Latimas AU - Losing Control

8 months, 8 days ago

Latimas AU - Word Prompt - Losing Control

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Its host was resisting, the Dragon Pulse it just fired only had half the energy output it should have had, as the possessed Eon Pokémon made another attempt to down the White Latios that was preventing it from carrying out its Master’s plan.

Said menace was continuing to outmaneuver it, rapidly switching directions or just suddenly dropping like a lead balloon to dodge attacks. All the while it wore a consistent smile that annoyed the spirit greatly.

I’m going to wipe that stupid smile off its face!

As it fired another Dragon Breath, which frustratingly missed as the White Latios somersaulted around the attack before launching its own attack Luster Purge. A bright ball of light shot out of its body like a small sun before exploding into a flash of white light, temporarily blinding the spirit as it took damage from the attack. As it tried to blink away the stars in its eyes, it was not prepared for the second attack which was getting punched in the jaw.

I thought Latios didn’t know the move Sucker Punch!

It was thrown backwards, almost doing a barrel-roll, before righting itself. It growled, fury building in its body, it was a Tear of Giratina, while a mere fragment of the Distortion God, power and soul, it was still 10x more powerful than this creature!

~You should give up, my brother loves winning more than anything, also-~

Suddenly the right wing jolted at an odd angle and the Distortion parasite found its host body spiraling downwards towards the ground at a breakneck speed.

~This is a multibattle, your fighting me too~

The world was spinning and the spirit tried not to let itself get dizzy as it struggled to regain control. It felt like fighting over a steering wheel, its host body holding tightly onto the other half as they continued to fall.

Idiot, we are going to crash!

~That’s the idea~


The white Latios shouted behind them, startling its host enough that the spirit felt its mental grip loosen, giving it the opportunity to take back control and just managing to only hit a couple of tree tops as it ascended back into the sky towards the white Latios.

Building the energy up in its throat for a point blank Dragon Pulse, the spirit was caught off guard again as it was suddenly punched in the face with its own claw, knocking it to the side and sending the attack way off target.

Why? WHY! Are you doing this!? Why are you resisting! you should be thankful to have been made a vessel of Giratina’s Wrath!

The spirit mentally screamed as frustrated tears started to pour. It was a fragment of a God and these Latios were making a mockery of it!.

Author's Notes

Didn’t know how to end the short story prompt but it also just felt right to just end it their…but yeah I’m attempting to do some art/word prompts, while I am recovering from being ill I really want to do some creative stuff for myself, but I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep it up, but it’s good to practice more of my writing/story skill I guess.

I know the word prompt for this meant to be for a more angsty story, but my brain just went in the opposite direction and was like, what if the evil spirit possessing someone was losing control of their host instead? 

So in my Latimas Au, there’s a thing called the Tears of Giratina, fragments of Giratina’s soul that will attempt to possess other Pokemon, and for this writing prompt Lati-Ingo is unfortunately got one of these soul parasites.  

Those under its control experience their physical features changing. First it’s slow, like what Lati-Ingo has got going in this pic, but eventually the possessed Pokemon will become a Giratina fusion unless they are able to break free from the possession.   

These Tear’s of Giratina seem to have a bit of their own individuality, but still act out the will of their master Giratina. 

Tear’s of Giratina are used to help Giratina interact in the physical world, as Giratina can’t leave the Distortion World at the moment thanks to Arceus. But It found a way around the Arceus blockade by splitting up bits of its soul that are small enough to leave the Distortion World.

But they need to find a host quickly after as they can’t survive in the psychical plain for long, also they can’t just pick any host, if the Pokemon is too weak to handle the power of the fragment, the Tear and host will just die. So it needs to find a strong Pokemon that can handle a piece of Giratina’s soul, hence poor Lati-Ingo was targeted as a host.