Fit Check

8 months, 17 days ago
8 months, 17 days ago
1 920

Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 17 days ago

Written fit check prompts!

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Cozy Outing

     Astrolas awoke with a stretch, eyes fuzzily glancing across the room to the balcony door. Sunlight poured through the stained glass doors, bouncing wondrous colours all around the room. He slowly sat up, an arm rising to his face to rub his eyes. Mismatched eyes rolled to the side to glance at the clock-

     “Oh!” All the tiredness he had left in him drained in an instant; it was much closer to the time he needed to leave than he anticipated. ‘I’ll need to hurry if I want to get to lunch on time’

     The brow rose in an instant, marching purposefully towards his wardrobe. Being somewhat short on time, he opted to do a simple, but cozy outfit for the outing. He reached in and pulled out his beige turtleneck sweater, and a comfy set of black pants, setting them on the bed. Astrolas took a moment to feel around his nightstand, fingers tapping around almost rhythmically until they found their target. A simple, well used hair tie. He made a mental note that he may need to replace this one soon, it’s been stretched out over prolonged use. Making a quick motion, the hair tie looped around his wrist, keeping it on standby.

     Turning back to the bed, he wasted no time positioning his arms into the sweater, pulling it over his head. Nails brushed his neck as he pulled the hair out of the collar, shaking his head around a little; letting the long strands fall around him. He blew his bangs out of his face; the sweater having ruffled them around, before opting to just run a hand through them to fix the issue instead. He then stepped into his pants, tucking in the sweater before buttoning them into place.

     He trotted over to his mirror to review his outfit, partially untucking sections of his sweater to more comfortably fit for movement. He adjusted the cuff of his sleeves, twisting them into place. The sleeves of this particular sweater is what made it his favourite; they belled out before cinching again at the wrist, giving what he thought was an elegant but cute look. Not leaving the mirror just yet, the band around his wrists was put to use. He didn’t want to waste time with anything fancy, so he twirled it up into a loose bun. Taking a moment to move remaining loose strands around, Astrolas deemed his current appearance suitable for a public outing.

     Rushing down the stairs - almost slipping in the process, the shopkeep immediately started to scan the room. ‘Cloak, cloak cloak-’ His train of thought paused when he noticed the item in question was currently sitting atop the companion tree that stood in the shop’s sales floor.

     “Jerma, no not you too!”

     The red companion that was nestled in the cloak opened its eyes, greeting Astrolas with a grin. It seemed that Stellure’s habit of taking his stuff for the companion tree had gotten to Jerma as well, much to his disappointment. The brow let out an exasperated sigh, making their way over to reclaim the cloak. Much to his relief, Jerma quite easily gave up the cloak to its owner. The fabric flapped as it was shaken out, letting the loose pet furs drift to the ground and off the cloak. With a quick motion, the wing cloak was swung around his shoulders and clasped into place. The faux wings nestled into the cerulean cloak after a bit of shifting, and he was finally ready to set out.

    Knowing a certain companion would throw a fit, Astrolas quickly located a simple accessory from behind the counter - he usually kept a few there for ease. Pocketing it, a quick swipe of the hand snatched the store keys that were stored nearby, and he was now fully ready to leave. The door locked with a soft click, keys softly clanking as they were dropped into the pockets of his pants. A quick glance at the sun told the Brow that he was relatively on time, leading him to walk rather than run to the backyard where his mount await.

    “Stellure! It’s time to head out!” Atrolas called out as he peeked into the stall she resided in. The large Sol Roc took her time to get up, following the movement with a slow stretch, and a small shake to ruffle her feathers into place. Bright amber and eventide eyes stared at Astrolas expectantly, flicking down and up; inspecting him. A silent demand that the Brow knew was related to looking her best.

     “Don’t worry I brought you something too” A soft chuckle accompanied an endearing face, no matter how prissy and rude she was, he still loved her. The accessory picked out today was an almost ornate looking mantle piece, that would drape around her neck and rest on the chest. A sound of approval came from Stellure as she inspected the piece, ready to behave for once now that her tastes have been appeased. Astrolas padded over to her saddle, heaving it off its stand and onto Stellure. The saddle was, of course, adorned with a few gemstones and other shiny and/or colourful accents. The decor had been styled by Atrolas himself, giving it a very personalised look that he was proud of. With the both of them fitted out and ready to go, he hopped up onto Stellure; only taking a moment to adjust to the seating before setting off.