Dungeon Diving: Team Riptide

8 months, 26 days ago

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Ruin double checked the breathing device that was strapped around his face before giving his teammates a quick nod. The three dove into the water of the dungeon they were exploring. Ruin frowned as he struggled to keep up with his teammates. Hopefully he'd manage to evolve soon and this wouldn't be an issue. For now though he was stuck using things to help him breath underwater and relying on whatever swimming abilities he had as a non water type. When he'd formed this team he'd thought it would only be a matter of time before he'd be able to evolve into a vaporeon and have no issues with dealing with the water based dungeons he and his team preferred to tackle. Yet when he'd gone to get a stone from the market a sense of wrongness had settled over him and he'd ended up leaving empty handed. If he apparently didn't want to evolve into a vaporeon then why was he so drawn to the water? Honestly it was something he wanted to look into but just hadn't really had the time between everything that had been going on. He really should make the time to figure it out soon though.

Triton paused and turned around to give Ruin a questioning look, no doubt making sure this he was alright. Ruin waved him off and kept swimming. The dungeon they'd picked to explore was rather small, done put of courtesy for Ruin. Despite not being a water type he was at least a decent swimmer, which is why they'd picked an underwater dungeon at all. As the trio swam through Ruin made sure to mentally take not of anything interesting or important. They'd need to get this information back to the guild later after all. Thankfully it seemed like the feral pokemon population was rather small. It didn't take much for Leviathan and Triton to scare off the few that approached them.

As they dove deeper Ruin couldn't help but be impressed by the massive rock formations and coral that grew on them. It was certainly one of the prettier dungeons he'd been able to explore. Thankfully he could see the bottom, and it wasn't so deep that light from above couldn't reach. Ruin and Triton landed on the sandy bottom, choosing to walk around rather than fully swim. Meanwhile Leviathan swam quickly back and forth overhead, keeping an eye out for any threats. There didn't seem to be much down here besides the natural beauty of the coral reef, but hey that information was still important to pass on. Ruin was about ready to call it when Triton grabbed his attention before pointing to a partially buried piece of rock. Ruin tilted his head in silent question. What was so interesting about a rock?

Triton huffed a silent sigh before going to dig at the soft sediment around the rock. Ruin stood there for a moment longer before going over to help. If his teammate thought it was something interesting he'd help. At some point Leviathan came over and gestured for them to move away from the rock. Once they were clear Leviathan used a clearly not full power whirlpool which cleared away the sediment far faster than them digging would have. Ruin gave them a grateful nod before looking at what they'd uncovered. Now that he could see more of it, it was clearly a statue of some sort. Brushing away some of the sand that had fallen on to it he realized it was a statue of manaphy. Well of all the things he was expecting to find down here a legendary pokemon statue was not one of them.

He glanced up at his two teammates to judge their reaction to the find. They both seemed to be a mixture of confused and excited at the find. Seems like they were all on a similar page then. After several minutes of checking the statue out Triton waved to grab their attention, letting them know he was going to look around some more. Ruin nodded at him. The team searched around the area for a while longer, but Ruin felt like they'd done a thorough enough job already. Honestly he wasn't too sure how useful their information would be, as far as he knew there weren't too many aquatic based teams out there, but he was glad they could contribute at all. Soon enough it was time to begin their slow ascent to the surface. The trip up would give them time to check any areas they missed on the way down too. Heaving a silent sigh Ruin followed along behind his much faster teammates. Yeah, he really needed to figure himself out soon. Maybe he should look into those new evolutions that had been showing up for a while...