FFXIVwrite 2023 - 20 Hamper

8 months, 23 days ago

Fraideoux is a humble retainer who thirsts for his Mistress.

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Fraideoux had found himself absolutely mystified by his mistress from the moment she'd been hired by her.

Mjna Lhunar. She was strong, and lively, passionate in every sense of the word, and a savant of the harp. Her voice was hypnotic, whether she be speaking or singing and watching the way her fingers danced along the strings of her instrument was a magical sight to behold.

Fraideoux loved her vigor, but above all else, there was something about seeing her in her more gentle moments that really pulled at his heartstrings.

Most days Mjna would be her usual self, eager to be off to the next party. Whenever he would bring her tea with breakfast in the mornings, she joked about starting the day with wine instead.

Actually he wasn't so sure it was a joke, but she never complained when the cup was just tea. She always thanked him most graciously.

On rare occasion however, there would be a morning where she'd be still staving off the past nights excitement. Fraideoux would greet her and let in a little light and fresh air before getting to cleaning and she'd groggily mumble at him from bed as he went about the room. Sometimes she wouldn't even stir and continue to sleep peacefully, a painting of picture perfect serenity.

She was beautiful, a stereotypical Roegadyn beauty. Tall and buxom with a strong nose and fierce eyes. Her skin was like the night sky and deeply beautiful. Her piercing platinum gaze always seemed to be holding a secret just out of reach, stringing everyone along with the promise of it, but not when she was sleeping. No the peace on her face made him feel as if they were not at the brink of war.

It wasn't that Fraideoux preferred her to be anything that she wasn't. He enjoyed her spirited and enthusiastic banter whenever she gave him attention, but Mjna Lhunar seldom rested, and he felt special for getting to see her take those moments. He liked that she was able to feel that comfortable around him.

So Fraideoux showed up to the Bloumhaerz whenever his Mistress was in town.

I wasn't usually within a retainers duties to do such work, but Mjna also didn't ask for too much of him in form of ventures. So he cooked for her, and cleaned for her, and enjoyed every moment. She'd actually insisted he didn't need to do the cleaning at first, but after his first visit to her room there, he couldn't bare seeing his Mistress living in squalor. She spent most of her time out, and he didn't know how she managed to clutter up the place so often.

Bottles of wine, empty and strewn about. A complete disaster. He'd trip on at least one each visit. Her underthings and overthings and all sorts of unmentionables would end up everywhere.

Except for in the clothing hamper.