Aries Lore

8 months, 9 days ago

Thumbnail made by MasayumeBERRY on Twitter

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Aries is a chaotic fae bat creature, they're generally not big creatures, but rather small even.
Aries is a really expressive little fella, as their cloudy body changes color corresponding to how they feel,

On most days, Aries likes to fly around in their realm, and occasionally sneaking out to other realms.
They get bored easily, and have seen every corner, every crack, every plant and every creature in their own realm,

After many years of traveling between realms, they've seen everything there can be seen in all of these different realms.. except for one..
Earth.. Aries has explored all realms, except for the biggest one of them, earth.

The second they went through the portal to earth, their little cloudy body turned yellow in excitement and joy. They couldn't believe what they were seeing!
Creatures of different hybrids! But mostly creatures, that didn't have wings, or a tail.
Aries made a decision right then and there, they weren't going to return to their own realm anymore. They were going to stay on earth, and explore what it has to offer.

The little fae bat quickly learned that these creatures were called humans.
But there were also other hybrids amongst the humans, but to the humans they looked just like them.
Their extra features hidden from those that can't see them.

Days, weeks, months go by, and Aries has gone through a wide range of emotions so far.
They nearly got into a few incidents, because they were too distracted flying around.
Mostly elderly women would try and swat them out of the air with fly swatters, causing their cloud to change to a reddish brown, as lightning crosses through their entire body,
Muttering some curses under their breath, they manage to get away in time before getting hit by these women.

It was late at night as Aries was floating around the streets, and they ended up at this beautiful looking park.
They scan the area and saw a person alone on a bench, and Aries flew in closer.
This person had big blue wings, that Aries recognized as one of their own kind, a fae, but it didn't stop there.. They had a demonic tail, and horns as well!

Aries little cloudy body turned into a pink shade, as hearts emerge around them, struck with admiration and love for this unknown person.
Without thinking, the little creature flew at the person, and stops to float right in front of their face.
"Why hello there fae!" The little creatures boasted happily, their pink body quickly turning to a shade of yellow,

It took the unknown person a moment to get adjusted to what they were seeing, their orange eyes scanning the fae bat with confusion.
"I know, I know! It's not every day you see someone as amazing as me!" Aries continued, full of confidence.

The little fae bat sits down on the persons head, "I'm Aries, and I know we're going to get along just great!"
"I'm Fi." the person responded back, as they accepted the fact they got claimed by this random little critter.
And from that day forward, they had a lot of fun together and causing chaos, just as Aries predicted.