Birthday Mails

8 months, 30 days ago
7 months, 17 days ago
8 995 1

Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 30 days ago

A Collection of Birthday Mails from my Genshin OCs

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Sharing the Joy

Sender: Xue

Time/Date: 2021-02-01 00:00

When I was a child, I have always looked forward to my birthday. But ever since five years ago, there's no longer a sense of purpose in celebrating today.

Still, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate people's well wishes and gifts if they choose to acknowledge it.

In fact... the only reason why I still remember is because of my family. Those guys... no matter how preoccupied they are, they always seem to prepare a small surprise for myself. This year, they've gotten slightly grander.

Hence, I thought I'd share with you a little bit of joy they've brought me. I hope you'll like it as well.

Attachments: Northlander Polearm Billet x1 || Luminescent Sprite x10