Shiki before Prison

8 months, 13 days ago
1153 1

Explicit Violence
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Shiki Hanzo was the youngest in the family, and they carried the weight of high expectations in this household. For years, they have been known for their amazing talent, with most family members attending prestigious art universities. His older sister, Aria, had effortlessly passed the entrance exam for the university she wanted to go on her first attempt. But Shiki struggled, unable to match his sisters success and talent. Each failed attempt at the entrance exam made him even more upset. He couldn't help but compare themselves to Aria, who had easily became an artist celebrity, with her work displayed in galleries all around the house and around the world. One evening, as the family gathered for a reunion, Shiki was supposed to go to sleep but instead overheard whispered voices coming in the living room. Curiosity got to them, and as they slowly approached the door, their father was talking to the group of close family friends.

"Its important that Aria always comes first." The Father murmured. "Ive been making sure for many years now.. the Hanzo legacy must continue. Shiki was already a failure in the beginning, we shouldn't waste our time on that kid." Shiki's world went dark at that moment. The realization that his father had rigged every competition for his favorite child, Aria, was a betrayal that cut deeper than all of their failed exams. The Hanzo family's success has been built on a lie since the very beginning. Infuriated and deeply hurt, Shiki quickly confronted their father about this. The conversation did not go well at all.

Shiki's voice trembled with anger and betrayal. "How could you do this, Father? I thought our family was built on honesty, not deception??!!"

His father, wearing a cold expression, attempted to justify his actions. "Shiki, you don't understand the pressure I'm always under. Aria's success reflects on me, the family... I cant afford any failures in this household."

Shikis anger grew, clenching their fists. "But what about me? What about my dreams?! You're just willing to sacrifice them for your reputation? Is that it?!! You've been robbing me of the opportunity to prove myself!!! To make myself seen!!"

Their father sighed, covering his face with a disappointed look. "It's not about sacrificing your dreams. You're simply just not as talented as Aria. I'm saving you from embarrassment."

"Haah?!! That's not something for you to decide!! I should have the chance to prove myself... and YOU'VE BEEN DENYING ME THT OPPORTUNITY FOR YEARS!"

Their fathers manipulative tactics became more evident as he said, "Shiki, think about it. Aria's success is what brings honor to our family. Your success, on the other hand, would simply tarnish our name. Lets talk about this another time, okay?"

Tears of frustration welled up in Shikis eyes as they realized how selfish his father could be. "This is so ridiculous... I won't be a pawn in your game, Father.. Ill prove to you that I can be better than her!"

When the next competition came, Shiki was determined to rely on their skills and hard work they've been practicing ever since. They poured endless of hours into perfecting their art, seeking praise from their family. However, when the results came, Shiki's heart sank. They had hoped their efforts would be rewarded but their place was far from their usual second place. To make things worse, Aria received the largest trophy, a painful reminder to Shiki that it was all rigged once again. As the curtains fell, and the crowd leaves, leaving only Shiki and Aria in an empty room, the tension between them was rough.

Shiki quickly grabbed Aria in the shoulder and pushed her. "Hey.. you knew this would happen, didn't you? How could you let him to this to me?!!" His voice quivered with frustration.

Aria avoided eye contact, her voice barely a whisper."I'm sorry Shiki... I really don't know what you're talking about but.. father has always had his way, no?"

"You were the golden child, always the favorite. You could've stood up for me.. but instead, you just let it all happen? Was achieving art more important than defending your sibling?! Did I ever do anything to make you mad?!!"

Her eyes teared up as she met his mean gaze. "Shiki... please.. I was afraid. Afraid of loving everything, just like you."

The room seemed to close in on them as the weight of their fathers manipulation and their own family's betrayal hung heavy in the air. The Hanzo siblings that were once close were now torn apart by years of their fathers deception.

Arias heart was heavy as she watched Shiki having to endure all of this not only because of their father but because of her. She couldn't bear to see him suffer any longer, and the guilt ate her. She wanted this whole ordeal to end, not just for her sake, but for his as well. "Hey Shiki... lets just put an end to this whole thing. I cant stand seeing you go through all of this pain.. trust me, I've always cared about you. I feel your pain!" Aria breaks down crying.

Shiki still is skeptical. He has been hurt too many times to feel bad for Aria.. he just couldn't believe her words. Despite this, he puts on a happy face and pretended to forgive his sister. He knew that Aria cared for him but he didn't want to burden her with his pain. As Aria slowly approached Shiki for a hug, tension hung in the air. Nobody else could understand what Shiki was really going through, not even his sister he thought. Just as she was about to embrace him, Shiki's emotions overcame him, and did the unthinkable. In a sudden move, he quickly grabbed her big trophy, which was sharp, and slashed her neck.

Aria gasped and grabbed her neck to try to stop the bleeding but fell to the ground, hopeless. "Sh...Shiki.. why..?" her voice shakes in pain.

Shiki kneels down, smiling at her in the most sinister way. "Aria.. At first you really convinced me to forgive you but seriously, there's no one in this world who could POSSIBLY understand what I've been feeling. That's just absurd! Especially coming from someone who was successful since the beginning." He laughed hysterically. "Sorry Aria, I just cant let you continue on like this. Never. I need to be seen too."

"Ah.." The sister thought. "I think that was the first time hes ever called me by my name." He then hits the final blow in her head with her trophy, watching her take her last breathes.

Shiki gets up and brushes off his clothes. "Lets see. I should probably make a painting out of this.. I shouldn't just let her go to waste."

He picks up the canvas, paint brushes and starts to paint with her blood on it.(WHAT THE HELL BOY!!!!!!!!!!)