steady, steady

8 months, 4 days ago
2263 2

the heat can make you lose your head, your sense of direction /lyr

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Author's Notes

this was mostly a character study for sephy!! I thought it'd be nice to hurt all asmp members (specifically meteor & cam) with some neomunangst :]

song is "steady, steady" by the crane wives !!

Sephy trekked through the terrain surrounding their house, boots kicking at the damp soil from the low drizzle that rained down on her. It wouldā€™ve been nice if someone pitched the idea of invented an umbrella or portable cover of sorts that wasnā€™t the uncomfortably wet helmets from ore.

She was trying to consider creating an extension off of zeir house. Maybe it was about time for an upgradeā€¦ space was beginning to become a bit of a problem with all of the items she tends to hoard from her trips down into the depths.Ā 

Snapped out of her trance by the sound of bushes rustling, she draws her axe, holding it low in case it was someone familiar.. and she was right.

A familiar black dragon trembled as it slowly approached Sephy, ears tucked back and arms anxiously holding the pits of their elbows. They seemed troubled.

ā€œOh, Neomuna-ā€ Sephy let her axe stowaway into her inventory, walking in front of the dragon, stopping in from of them to examine them briefly. it wasnā€™t wearing any armour, but it wasnā€™t wearing anything to cover up for the rain either. Have they come all this way in this weather?Ā 

ā€œWhat brings you here? Not that I have a problem with that of course.. Itā€™s justā€¦ā€ Sephy glanced behind Neomuna, at the disturbed bushes that led a fading trail behind them into the woods. ā€œ...The weather is quite terrible.. you look soaked, do youā€¦ want to come inside?ā€ She asked as if she was unsure of herself. But that feeling subsided when she caught onto Neomunaā€™s fervent nodding.

Opening the door and leading them inside, Sephy makes way to the furnace and disturbs the hot coals inside. Creating a makeshift heater for the small room. Zey glanced behind her to notice Neomuna contemplating on sitting on the bed while wet. While Sephy would probably prefer that they didnā€™t, seeing how it looked like it was bothered by something, probably something back at their base, maybe itā€™s better to cater towards their guest.

ā€œYou can sit if you want, I can just dry the blankets and get out a clean set later.ā€ This makes Neomuna stand for a bit longer, before finally sitting on the mattress. They wiggled their wet feet until they were mostly dry and brought its knees to its chest, curling up. The room was uncomfortably quiet for some time, Sephy didnā€™t know how to start any conversation, deciding to begin baking some cookies insteadā€¦ assuming she even remembers how.Ā 

In the middle of gathering whatever sugar and cocoa zey had in the chest, their thoughts were disturbed by the soft sound of sobbing and a quiet thump on the mattress. They glanced over their shoulder immediately and noticed that Neomuna has fallen onto its side, tail tightly coiling around their body as they clawed at their hair, ears pinning themselves againsts its head.Ā 

The sobs were quiet, as if they were trying hard to be quiet, muffled; quickly being silenced with a hand or maybe from biting onto something. But itā€™s hard to be quiet and sneaky about something when the room was already completely still. Other than the gentle crackling of the furnace, a low hum coming from the compartment where the cookie dough was being baked.

Sephy didnā€™t know what to do. They werenā€™t really taught how to deal with emotional turmoil like this. They simply stood idle, staring at the wall. What is there for zem to do?Ā 

Maybe trying to crack a jokeā€¦? No.. that might make it worseā€¦ Neomuna is a serious individualā€¦ they usually arenā€™t one for jokes unless theyā€™re related to where they areā€¦

ā€œA-...Are youā€¦ā€ Sephy still hasnā€™t turned around. Their hands balled into fists on the table in front of them. ā€œ...I-Is everything o-okay?ā€ She asked. her voice was quiet, the silence following her question almost made her believe that it went unheard. Though, judging by how the sobs have stopped, maybe it needed time to contemplate an answer.

None came. Just silence.

At least it wasnā€™t still sobbing, right?


Sephy glanced over their shoulder again, mostly a simple turn of the head and in their peripheral vision - they could see Neomunaā€™s tail uncoil itself slightly, but still remained in itā€™s position. Now laying limb across her position.Ā 

ā€œ this aboutā€¦ home?ā€

Silence, but this one didnā€™t go on for long without an answer that wasnā€™t from Sephyā€™s thoughts.

ā€œ...I c-canā€™t even call it t-that a--anymoreā€¦ā€ It mumbled, but the room was quiet enough for it to be heard. Sephy made a quiet sigh.

Neomuna always had some kind of issue with their roomates. Physalis and Skrill. Ever since they moved in, not like they had a choice unless they were to deal with an onslaught of monsters from the night, they have been closely observed and treated like a laboratory rat.

When Skrill came in, shortly after Neomuna did, but seemingly existing for longer than Neomuna has ā€œexistedā€ in ourā€¦ā€¦.. Skrill acts almost as worse as Physalis, if it wasnā€™t for them having moreā€¦ positive interactions in the beginningā€¦ before Skrill started living with them. It was almost like Skrill learned from Physalis, and begun repeating after what she did - which was ā€œobservingā€ Neomuna.

The tales that Neomuna would rant about on their more relaxed missions into the caves varied in severity. Sometimes they had to be careful and watch their back - sleep in difficult-to-reach places with a lot of noise-makers so they can be easily alerted of the two sneaking up on them. Or else theyā€™d get a swift pluck of fur ripped out of them.Ā 

Sometimes theyā€™d be suspiciously more tamer than usual. Sometimes more nice and tried to offer things to Neomuna, usually food or even gems and ore to repair their armour. It would accept this, but the next day, they could be fighting for their autonomy all over again.Ā 

What hurts Neomuna more is that Skrill likely doesnā€™t understand why theyā€™re doing it in the first place. So in reality, Neomuna canā€™t be too angry at themā€¦ but itā€™s so hard not to when the things they do - in its terms - are so stupid.

Sephy couldā€¦ somewhat understand Physalis and Skrillā€™s uncanny interest in them. Neomuna isnā€™t like anyone theyā€™ve met before. If anything, if Neomuna mentioned that they came from another world, ze would believe it.

Though.. Neomuna doesnā€™t talk about themselves a lot, dislikes doing so, actually. Sephy doesnā€™t count the situation at home considering its more of an ongoing consistency, and not something ā€œfrom their pastā€.Ā 

ā€œ...I-Itā€™s just some e-experiment g-groundā€¦d-disguised a-as this h-homely placeā€¦ā€ they spoke again, there were quiet, vocal attempts to hold back more cries. ā€œ...i-it never f-felt this b-bad beforeā€¦ u-usually i-i can h-handle i-i-itā€¦ b-but-ā€Ā 

ā€œi-itā€¦i-i canā€™t k-keep d-doing this a-anymore.ā€ It despaired, letting a sob break out of them as their tail curled around on of their ankles and squeezed tightly. Sephy could see the neon blue horns dim in colourā€¦ They always had a feeling those had some kind of connection to its emotions butā€¦ considering that theyā€™re usually rather stoic, it was hard to tell.Ā 

It was almost completely uncharacteristic for them to arrive here in such a condition and become a pathetic little creature clawing and crying into her bed. Not calling them pathetic, but thatā€™s something a certain someone would say.

ā€œ...And you canā€™t move anywhere?ā€ Sephy asked, Neomuna made a trembling sigh. ā€œN-Not without scrambling to g-gather all my m-materials and i-itemsā€¦ I-Iā€™d have to m-make multiple t-tripsā€¦ t-that would i-increase the r-r-risk of t-them learning w-where I l-liveā€¦ d-donā€™t you think I-I thought of that a-already?!ā€ They made a quiet hiss, Sephyā€™s posture became tense for a bit.

ā€œI-Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m sorryā€¦ U-Umā€¦ e-errā€¦ā€ Sephy was finally facing the side that Neomuna was on, sitting on the desk with a book and quill in hand. Tapping the tip against the leather cover. Neomuna canā€™t really live with Sephy, ze arenā€™t one to live with othersā€¦ even if they were probably the best option if zey were though.Ā 

Sephy noticed the furnace, approaching it and looking into the compartment to check on the baked goods. The sweet aroma of chocolate and dough pressed against her face, hot, smoky air following after. They used a pair of leather mittens to take out the rack of freshly backed cookies and set them on top of the furnace, taking one of them and plopping it into their mouth. They were big, so they had to hiss air into her mouth to avoid scorching her tongue - which inevitably happened anyway. Cookieā€™s good though!

They took one and approached Neomuna slowly, standing in front of the bed and lowering it to its nose quietly. They revealed their puffy eyes as their nose wiggled at the scent. It was an adorable sight, really.Ā 

ā€œYou should eat it while itā€™s hot,ā€ Sephy said, lightly jerking the cookie to incentivize Neomuna to take it - They do. ā€œSometimes, being hungry makes life feel more difficult than it needs to, I think..ā€ She felt like a hypocrite, mentioning this. Considering that Neomuna tends to be the one to give zem food when they go into long expeditions without a steady supply. If they arenā€™t in caves, they rely on hunting wild livestock and cooking it in a small cavity in a mound or under a tree and eating it there before continuing their long journey.Ā 

Not a good habit, they thought.

Neomuna nibbled on the cookie, their eyes blankly looked down.. softening. Sephy sat next to them.

Theyā€™d think that some kind of physical touch would help at allā€¦ maybe a hugā€¦ but she isnā€™t the type to do that. Her love language is quality time. She and ā€˜Muna do that often anyway.

Neomuna likely understands, judging how they seem to relax physically from her simply sitting next to it.Ā 

ā€œ...I-If it keeps getting unbearableā€¦ I-Iā€™m okay with providing a temporary refugee to store your stuffā€¦ and scramble their ways of tracking you. I can help with transporting your things once you decide on a place to live.ā€ Sephy offered. It was a bit of a stretch, as temporary could mean months or even years. But knowing Neomuna, and how theyā€™ve learned about Sephy - itā€™s likely going to be leaving as soon as possible for both of their sakes.

ā€œ...y-you only h-have one b-bedā€¦ and s-such a small roomā€¦ I-I donā€™t want t-to c-crowd.ā€ They replied quietly, looking away and holding the half of a cookie away from their mouth. They nibbled on their lip, tasting the chocolate tinge left there.

ā€œItā€™s only temporary, Iā€™ll live.ā€ She started chewing away at her own cookie. Since they were hot and fresh out of the oven, they were chewy and soft. Easy to eat and a great snack.

ā€œ...i-iā€™ll c-consider..ā€ Neomunaā€™s voice went quieter as they simply rested their head on the pillow. Sephy thought for a moment. ā€œT-Thereā€™s that and I think thereā€™s a lot more than just you, me, Physalis, and Skrill,ā€ She stated, looking at nothing in particular. ā€œIf it helps at all, I-I think others would be willing to be refugee points as well, if you want to try and get farther. Y-You can keep in touch with me throughout your journey and tag me the coordinates when you find a suitable living space.ā€ they smiled at Neomuna, their eyes widened slightly in response.Ā 

ā€œSome might even be willing to take you in as a permanent residenceā€¦ some that arenā€™t like Physalis and Sephy, Iā€™m sureā€¦ or some who would be willing to have you build close to them and live like a community.ā€Ā 

Neomuna also stared at nothing in particular, eyes darting around occasionally whilst thinking. ā€œ...r-really?ā€ For once, it sounded almost hopeful.

ā€œI think so.ā€ Sephy shrugged. They noticed Neomunaā€™s despairing expression and quickly reiterated themselves, clearing zeir throat. ā€œM-Mostā€¦most likely.. v-very likelyā€¦ 99% accuracy.ā€Ā 

Neomuna made a soft chuckle, before it became a weak laugh. There they are.

ā€œIā€™ll decide on it.. C-Can I bunker down here for the night?ā€ At the time they asked, thunder struck outside and the sound of heavy rain poured down. It can be faintly heard on the roof of the establishment. Sephy was quite incentivized to say anything but no.

They didnā€™t want to.

ā€œFine, Iā€™ll make another bed. But once you leave, youā€™re taking that one with you!ā€ They raised a hand to tap at Neomunaā€™s horn in emphasis, but noticing them practically sink into the bed - fur bristling in response, they reeled it back. Mouthing a silent ā€˜sorryā€™ and earning back a soft nod.

the rest of the night went just as youā€™d expect, Neomuna curled up under red sheets while Sephy laid on the opposite side of the room, blue sheets and staring up at the ceiling.Ā 

Occasionally they glanced over at Neomuna, who didnā€™t snore or anything but looked mildly uncomfortable, sleeping with its face smashed into the pillow. But she digresses, they had a long day.

A lot of long days.