Sparkless Sunshine

9 months, 5 days ago
9 months, 5 days ago
1 337

Chapter 1
Published 9 months, 5 days ago

A girl who has taken a liking to dark places, Leila likes to stay in her room all day with the curtains shut and her light off, feeling more comfortable this way. She prefers being alone and doesn't take too kindly to people who attempt to befriend her; one so called friend too many has proved to Leila that everyone is wanting her to do everything for her, and as a result she doesn't trust anyone. Leila is reserved and intentionally doesn't speak much and gives out barely any personal information in fear of it being used against her. She is the opposite of roamers such as Eleanor in pretty much every way.

When she wakes up in an unfamiliar location, however, Leila finds a small animal that she is hesitant to call a friend despite its friendly demeanor. Will this be enough to help her trust again?

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Leila: Opening

Dusk awaited for the girl who lay in a field surrounded by a variety of flowers. She opened her eyes and immediately sat up, expecting to see her house in the distance as she lived near a flower field; she was instead met with more fields where more varieties of flowers resided. Some had flowers, although others that were to her right didn't have any. She opened her mouth to exclaim about what had happened, but she couldn't think of what to say.

Deciding to forgo speaking for the time being, she stood up and ended up noticing what appeared to be a squirrel right at her feet. The girl in beige considered leaving it alone, but when the squirrel seemed to be trying to rid of something on its arm, she kneeled down out of curiosity and tried to find the source.

"You idiot." she said as soon as she found it; a small bit of paper was wrapped around its tail. "Fine. I'll get this for you." Removing the paper only took a couple of seconds, but when it was done, the squirrel seemed happier, spinning around in a small circle out of joy.

Almost as if it was curious, the squirrel scurried up the girl's shoulder when she had turned the paper over to read it.

"Leila.." She said before taking a long pause. "Whose name is this..?" She looked at the squirrel, then the paper, then the squirrel again. "Ah, whatever." She crumpled up the paper and threw it away, watching as it landed right at her feet.

Moments later, she noticed that the squirrel had raced down just to take it and give it back to the girl. She sighed in response, not knowing what it was trying to signal to her.. but she figured she would listen anyway.

"Fine. I'll keep this with me." She tightened her grip on what was now a ball consisting of the name 'Leila', figuring she could find something to put it in along the way.