The Story of Kanis

8 months, 20 days ago
8 months, 20 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 20 days ago

First Intro into Kanis's Lore

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Chapter 1

Out in the depths of darkness there lives a pale wolf whose mother was a white doe and whose father was a shadow. Her name is Kanis, and her eyes were red and pure. When Kanis was a pup, she always looked up to her mother who was bright and beautiful and feared her father who was dark and illusive. Her mother would show her love and make her excited for each day. But when Kanis got too excited or played too much her father would step in to remind her, "It is not good for you to be excited. It is not good for you to play. You are being a foolish creature. you will become someone's prey" This would sadden and anger the wolf pup. she would always wonder "what is wrong with being excited what is wrong with playing? I am not a foolish creature! I will never become prey!" Her innocence was founded upon her sheltered life. Only being warned about the horrors of the outside by her parents. Moreover, she was warned of the shame of being tricked over anything else. "Those who are fooled are fools" her father would say.

When it was time for her to be set free, she feared the world. Though her fear was not rooted in her innocence. Instead, her fear was rooted in the tales her father would tell her. She trotted throughout the world with her eyes widened and pure. Everywhere she looked it was dark. Not a single path was lit accept one. On it was a mystical creature. It approached her gracefully. Its presence at first made her uncomfortable so she drew back from him. But then he spoke, "what is wrong pretty young wolf? have I offended you? Have I harmed you?"

"no" she answered "but I have been warned about great beasts that will prey on me."

"Who told you of such things?" he asked.

"My shadow, my father" Kanis answered.

"Well, there are beasts within this world they have harmed me before. But I am not a beast, and I will not prey on you."

Kanis was eased and quickly became acquainted with the being that took the form of a mystical wolf. As they journeyed on Kanis walked on the right and the wolf walked on the left. Eventually the wolf told Kanis that his name was ****. The two became well acquainted. They spent time together and the two assisted each other as they journeyed in the dark. Kanis became excited at the thought of having such a close companion. **** spoke with eloquence. He opened his mouth and moved Kanis with his words.

"You have grown up living with beasts you see. That is why you are so afraid. Follow me beautiful wolf. Follow me and I will give you what you desire. I can give you endless light." he assured.

Kanis was a bit skeptical "and what will you want in return? "

"Nothing darling wolf. Just follow my lead. Do as I say, and I will lead you to endless light."

So Kanis followed him, and she became comfortable walking on his right side. The comfort she felt excited her. She was happy to be with someone who made her feel safe. Who made her feel like all of her worries were not to be worried about.

As she walked, she admired ****'s beauty. So focused on his beauty. So focused on the beautiful things showed her. So focused that she did not notice the chains forming around her.