Nowhere to Hide

8 months, 7 days ago


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[ Wolfpaw ]

Wolfpaw’s brows were deeply set as his small paws slowly slunk along the outside edges of the camp. He was up to his usual avoidance of a certain few cats, but mostly his mentor, Batstep. He and the black tom had yet to speak much since Wolfpaw’s little outburst during one of their training sessions, and the apprentice wanted to keep it that way for just a while longer. He and Vulture wouldn’t be sticking around these clan cats for much longer anyways…

The white and gray striped tom had usually found a quieter comfort near the nursery, sage’s den, or elder’s den. But after a few recent events, he wanted to stay away from the nursery, and the recent meeting had settled an odd vibe around the elder’s den as well. So unfortunately, his last remaining place of freedom was near the sage’s den.

It was hard to miss the familiar sight of the den, but if one couldn’t find it by sight, the strong scent of herbs and other out of place smells could surely point a cat in the right direction. Which honestly was another plus as it would help disguise his scent some. Wolfpaw crept as quietly as he could into the den, settling himself down just behind the wall making up the entrance so he could have a clear view of who might be heading to the same den at any point.

[ Ghostkit ]

Ghostkit had been absentmindedly in the den he shared with Beetlepaw, while throwing his paws over the nest's edge, making indentations in the dirt with his claw. Despite the mass depression, and hysteria along with emotions that had swamped the camp since the past few days, Ghost still found himself unreasonably bored. Dark and Withered had been super busy as of recent with Pepper or Springcloud, and he wasn’t allowed to even visit Drizzle or Dew. Not to mention the shock of stump coming in diverted all of the sage's attention that was usually on him, to the half-dead warrior. So, while the situation sucked, Ghost didn’t exactly end up losing anything but things to do.

The small kit however perked up when he heard someone stalk in the den, and glancing up from the shapes he was doodling to see Wolfpaw swoop into the den. Ghostkit got to his paws upon seeing the other cat, a smile already forming on his face. Ghostkit of course, recognized Wolfpaw almost instantaneously, he was basically his best friend after all (only ghost thinks that). And Ghost couldn’t think of a cooler person to spend his time with, other than like the super cool leader or something but that didn’t count. Upon noticing that Wolfpaw had his whole face turned to the entrance, watching it rather diligently; Ghost had the idea to scare the other cat.

Ghost would probably say it only half worked though as the jingling from his kitty pet bell gave him away before he wanted to be revealed, it was ok though; because either way he got his friends attention! And once Wolf looked at him, Ghost broke into a slight purr, as his tail flapped on the ground; mewing a “Hewlo!” in greeting. Ghost scanned Wolf over just to see if anything changed, and coming to the conclusion nothing really did exactly change (Other than the fact he’s shrinking to Ghost). Ghostkit just settled on staring at his friend before adding on to his last statement, “How’s are yous?” with a chirp.

[ Wolfpaw ]

Wolfpaw caught the sound of the familiar jingling noise before he saw his "attacker", but that didn't make him startled any less. He jumped up, his fur bristling and ears pinned back defensively in alarm. "Don't do that!" He mewed insistently, feeling his heart pounding away in his chest as he tried to settle himself back down after the initial shock of being spooked by the kit. He did manage to say "Hello.." back as he licked his chest fur, trying to smooth it back down. Honestly, his plan to try and remain unnoticed never seemed to go well when it came to Ghostkit being around, but the kit's company wasn't intolerable by any means, Wolfpaw just didn't know how to act around other cats his age, especially ones with so much more energy and enthusiasm.

"Fine, I guess." Wolfpaw answered, but after a beat or two felt like that was a little too bland to say. "Just taking a break from training." Was what he settled with, which wasn't entirely a lie, just a stretched truth. No harm, no foul. His icy gaze glanced over Ghostkit briefly, noting that the kit was starting to grow more since he first arrived to the clan. He wondered for a moment if he planned to keep the jingling object around his neck, or would eventually remove it, but he decided to save the question for another time.

"Are they treating you alright around here?" Wolfpaw remembered how Birchskip's kits would tease him a lot while they were in the nursery together. It was never out of malicious intent, but he still remembered the brothers mimicking him and pulling a few pranks when he wasn't watching close enough. But a small part of him wondered if Ghostkit was receiving any of the same treatment from any of the cats during his time with the clan so far, especially the clan born ones.

[ Ghostkit ]

Ghost giggled as Wolf reacted just as he was expecting. And the kit grinned at Wolf’s fluffed up state bouncing on his paws. And flicking tail back and forth he hummed at his older friend as he answered his question. And as Wolf mentions taking a ‘break from training’ Ghost's eyes lit up.  “WOWS YOU WEALLY DO TRAINWINGS? You gotss two show me’s sometime!” he mewed rather loudly, and if no one noticed wolf and Ghost before, they definitely did now. Ghost's face was scrunched up in a warm smile as he stared at his friend for a few beats of silence, before Wolf asked another question and Ghost perked his ears.

‘Are they treating you alright around here.’ Ghost stared at Wolf as he asked the question before he squinted thinking about it. Sure, he had had the run in with Lobelia, but maybe the she-cat was just having a bad day; plus, he had made up with the she-cat, and made plenty of new friends. So of course, Ghostkit couldn’t be happier at the idea of the clan, and he vocalized just that;  “Y-YWES!!” Ghost spouted enthusiastically towards Wolf, “I’s haves looooooots of fwiends!! Like you’s or darkes or Withwered! And even thouwghs, there was like a meeaannns cwat; I think it’s going- very well!!'' His emphasis on W’s made it a little harder to understand, but he seemed to get the point across well enough.

Ghost then tilted his head,  “Why’s did ywous have a bad experienceses? Was it with Bewwa too?” he questioned while scooting a little closer to Wolf so he could hear him better. The grin on Ghosts face seemed to be permanently stuck, though especially when he happened to be around Wolf, adoring his cooler older friend. And Ghost clearly liked spending time with the other cat, if that wasn’t obvious from the way he ran over. The brown kit leaned slightly from side to side, he looked expectantly to Wolf. Seeming to be the most attentive he’d been in a while.

Author's Notes

[ Wolfpaw ]
Words: 556

[ Ghostkit ]
Words: 683