Lying by Omission

1 year, 6 days ago
2225 1

Umbra visits Hoshi. Things go downhill from there.

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Author's Notes

I implied something that something like this might happen in A Friendly Meeting ( ) but I didn't expect to get inspired to write it right away. Anyway, Umbra can be a little evil. As a treat.

Hoshi had been back to his home for a couple days after about a week and a half away. Umbra had kept him until next to last, and even though their conversation went like normal, Hoshi suspected that something was wrong. Umbra’s meetings were never exactly comforting, but they never made him this uneasy. Something about their smile was strained. Did they know that he was keeping his relationship with Iris from them? That was unlikely, but maybe they picked up on the fact that he was omitting information. He never did specify what the “personal issues” that made him a little late were. Was that what tipped them off?

Either way, he was home now. He and Umbra had never met at his house, so even if they came after him for information, they likely couldn’t find him. It was common sense for any businessmen to not meet with shady figures at your house or place of work, so Hoshi had always requested to meet at a restaurant or bar, sometimes even at Umbra’s choice of inn. Just never in his home.

Someone knocked at the door.

A shiver shot down Hoshi’s spine, but logically, it was probably just Iris coming to see him now that she had a day off. He didn’t think anyone else was home, so he went to answer.

When he opened the door, he was looking straight, because Iris was only slightly taller than him, and that’s who he was expecting. But no, all he saw was the tips of pitch black horns. Slowly following them down, he saw eight bright eyes and a counterfeit smile.


“Hoshi, how pleasant to see you so soon after our last meeting.” They held out a hand to shake, and they didn’t put it down, even after a long pause where a normal Okaa would be overwhelmed by awkwardness and forfeit the gesture. Hoshi hesitantly reached his own hand out. Umbra grabbed it in a vice grip. He’d seen them do this to Okaas that they wanted under their control, such as Rosie. He’d never thought it would happen to him. He’d thought that he and Umbra had been closer to equals than anything else, but it seemed that he was on thin ice to begin with. Hoshi put on a strained smile.

“Indeed, Umbra. I must ask how you managed to find me.” Their smile widened, almost seeming to split their face open.

“Oh, I just asked around. You’d be amazed what people are willing to share.” Shit, shit, shit. They said that that way on purpose. Now he was at a disadvantage of information, the worst kind. What did they know? What did they learn? What were they planning? Shit.

“Believe me, I am amazed.” Their grip around his wrist was starting to hurt. His voice was strained. If he needed to, he could overpower them in a fight, but he had no idea whether they had backup. From the meeting, he could tell that they had that new Okaa, Kellan, wrapped around their little finger. He could definitely overpower Hoshi in a fight, even with the missing arm. Now, Hoshi couldn’t see Kellan, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t there.

“May I come in?” Hoshi hesitated, not wanting to let them into his house, but they leaned in to whisper, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want others knowing that you’re a fraud.”


“Please, come in. I’ll show you to the parlor.” They stared into his eyes for a moment before finally letting go of his wrist. He gasped, resisting the urge to hold it, just in case people were watching. Without saying anything else, Hoshi grits his teeth and leads them into his home. Maybe he could salvage this. Somehow.

Once the two were in the parlor, Hoshi invited Umbra to sit down, and he sat himself, in an attempt to look like equals. He was relieved when they didn’t object. Were Umbra truly here to only hurt him, they would’ve demanded he stand. And he would’ve. He didn’t know who all they knew. They suspected that no one did. That made them extremely dangerous. He would submit in seconds were they to demand it, as long as he could maintain his life. Better to live happily under someone than die miserably but free. He knew that Iris would disagree.

“So, Hoshi, do you know why I’m here?” Hoshi had an idea, but he wasn’t sure if saying so was the best idea… but playing dumb sounded worse.

“Vaguely, but I’d appreciate if you explained.” He finally allowed himself to rub at his wrist. Umbra never stopped smiling.

“I see. Well, let’s make something clear. You work for me. I may help you out sometimes, but you work for me. You know that I can cut you off at any time. I know that I’ve been inserted into your plan. You are valuable to me, just as I am valuable to you. You might want out, but for the time being, I need you and your reach. I would like to treat you well. But when you omit the information that I find so valuable, that is nearly unforgivable. Since you are one of mine, I will forgive you. Now, I know you have a rivalry with the Okaa down the street. I had assumed that that was part of the personal issues you had mentioned. Is that correct?”

“I, um. Yes.” Hoshi fidgeted with his hands. “I merely thought–”

Umbra held up a hand, dropping their smile, and immediately silencing him. They were looking towards the window. A silhouette stood outside beyond the curtain. With a single snap from Umbra, a second shadow dropped from above, causing the Okaa listening in to yelp. Soon, there was another knock on the door.

“Why don’t you go answer the door, Hoshi?”

Hoshi swallowed, standing up and going to the front door. He slowly opened it to reveal none other than Kellan. Hoshi stared at Kellan for a moment before his attention was drawn to the Okaa writhing in his arm.


“Hoshi? What’s going on?” His heart dropped. Why was…?

“Oh, a new guest.” Umbra’s voice rang clear from down the hallway. “Why don’t you invite her in, Hoshi?”

Without a word, he stepped aside, opening the door further. Kellan practically dragged Iris inside, and though Hoshi wanted to stand up for her, he knew that it would be better if he said nothing. Eventually everyone was back in the parlor, now with two new Okaas. Kellan dropped Iris, who got up instantly, seeming to be prepared to give him a piece of her mind. Panic welled in Hoshi’s chest.

“Iris. Please don’t.” She looked incredibly confused, then read the room. Kellan looked mildly annoyed, Hoshi was getting close to terrified, and Umbra was once again wearing that face-splitting smile. As smart as she was, she seemed to conclude that staying quiet was the best course of action and sat down. Kellan huffed . "Thank you for joining us officially, Miss Iris. Did no one teach you that eavesdropping is rude?" Umbra looked at her directly. She flinched.

"Apologies. I was merely worried for the safety of my friend." Hoshi cringed, she didn't have to share that. This was a game– no, a war of information. The less shared the better. But Iris didn't know this. He could only assume that she saw Umbra grabbing his wrist and assumed the worst.

"Oh?" They started, still smiling, "I would never put my friend here in any danger, not unless he was asking for it."

It was a half-truth that served to both confuse Iris and threaten Hoshi. Kellan stood by the door. Hoshi wondered if he could grab Iris and escape. Through the window maybe… but they'd be on the run. Umbra was not the type to let things go. They’d send Kellan and whoever else they knew here to hunt them down while they burned their homes and left no trace of their involvement. Iris would never abandon her home that easily. So, running was off the table. Back to plan A: salvaging this, somehow.

“Umbra, she does not know anything about us, the most she knows is that I was gone for a week and a half. Believe me, she does not pose a threat–”

“She was listening to our private discussion. There are certain things I can’t have shared with the public.”

“Was any of what we talked about part of those certain things? Did she hear anything worth punishment?” Umbra tilted their head back, humming, looking down their nose at him, analyzing.

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. But the act of eavesdropping itself is an offense to both of us. In fact…” They brought a hand up to their chin, “She called you a friend, but wasn’t she the one who was your business rival for the past few years? Have things changed? Or is she gleaning information in order to bring you down?”

“I would nev–”

“Iris,” Hoshi said firmly, “Please stay out of this.”

To his surprise, Umbra began to laugh.

“On the contrary, Hoshi, I believe that she should be more involved. She already knows so much, after all.”

Shit. Fuck. This was the last thing he wanted. Damnit!

A low, frustrated growl involuntarily came out of Hoshi’s throat. Umbra looked almost impressed.

“Oho? Do you object, Hoshi? I thought that Miss Iris here was naught more than a thorn in your side. I will ask you again, have things changed?” Hoshi figured that he could maybe fix things by telling the truth. Or, at least part of it.

“Yes, they have. Very recently, I might add. Iris and I are friends and business partners. We are planning to merge our businesses into one by the end of the year.”

“Oh, how exciting. Please, do tell, how are you planning on doing so?” Hoshi got the feeling that they already knew, but he said it anyway.

“We are to wed, early next year.” Umbra chuckled.

“If you are to be business partners, should she not be aware of all of your business? And you haven’t answered my question. Do you object to her becoming part of my network?”

“I…” He hesitated. This seemed like a trap. No matter what he said, he felt it was going to end badly. So he thought for a moment before gathering the courage to speak. “I don’t think she’d be a good fit. Unless you want to end up with another Okaa like Rosie, I do not believe that it would be a good idea to recruit her. She’s stubborn and holds fast to her opinions and morals. I doubt she’d enjoy working for you, and I doubt you’d enjoy having her. Please, consider another option.” Though they kept their smile, Umbra’s eyes narrowed.

“I see. Well, another possible betrayal does not sound exactly comforting, but she is another possible thread in my web as well. I need connections, Hoshi, and the Beachsiders are a great source of information.”

“But surely you could find an Okaa with more connections than her, she rarely ever leaves town. Even I know more Okaas than Iris. I could introduce you to another Okaa in the tribe that would be of much more use to you. Please, don’t get Iris involved.”

“You must care quite a lot to resort to begging. But very well, if you can introduce me to this Okaa say, tomorrow, it would be much appreciated.” Umbra stood, beginning to walk out of the parlor door. “Also, Miss Iris,” They looked over their shoulder and she looked up from where she was sitting, “Should a single word get out about this conversation… hm. I could burn your house down, does that seem fair?” Their smile widened further. Iris was about to speak, but Hoshi placed a hand on her shoulder. Without an answer, Umbra walked out of Hoshi’s house.

Iris looked at Hoshi with a half scared, half angry look on her face. Hoshi felt terrible.

“Hoshi, who was that?” She pointed towards the front door.

“That was Umbra. They’re… a business partner, in some respects. In others, they’re my boss. They aren’t always like that, but if they feel threatened…”

“What did you do to make them feel threatened?!”

“I didn’t update them about our relationship.”

“How does that–”

“I lied by omission, and they see that as a betrayal. Or, at least, dishonesty. Dishonesty sows distrust, and they need to be able to trust all of their contacts completely. Or perhaps, trust that they won’t stage a coup.” Iris looked horrified.

“When did you get involved with them?”

“About four years ago.”

“Really? That long? How have you two not butted heads before?”

“I never had anything to protect before, besides my business. You’re the first thing worth lying about.” Iris glared.

“I’m not so important that you need to endanger yourself.”

“I disagree.” Hoshi smiled, and unlike Umbra’s unnaturally large grin, his was warm.

Author's Notes

I hope you enjoyed!!