Guys is yaoi real

8 months, 13 days ago
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Takuya and Sumni sat together on a bench, enjoying a moment from the daily grind of prison life. The conversation was casual until Sumni noticed something had been bothering Takuya.

Sumni casually asks, "Hey, kid, you've seemed a bit down lately ever since that cute girl asked that dating question.. did something happened?" (Sumni sometimes forgets other prisoners name...)

Takuya glanced at her nervously, his gaze dropping to the ground. "W-well... I feel like I'm not a good enough person for all of that dating stuff. I'm always nervous, and if I get too excited about something, I'll probably be seen as a creep. I don't think I have any experiences for this reason, but it's just sad for me."

Sumni, not one to mince words, slapped him on the back. "Kid, why are you always so down and looking at the bad stuff every time? Dude, at one point, you should be able to enjoy things, so avoid being so gloomy all the time, okay?" She was genuinely worried about Takuya but tried to remain positive for his sake. "Anyways, enough of that gloomy talk. Who would you really date? Like, for real real?"

Takuya had to pause and think about this, and a moment of silence hung in the air. His ears turned a shade of red as he hesitated to answer. "Why do you want to know it so bad, t-though?" he stammered. "I find it kind of silly-"

Sumni interrupted him with another slap on the back. "Kid! It shouldn't hurt to try. It's not like anyone else would know about it, right? I'll keep my lips sealed. I'm not like those people who would ramble about others."

Taking a deep breath, Takuya decided to answer quickly, almost incoherently.

"Huh?" Sumni responded, puzzled. "What did you say...?"

Takuya, now extremely flustered, repeated the gibberish even faster. Sumni's patience was wearing thin, and she gave him a death glare. "Takuya Shun, just say it."

This response frightened Takuya, and he finally spoke up in a normal tone. "It might.. be Jun."

Sumni gasped and couldn't contain her excitement, roughly patting his back in joy. "OOH? I don't think I've seen that side of you before! Good for you dude good for you!!!" Her enthusiasm was crazy, and for a moment, Takuya couldn't help but smile, feeling a bit better from her support.

Author's Notes

ok guys... maybe it is real.