Crowley Lore

8 months, 9 days ago

Thumbnail is made by coalanin on Twitter

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Crowley is a small demon octopus who's been zombified ages ago in their life.

They often get teased by their peers for being a small creature, but that never got Crowley's spirit down!
They were determined to make great things of their life one day.

One day they were chilling in their realm, watching all their peers fly or walk past them.
Sighing to themselves, they dug themselves into the sandy ground, hiding from everyone else.
Suddenly one of their tentacles started glowing, followed up by another one of them glowing.
They were glowing a strange blue color, but how is that possible?

Crowley shot up from the sand, racing to one of their peers, panicking and asking them for help, but the much taller creature laughed in their face and pushed them away.
As the little creature was panicking, more of their body started to glow this weird shade of blue.

A crowd of other entitites started forming around him, some enjoying Crowley's panick, some concerned for the little creature.
In reality? None of them knew what was happening to the little guy at all, they thought of anything that made their minds at ease.
Some thought Crowley was being taken away for punishment for whatever reason..

Right as Crowley's small body was fully glowing this blue shade, they popped out of their realm and were brought onto earth.
The little octopus closed their eyes, a small tear escaping from one of them, as fear took over their entire being.
Crowley was supposed to be a strong ancient being, yet here they were.. Scared.. Terrified even, of what could be their new fate.

A low chuckle was heard from across Crowley, as an unfamiliar hand reached out to wipe away the small tear.
Crowley opened one eye, and was met with bright orange eyes, who looked at them with nothing more but admiration and love.
The fear that once took over the small creature faded away instantly, as they felt accepted and welcomed by this unknown stranger.

"Hi there Crowley," the stranger said to them, brushing away part of their split dyed hair from their eyes.
"My name is Fi." they continued, extending a hand, and Crowley immediately extended their tentacle as they shook each others hand/tentacle.

Turned out, little Crowley was summoned by Fi, and Crowley wouldn't have had it any other way.
They became best friends almost instantly, as Fi treated them with respect, and love. They occasionally would tease one another when something would go wrong, but they'd never cross a line like Crowley's peers did.