Little friends, Big adventures

8 months, 23 days ago
8 months, 23 days ago
1 400

Entry 1
Published 8 months, 23 days ago

Prompt entries for the Little friends, Big adventures prompt

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Sneaky theft

     The door closed gently with a soft ‘click’, metal near silently scraping as the key left the lock. Astrolas had left the shop, likely to return hours later with new trinkets. Stellure’s head untwisted from beneath her wing, looking to the door to confirm her owner’s departure. The perch, or more accurately; the cat tree she layed in, wobbled just the slightest as she rose. Earlier that morning she had pitched a fit over it, dramatically making a show of her disapproval to Astrolas.

     Her wings stretched wide to her sides, her neck bowing in the movement, before settling back into a standing position. Stellure scanned the room around her. The shop was a mess; as it usually is. The shelves were empty, its contents most of which were relocated to the floor by the shop keep. She could also spot that the cauldron wasn’t empty, and huffed in annoyance - the contents had splashed out the night before and stained some of her feathers. Looking a little further around the room, she spotted a box. The lid lay atop, but wasn’t fastened or even fully in the closed position. Poking out she could see a corner of what looked like fabric, slightly glimmering in the light. Taking a peek at her bedding, it had a significant lack of extra padding. Sure the bedding is soft and plush, but no nest is complete without extra padding.

     Stellure’s talons thudded softly on the platforms as she hopped down from the highest point, her last jump ending with a tap of her claws reaching the hardwood flooring. Her head held high, she marched over to the previously spotted box. The lid wasn’t heavy, and flew off with relative ease with a peck of her beak. Swiftly picking up the fabric she had previewed from her bed, she waddled back over to add it to the nest. After she was satisfied with how it was tucked in, she looked back to the box, and then to the nest. Yes, she needed more items to fill out the rest of the space the fabric piece didn’t cover to her liking. She slowly hauled more and more “bedding” from the box to her nest, and once finally finished, she proudly nestled back in. She sighed in content with her new bright and colourful bedding, shimming deeper into it.