so she bowed her head politely.

“Greetings, I’m–”

“Iris, I’m aware.” He turned inside and shouted, “Hoshi! You have a guest!”

Vague grumbling came from one of the rooms and eventually another shout;

“It’s my day off!” Ah, that was Hoshi, alright. Good to know that he’s home.

His father grumbled in return, taking another breath, but Iris beat him to it. Firmly and loudly, she said;

“Oh, I suppose I will just come back another time.”

A commotion came from the room Hoshi was in, claws clacking on the floor in a scramble. Iris wanted to smile.

Soon enough, Hoshi walked out of the room and to the front door as if he hadn’t just rushed out to see her. His father sighed and walked away deeper into the house. Iris fought the urge to glare as Hoshi approached.

“Well, if it isn’t Miss Iris.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. “What brings you here? A friendly visit, perhaps?”

“I want to talk.”

“I mean, I had assumed–”

“About our businesses.”

Hoshi’s eyes widened for a moment before they slowly narrowed. His grin made her uneasy.

“I see, would you please come with me to the parlor?” Iris nodded, following as he walked off. Once they reached the parlor, Hoshi motioned for her to sit. “Now, what exactly did you want to talk about?”

“I’m not stupid. I know you have been making moves to smother our business again, to steal our customers and make us look like fools.”

“Now, now, I do not control where the customer flow takes us. I admit, making you lot out to be fools would be a great idea, though I have a touch more integrity than that. Neither of those things have to be directly related to me.”

“So you are admitting to them being indirectly related?” Iris huffed.

“Iris, there are so many things that are indirectly related to me that I couldn’t keep up if I tried.” Hoshi looked so unbearably smug. Iris wanted to wring his throat.

“I know you’ve been meddling in my business, some of my regulars have been seen going into your shop.”

“That could just be a coincidence. They could have gotten tired of such a serious face.” Hoshi pointed at her nose. “Really, you should smile more. It’s a great look on you.”

Iris bristled and brushed his hand away. “I know you have been—!” She cut herself off. This was a diplomatic mission. She couldn't let herself get heated. Taking a breath and bowing her head, Iris continued talking, "Apologies. I did not mean to raise my voice." Hoshi’s grin widened.

"Apology accepted." He finally sat in the chair across from hers. "Was that all you wanted to talk about?"

"No. I want to end this petty rivalry between our households." Iris sighed and looked at Hoshi directly, "It does not help either of us. It hurts both of our businesses, and it would be so much more profitable for both of us if we–" Iris stopped, nearly choking on her pride. She had no desire to form an alliance with Hoshi or his household.

"...If we what?"

"If we worked together," She finally managed to get out.

"Oh? With you?" Hoshi looked suspicious, though he still wore a smug grin. It was odd and slightly unsettling. "Now, what's to stop me from simply destroying your business and monopolizing the market in this town?"

"I… uh…" Iris tensed. He sounded so serious. Therefore, she needed to rise to the challenge. With a deep breath, Iris stood her ground. "I have a reputation in this town. I am known for being kind and honest. And though far fewer Okaas know me than you, I still have you beat in this town, and I do have those who would turn against you should you get rid of me." Hoshi was about to retort, no doubt, when Iris continued; "I could be a valuable asset. Unlike you, I am actually a Seer who wants to help people. I've helped many, whether it be in my line of work or outside of it. Many Okaas know my name. I am sure you can figure out the rest." Hoshi chuckled softly. "And as much as I loathe to admit it, you would be a valuable asset to me as well. As mentioned, you have far more connections than I do. That is not even mentioning your wit."

"I see. Well, what do you propose would bridge the gap between our families? I have acknowledged your proposal, but there is no guarantee that my parents or grandparents will."

"Ah, well…"

"You didn't think that far ahead, did you? Typical, for you." Iris fought the urge to glare once again, and though she thought she succeeded, Hoshi’s grin widened. "Well, you're in luck, because I have been thinking about this exact same issue. See, I would like for this rivalry to end as well. You were correct, it is the most profitable option. So, I have a proposal in a more, ah, literal sense, I suppose…"

Surely, he couldn't mean…

"Iris, will you marry me?"


Hoshi’s smile was nearing bashful when he cleared his throat. His face looked odd when he looked like anything but a slime. Wait, no, did he just literally propose to her? She couldn't believe it. Iris partially wanted to punch him in the face for the mere suggestion. Another part of her wanted to strangle him.

"Ahaha, no need to look so murderous…" He held his hands up in a placating gesture and almost looked panicked. "Think about it, Iris. This would be the best course of action to get this rivalry to end. If the two current owners of our businesses were to, um, wed, our families would have to respect our decision. Besides, like you said, working together would be the most profitable option for both of us.”

“I meant like, professionally! Not… not actually… getting married!”

“There’s no reason this can’t be professional! Plenty of Okaas get married for business reasons. There’s hardly ever any love involved in those types of marriages.” Iris stood up and walked over to Hoshi.

Iris slapped him.

Her palm stung, but it was totally worth it. She didn’t need to listen to this. Iris walked out of the room, her tail thrashing back and forth. Had she been less careful, she could have broken the walls. Part of her wanted to. Blood was rushing through her ears.

“Iris! Iris, hold on!”

Iris whipped around so fast that her tail hit the wall with a loud thud. She nearly growled at him as he approached.

"Iris. I don't understand why you're upset, but I apologize, and—"

"If you don't know what you did wrong, why are you apologizing?"

"I was going to ask. I wanted to know what I did."

"You…" Iris huffed angrily. "You assumed that I would be just fine giving away my hand in marriage to you. I want to find someone who loves me, not just my prospects. You, who sees nothing but my worth as an asset, would never be suited to be my husband. You, who cares more about making money than he does his fellow Okaas. I hate people like you. As if I'd ever sign away myself to someone like you. You don't deserve me." Hoshi was looking at the ground. Had she been too harsh? No, he needed some sense knocked into him.

"You're right."


"You're right, I don't deserve you. I do care more about my own livelihood than I do those around me. But you're wrong in one place."

"Hm?" Iris narrowed her eyes. What was he planning?

"I don't just see you as a business asset. I don't only see your prospects. I see you. And I see a friend." Hoshi looked… surprisingly genuine as he lifted his head. Iris was surprised, but ultimately suspicious.

"A friend, huh? You threatened me with the destruction of my business not ten minutes ago. Does a friend do that?" Iris looked down her nose at Hoshi, who ducked and grit his teeth.

"I wouldn't know."

"What do you mean?"

"You know me well enough to know that I keep people at arm's length. I don't… make friends as easily as I make acquaintances. You were the first to really get to know me, and well, to borrow your words, see past my prospects. Perhaps there wasn't much there, but you tried. We've known each other for twenty years, and maybe it's circumstantial, but you're the only one I've known for that long."

"Until a few years ago when I took over you were trying to actively destroy my family's livelihood. Friends do not deliberately endanger each other's lives." Iris took a breath. "I've never liked the way you thought. Everyone is a stepping stone. You need to have a serious talk with yourself about that, because as it is, we are not friends."


"Don't tell me about it until you've made up your mind." Iris turned back around. "Good day." She walked out of the house.

She heard cursing when she closed the door. Good. Hoshi needed to think long and hard about this. First step is realizing that he messed up. And he messed up badly.

But… the marriage was definitely the most profitable choice that he could make. Was he just acting on that logic? Was all that spiel about being his only friend just to salvage the situation? But he looked so completely genuine. Could he really have been lying?

Iris needed to talk to her grandmother.

Author's Notes

I hope you enjoyed