Pink and Blue

9 months, 5 days ago
236 6 1

Mild Violence
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Pink and Blue
A patient mix of pink and blue
How could such soft colours make me weep
A terrifying mix of boy and girl
This vessel won't make it through the week
This symbol does nothing to represent my pain
It can't describe what I've been through
This vessel has been nothing but bad to me
A patient mix of pink and blue

Thank God for modern medicine
God gave me a body with the wrong organs
A frame made of blood, water, and snot
A heart made of atoms, uranium, and rot
I want to be beautiful like a me
I want to speak and recognise my words are mine
I want to be shrunken down so small and sweet
I want to sing until the pitch is right
And I want to watch Adventure Time
But girls don't watch Adventure Time
So all the girls pick on me
And they beat me up and they kick my teeth
And all of the boys spit on me
And they call me gay and they call me weak
Nobody is in love with you
I'm trapped somewhere inbetween

A patient mix of pink and blue
A future where I'll never be right
My favourite prisonĀ is my bedroom
I'm stuck in my head serving time
This story doesn't represent my pain
Nothing will ever be able to
Stuck between my genitals and trapped in my brain
A patient mix of pink and blue

And I am so jealous of you, you get to go outside and people look at you and they see a girl.