Flash Prompt Corn Maze

9 months, 7 days ago

Toke gets lost in a corn maze on purpose.

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”Corn maze... scream if you get lost.” Toke reads the sign out loud as he looks at the maze ahead of him. The corn is tall, maybe a head taller than him, and somewhere in there he can hear people laughing and talking as they make their way through the maze.

Its one of the highlights of this fair, has to be when its so big you can get lost, right? But this maze, this sign, it gives Toke a devious idea and he looks around to see anyone meant to go fetch people out of the maze, just to see who he is going to be messing with.
He sees a girl around his age, bored out of her mind, and thinks to her ‘Youre gonna get to work for this’, before he sets off into the maze, no rhyme or reason.

He waits till he is far enough in, laughing the whole way but trying to keep it cool. He passes couples and kids on the way, speeding up to get to where he thinks is deep enough faster, then he cups his hands by his mouth and screams a loud “AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!”

He waits for a moment, to make sure the girl at the front hears him, then screams again and sets off running. He runs through the maze, no thoughts to where he is going, screaming every now and then while trying not to laugh too loud for whoever is trying to find him to hear it. He wants them chasing shadows in here, the sound of someone screaming without anyone to find.

At one point he accidentally arrives at the exit, but he isn’t done, so he runs back in, screaming again a few times.
The fun only stops when the girl from the front finds him, more luck than anything, and he is angrily asked to leave the maze.