Latimas AU Threats

8 months, 8 days ago

Latimas AU - Word/Art Prompt - Threats

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The word came out as a raspy squeak as the dark spiked tendril wrapped around his neck, closing off his airway.

You know what I want, give me the plate and I'll spare him

The voice was like a low rumbling thunder, that echoed in their minds and shook their bodies, its mere aura pressing down on them like a heavy storm front about to burst. It was obvious that they would have no chance of trying to reach Lati-Emmet before it either broke his neck or tore his body apart; the rescue team wouldn’t be able to do anything to save their Guild Boss.   

But Emmet had given them the order to run, to flee and leave him for dead, but could they honestly face their other Guild Leader, knowing they had left his twin behind? 

Swallowing nervously and trying to figure out a reply, was obviously taking too long for the Distortion God as the claw dug a little into their boss' neck drawing a thin line of red as Lati-Emmet's scared grinned turned into a grimace.  

I will kill him, I will rip him apart and devour his essence, his soul will be consumed and digested for the next 100 years within my being, it will feel like an eternity to him, do you really want your boss to suffer in that way?

“No…guys I’m not seeing any other options here-” Suddenly like being hit with a thunderbolt you came to an odd realization - why didn’t it just take the plate, why the threats? 

“Your bluffing” you hear your team gasp beside you as you stare this ‘God’ dead in the face

Why would an entity like Giratina, not just steam roll the whole group, take the plate and be on its merry way, it had the power, so why not use it? 

I could easily take the plate. It spoke but the power it once held was gone. It felt like a Squirtle withdrawing into its shell, its presence had lessened and no longer carried the weight of dread and death.  

“Then why don’t you?”

You could see Lati-Emmet catching on, his silver eyes turning steely, his grip on the tendril around his neck shifting, and then suddenly the image of Giratina dissipated like a burst water balloon, the shadows showering down on the group obscuring your view. 

A shout was heard, one from your Boss the other unknown before the darkness disappeared to reveal Lati-Emmet had an Hisuian Zoroark pinned under his dragon claws struggling to get free. 

“I am verrrrry disappointed I fell for that!” Lat-Emmet growled as he turned his gaze to the group.  

Not needing to wait for a command, your team jumps in to help secure the attacker. 

While tying up the Zoroark you can’t help but notice to your dismay that Lati-Emmet has more cuts on his neck that are bleeding.  

“Boss you need to be checked out”

“I know” he said as he reached a claw up to gently touch the wounded area letting out a hiss at the contact

“Don’t touch it!” you shout, surprising him as he flinches away from you.

“Is it bad?” he questions, as he shifts his head and neck more, clearly causing more pain to himself with the way he winces.  

“Yes if you keep moving like that, let me patch you up!” you say quickly as you scramble through your supply bag trying to find bandages, an oran berry, or something to help stop your boss from potentially bleeding out, you were not going back to the guild one Boss down.