
7 months, 21 days ago
2648 2

Whisperleaf travels to the lighthouse with Fallenscar, they meet a new friend.

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There were many cats in the clearing, the apprentices were about to leave with their mentors for a group training session. The day was young, the sun had yet to burn through the layer of clouds in the sky. Whisperleaf was seated outside the medicine den, he had finished counting the herb storage. On any given day, he would not be interested in whatever the warriors were up to. Yet something was off today.

Amongst the group of cats, he could see the three apprentices with four warriors. Sometimes Petalpaw’s parents would join the session to watch their daughter. Today it was Pebblerun who was tagging along. What was he doing? Whisperleaf felt a frustrated sigh begin to build within him, he had wanted to ask his friend to join him today. Guess I should have asked sooner… But how was I supposed to know he was going to do this?

He continued to watch them pointlessly, until one cat deviated from the group while the other cats departed. It was not Pebblerun, the cat left behind was Rockpaw’s mentor, Fallenscar. Whisperleaf could not contain the sigh of disappointment any longer. He got to his paws and walked over to his nephew. A nervous smile crept onto Fallenscar’s face, he knew what Whisperleaf was about to say.

“Are you seriously skipping battle training again?” Whisperleaf tried to hide the negativity in his voice, but as Fallenscar’s smile dropped he knew he failed.

“Pebblerun is going to be there.” The white and gray cat answered quietly. Whisperleaf did not doubt that Rockpaw was in good paws, but he still did not always agree with Fallenscar’s training methods. This conversation was not the first, Whisperleaf did not feel like debating this today. No matter what he had to say, Crowstar was always going to be more influential to Fallenscar than he was. Crowstar was the one who suggested sitting out the more aggressive training sessions. His mother has enabled him since he was a kitten, and it seems she has no intention of stopping despite her son being well into adulthood at this point.

“Well, since Pebblerun is busy… I will be needing your assistance today.” The healer watched the younger warrior seem to pause. This was not in his plans for today, but Whisperleaf didn’t really care. If Fallenscar was going to skip work, his uncle would find another task for him.

“Er… Okay. What do you want help with?” Fallenscar looked hesitant. “Is it going to take long?”

Whisperleaf casually raised an eyebrow at him. “Why? You made plans?”

Fallenscar shifted on his paws. “No…” Whisperleaf had a theory that his plans were to hang out with Cloverfall and Crowstar. They would probably go hunting, Fallenscar is a good hunter. The clan is full of good hunters, however, and Whisperleaf was in need of someone to help him carry a very special kind of herb.

“Just up to the Light Pillar and back, it likely won't take all day.” As he said this, Whisperleaf watched Fallenscar’s eyes glaze over. This would take a few hours, and the younger cat was not thrilled with this task. Letting out a chuckle, Whisperleaf lifted his paw and placed it on his nephew’s shoulder. “It will be fun!”

“Sure…” Fallenscar muttered disappointedly behind Whisperleaf as the two cat’s jumped over the camp wall and started walking. The journey to the Light Pillar was mostly silent. Whisperleaf would ask some questions here and there about Rockpaw’s training, but it was apparent that Fallenscar’s mind was elsewhere. This left Whisperleaf alone with his thoughts.

As they traveled, he could not seem to stop himself from wondering if Fallenscar was feeling punished by this. He tried to recall times before when he hung out alone with his nephew, just the two of them. There were not many memories without Cloverfall or Crowstar also being present. Was he too harsh with the boy? Whisperleaf looked at the dozing clouds on the horizon as he walked, an all too familiar feeling of dread welled up inside him. You are judging him too much. Whisperleaf closed his eyes while his worries started to run wild in his head. He’s going to leave, just like Fallensnow did. He will never trust you-

“Uncle?” Fallenscar’s voice brought Whisperleaf back to reality. He must have slowed down while lost in speculation, his fluffy nephew was standing quite a ways ahead of him.

“Sorry, Fallenscar. I’m coming, I was just lost in thought.” He trotted quickly to catch up, Fallenscar was wearing a new expression now.

As Whisperleaf took the lead again, Fallenscar fell in behind him. Inquisitively, he asked, “Were you thinking about Pebblerun?”

Whisperleaf caught himself before he could let too big of a smile across his face. “You think I’m just always being gay, huh?”

“No…” Fallenscar averted his gaze coyly. “I know you wanted to hang out with him today.”

Pebblerun’s son, Doveheart, and Fallenscar were the only ones that knew outright the kind of relationship the two senior cats had together. Whisperleaf suspected Crowstar knew as well. Thankfully, she was not the type to care very much so long as it posed no threat to her leadership.

Whisperleaf saw an opening. “I’m happy you came along, Fallenscar.” This was not his area of expertise, but he had to say something. “Thank you for the help.”

Fallenscar watched him with a puzzled expression. “I haven’t done anything yet, though?” Whisperleaf eased into a gentle smile. His brother’s kid was quite endearing, sometimes it felt like Fallensnow got reincarnated. Fallenscar had never met his father, and while some of it had to be genetic, it was more likely that he picked up this literality from Cloverfall.

The Light Pillar was only a short distance away now, but the silence had finally been broken. They carried on in a small, informal, conversation about the task at hand. Whisperleaf had brought him here once as an apprentice with Cloverfall, but he hadn’t been back since. He was not about to let his nephew be unprepared for any potential, though unlikely, problems that may occur at the Light Pillar.

Climbing over a small hill, they descended towards the twoleg garden that contained the plant they were looking for…


It was only found here at the Light Pillar. The twolegs grow it for their kittypets, but the clan healers occasionally need it for various uses. Whisperleaf had recently used a fair portion of his stock on Smallstripe and Halfshadow when they started showing symptoms of respiratory illness. He took pride in preventing them from getting seriously sick, which is a feat considering contagions can spread like wildfire. All herbs and their dosage levels are different, Whisperleaf rarely struggled to find methods to keep sickness at bay. Yet… There was something about catmint. He always knew the right measurements.

An uncomfortable feeling crawled throughout his body every time he acknowledged his prowess with this particular plant. His knowledge came from his mentor, who was downright obsessed with catmint. She… No. Whisperleaf was not going to contemplate her, not now. Not ever.

Pushing the thoughts aside, he focused on the task at hand. He scanned the perimeter, there were no twolegs about. Nobody was around aside from the birds singing in the nearby trees… Or so he thought. There was a cat, black and white. Whisperleaf recalled that the cats who live in the Light Pillar were both brown, he deduced this one must be new. They were napping on a flat rock, the sunlight shining down on their small body. Whisperleaf felt his eye twitch as he inched closer to this strange cat only to learn they smelled strongly of catmint.

They were not alone, but they might as well be. This cat is sound asleep, likely passed out due to over consumption of catmint. Whisperleaf internally scoffed at the laziness and made his way over to the plant. He began to collect the leaves when he heard Fallenscar start whispering from behind him.

“Whisperleaf? There’s a kittypet.” His voice was hushed. “What do I do?” Fallenscar’s eyes were wide with worry.

Unamused, Whisperleaf answered, “You should be spotting them before I do, you are the warrior escort.” He could sense that Fallenscar’s eyes likely got even bigger at that remark.

“Sorry.” Fallenscar paused briefly before continuing. “They’re not a threat, then?”

“You could always ask if they are.” The scent of the catmint was annoyingly filling Whisperleaf’s head. He didn’t want to snap at the boy for just being himself. Turning his focus towards the sound of Fallenscar padding away might keep the thoughts of his old teacher at bay. This is why Pebblerun is my preferred assistant for this… The dark gray cat already knew all there is to know about Tindermatch. He always helps distract me.

“Um… Hello? Are you okay?” Fallenscar was talking to the kittypet. Whisperleaf let out a small huff, it seems he was never going to learn that his nephew can’t tell when he’s not being serious. He swiveled his ears in their direction, listening in case someone needed rescuing.

There was no response, so Fallenscar asked again. “Excuse me?” An unfamiliar trilling sound was heard, the kittypet must have woken up finally.

“Mm? Hey there, stranger.” This cat had a unique voice, Whisperleaf figured they must not be native to the area.

“Hello, sorry to wake you. I just wanted to ask if you were okay with us harvesting some catmint for our clan?” That boy was as polite as ever. Whisperleaf was content to just steal however much he wanted, he couldn’t help but grin.

“Err, well. It ain’t really mine, so… Help yerself.” This cat's tone was extremely mellow. Good. The last thing he wanted was for Fallenscar to have a bad experience.

The air was silent for a long while, Whisperleaf paused and glanced over at them. The kittypet was licking their paws, Fallenscar was looking away. He must be feeling awkward.

“Where are you from, kittypet?” Whisperleaf asked while he returned to his harvest. Truthfully, he was not interested in whatever answer this cat had to offer. He only wanted to assist his nephew in the conversation.

“Somewhere far away, I think.” Was this cat messing with me? Whisperleaf did not feel like responding to the kittypet’s reply.

Fallenscar chimed back in, “What’s your name? Oh, and what pronouns do you go by?” Great Starclan, how is this Crowstar’s kid? Whisperleaf couldn’t help but look over at them again, this was kind of adorable.

“Ah… Am I not passing?” The black and white cat said with an easy smile. Before Fallenscar could embarrass himself by answering a rhetorical question, the little cat continued on cheerfully. “Name’s Evergreen, he and him only, please!”

“I’m Fallenscar, over there is my uncle, Whisperleaf. Same pronouns as you.”

“Why’s a handsome guy like yerself got such a funny name?” Evergreen pondered. Fallenscar seemed to turn to stone upon hearing this. I can’t see his face… Whisperleaf hoped his nephew would survive the stranger’s compliment.

The white and gray cat could barely stammer out a response. “U-Uh- We’re f-from the clans. There’s, uh. It’s called Oceanclan. T-That’s where we’re from.”

“Ah… Cultural differences.” Evergreen said rather plainly. “Ya live near the beach?”

“Y-Yes, sir.” Fallenscar was floundering.

This brings me back. Whisperleaf remembered the time he had to explain to a younger Fallenscar that he was not in fact sick with a fever, and instead had a crush on Doveheart. He got over that, he can get over this too. He’s a grown man. Despite that, the senior cat still readied himself to interrupt if necessary.

“Yer awfully formal, Fallenscar.” It was a casual remark. Evergreen definitely was still under the influence of catmint, it was possible he didn’t even know how flustered his new friend was.

“I, um, try to be kind.” Fallenscar was slowly regaining his composure. “I hope it’s not weird.”

“Awh, naw, not weird at all. Everyone can stand to be a little nicer, ‘specially to each other.” Evergreen gave a very genuine smile at this, and Fallenscar smiled back.

Fallenscar started talking about his role model, Cloverfall, and Evergreen was more than happy to listen. Whisperleaf had gathered more than enough catmint at this point, but he didn’t want to make them end their conversation so soon after it started. Fallenscar had friends in the clan, but not like this. It was cute watching them converse. He listened to them while he wrapped what he collected into larger leaves, bundling them together makes them easier to carry. He tied long blades of grass to keep the bundles from falling apart, and to also make a handle of sorts. After he finished, he waited and silently observed the two chatting.

“Ya okay over there, old man?” Evergreen’s out of pocket comment caught Whisperleaf off guard, Fallenscar was snickering. He narrowed his eyes at this bizarre cat.

Who’s this guy think he is? “I’m not old, boy.” Whisperleaf knows a joke when he hears one, so he would entertain it… Just this once. “Youths these days…” He said dramatically with a sigh, and the two younger cats giggled.

“Sorry, Whisperleaf. If you’re ready to go, I am too.” Fallenscar seemed to understand that the job was finished. So he can read some context clues… Whisperleaf nodded, and his nephew walked over to him. The two Oceanclan cats picked up the bundles and got ready to leave. Fallenscar paused, “Goodbye, Evergreen!” He waved his paw, and Evergreen waved back coolly.

Fallenscar was in a good mood, and his uncle was pleased that the day turned out well. He let the younger cat take the lead back to camp, though he felt he might soon regret it as Fallenscar’s delighted skipping made him move rather quickly.

“Someone’s very happy.” Whisperleaf said smugly, “You like that guy?”

“Yes, he was very nice to talk to!” It appeared nothing could break Fallenscar’s stride. “You were right earlier when you said it would be fun. I could come next time, too!”

“Are you feeling feverish at all?” He could not help himself, he watched Fallenscar nearly trip as he came to a halt.

“N-No!” Fallenscar jerked away to hide his face, he must be blushing. “D-Don’t tell anyone, please!”

Whisperleaf let out an empathetic laugh, “You’re fine, Fallenscar. I have no plans to tell anyone.” He brushed his tail against his nephew’s back in a comforting gesture.

Fallenscar grumbled quietly to himself before slowly beginning to walk again. “I don’t tease you about Pebblerun.”

“You just haven’t figured out how yet.” Whisperleaf smirked while following him. “You’re more than welcome to come with me to the Light Pillar at any time, Fallenscar.” He meant this genuinely.

Fallenscar nodded in response. Whisperleaf figured a subject change was due, so he searched his mind for a topic. They eventually began discussing what other herbs they could collect together, and that it’d soon be strawberry season. The older cat felt a sense of peace within him, he knew the feeling would not last… Nevertheless, he was happy to hold it even for just a short while. His relationship with Fallenscar was rocky at first, but he felt confident that things could get better. He just needed to keep trying.

He was not going to let him slip away like Fallensnow did. He was going to do better this time.

He will be there for him in ways that matter.