8 months, 16 days ago
8 months, 16 days ago
2 731

Entry 1
Published 8 months, 16 days ago

Well since I need writing practice, I might as well make one of these for Tectonic Crusade.

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Cooperate Th-Shopping. Shopping.

Dough found her way through the crowd with the alien headband she had crafted before the event toward the Kecleon Shop. She had been eager for Summerween despite it being so odd to her, but Dough had been a little discouraged to go after hearing Blitz had been attacked. Chimera convinced her to go since Dough herself had wanted to go so badly. She walked through the doors toward the counter where a cloaked Melody stood behind a counter with a bored expression. She was looking for some Oran berries to take to Chimera, and Blitz who was posted at the lookout station.

"Hi! Why are you guys open today?" She seemed puzzled by this and felt bad for the Kecleon who stood behind the counter with an intimidating scythe hung over the counter. The Kecleon peered over the counter, and let out a drawn-out sigh. "Trust me, I would love to close up shop if I could. Buut, Coperate says I need to stay open during festivals." Dough felt sorry for Melody, and wished she could take her position instead. Before Dough could open her mouth to say a word the trapinch stopped to watch Melody scan the doors. They proceeded to pull out a pouch of Pokecoin and drop it at Dough's feet(?). "If I can make a certain amount of Pokecoin then I can go off and enjoy the Summerween festival. Quick, go buy whatever you want with that money!" Dough squinted at the free cash that lay before her. Isn't this a crime? She wasn't going to open her mouth about it though...Money is money. Dough nodded at Melody who loomed over her, and went to go snag those Oran berries she had been looking for, but something had caught her eye. It was a purple disc that was on the floor, and it had been a little scratched up. Upon further inspection, Dough recognized it as a TM with tape on it. It was labeled as... outrage? Maybe..Maybe I could get that for Blitz! She would like it. She attempted to grab it with her mouth without scratching it and eventually put the basket with the oran berries in it on the ground vertically so she could push the disc in.

Okay..Chimera should be waiting at the lookout station with that Venipede. Hopefully Blitz is still there as well!

Author's Notes

Apologies for the abrupt ending. I hope this still reads well.