Cave Time

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It’s an unusually hot Vitalus day as the group of four push through the dense foliage and tightly clustered crystals. They’ve been traveling for hours across this unpleasant terrain and in this dreadful heat, the thick fur of Collin and Valor making this especially uncomfortable, with the former constantly needing to take quick breaks in the shade for some form of relief.

Zephyr and Glaucus, meanwhile, while not thrilled with the weather, are fairing a bit better, Zephyr especially with his long furless tail helping to regulate his body temperature.

“Just a little further,” Glaucus calls back to the two long-furred Vayrons that trail behind he and his possum-like companion, “we’ll be out of this sun soon.” The trees around them are sparse, providing minimal shade for them to take advantage of.

“Ugh… please,” Valor grumbles, her head hung low in exhaustion as she spares Collin a glance, his movements sluggish, with an expression that clearly tells her that he regrets ever joining in on this mission.

Zephyr gives them a sympathetic look over, but his ears are perking as he spots ragged stone… and as they get closer, he can recognize it being a cave, its opening hardly visible with how much crystal is growing around and in front of it. 

“There! Finally,” Zephyr breathes a sigh of relief, before giving Glaucus a nudge with his tail, the other male simply nodding in response as the two trot over to the blocked off entrance.

While Valor would like to help… quite frankly, she’s perfectly fine with letting them handle breaking apart the crystals to grant them access as she watches.

Collin has no complaints, either, as he approaches, gaze intently scanning over the colorful shards that are scattered across the ground, making a mental note to grab some of them once they leave, when he’s, hopefully, not feeling like death.

Their blockade removed, Glaucus and Zephyr gesture for their companions to follow as they take the first steps inside the cave, Glaucus’ blue eyes warily scanning the dark and damp surroundings.

Collin and Valor are mutually wheezing in quiet relief at how cool the inside of the cave is as they step inside, the difference in temperature already doing wonders for their weary state.

“Should we set up camp?” Glaucus asks, “give you guys a chance to rest?” 

To their surprise, Collin is the first to shake his head, “no, no… I’ll be fine, now that I’m out of that heat.” As much as he’d like to laze about, he also wants to get this done and over with, the allure of precious resources, or even treasure, too much for him to be able to resist.

Valors in agreement, “we can setup camp once we’re done… or deeper in, if it takes a while. I don’t really want to waste time if we don’t need to,” though a bit tired, it’s nothing she’s not capable of ignoring and carrying on. 

“Fine by me,” Glaucus shrugs, turning his attention to the dark pathway that looms ahead of them. He huffs, “hopefully it’s not too bad further in… but Zeph, you’re up.”

“Yeah, yeah,” while not as proficient with fire magic as their friend, Harlow, he’s not incapable as he tilts his head up, breathing out a few puffs of fire, and directing them to float alongside his companions, serving as their light as they finally begin their descent into the cave system.

Aside from the dampness, the passageway isn’t too rough for them to navigate, the ground beneath their paws is rough, but thankfully they had the foresight to wear footwear, and while a bit uncomfortable, it provides them adequate protection and traction, something that’s sorely needed with how wet everything is.

With the floating fire serving as sufficient light, they’re granted the opportunity to more closely examine their surroundings as they travel, eyes scanning the walls and stalagmite covered ceilings, in search of anything glittering.

So far, nothing.

As they go deeper, the group is soon faced with a decision as the passageway diverges into two separate pathways.

“Hm,” Glaucus glances down both with furrowed brows, “I’d say splitting up would be more efficient, but… that doesn’t feel very safe,” too risky, he feels, he’d rather someone not get injured or lost.

Valor hums, “yeah, let’s stick together,” she’s sure she’d be fine on her own, but traveling in groups is always the best option. “We’ll need to mark up where we’ve gone, though, to avoid getting turned around.”

Collin has that handled, with a few gestures of his paw, a glowing sigil is appearing on the ground, with an arrow pointing the way they came. “Voilà.” 

“Huh, convenient.” Zephyr blinks, “I guess we just go then, uh… this way?” He shrugs as he veers towards the left path, his companions having no qualms with his decision as they follow after him, Collin leaving the occasional sigil as they descend as they encounter more winding pathways.

“Are you… sure there’s even anything here? It feels like we’ve been going for ages,” Valor huffs, her ear twitching in mild annoyance, at least with Collin marking their path, she knows they’re not going in circles, but still, how deep does this thing go? “What was your source?”

If Glaucus could sweat, he would at that question, “...well, Gravedigger said-”

“Oh my god,” Valors groaning in exasperation, “he’s fucking with us… god dammit, why didn’t I check with you beforehand.” Alas, the idea of treasure somewhat clouded her judgment…

“He and I are friends! I don’t think he’d send me on a wild goosechase,” Zephyr frowns, though he’s coughing a bit as he quickly adds, “hewouldwithyouguysthough.”

Collin simply tilts his head, he’s not guildmates with them, so he’s unaware of the potential issue with trusting the word of… whoever that is. “Was this a waste of time then?”

“No,” Glaucus grunts, “don’t get so impatient.” His confidence is at an all time low, but they don’t need to know that. If Gravedigger gave him false information, though… he’s strangling him. He is going to wring that guys god damn neck. What a nuisance.

Luck smiles upon them this day, thankfully.

With the pathway widening up ahead of them, and a faint glow illuminating from a natural entryway, Zephyr is the first to step into this chamber… and his eyes widen in surprise.

Glittering gemstones lay embedded in the cave walls, their magical properties obvious as they give off a strong glow from their core. 

“Oh thank god,” Glaucus wheezes underneath his breath as he steps into the room, sighing in relief that Valor no longer has a reason to throttle him as the female walks past him.

“You are so lucky,” she snorts, as if reading his thoughts. 

Collin is indifferent to the mild drama between the two as his eyes sparkle with glee at the sight of such precious gems, his mind already running wild with how much potential they have in aiding in his magical research. 

“Be careful,” Zephyr warns as he sets down his supplies, “since they seem magic-fused, they could be charged.” He’s gotten zapped a few times by gems and other magical items over the years from his own expeditions.

“Yes, yes, I know,” Collin waves a dismissive paw, he knows a few sigils that’ll help nullify the risk. 

“We should setup camp here,” Valor shrugs off the heavy packs she’s been lugging around, “this is the only dry ground I’ve seen in ages, so we aren’t going to get a better opportunity to rest up.”

Glaucus nods to her, “good idea,” he’s a bit sore, truthfully, this protective footwear isn’t terribly comfortable for him, and walking for hours in them? Not ideal. He’s relieved when Valor shoos him away, allowing him to lay down and rest as she begins setting things up.

Zephyr and Collin are focused on collecting the gemstones, their experience allowing them to carefully extract them from the walls they’re embedded into, both without damaging the material… and without getting any blowback from potential charges.

It’s quiet work, with each person focusing on their assigned task… well, aside from Glaucus, but he gets a pass this time. 

By the time Zephyr and Collin have extracted each gemstone, Valor has already finished setting up camp, with a fire going and food cooking above the open flames.

“Took you long enough,” Valor teases, “foods almost done, so come relax, we’ve got a long trek ahead of us later, though hopefully the weather is better once we’re out of here.” The cave, though annoyingly long, at least proved fruitful and a decent escape from that heatwave.

“We’ll split up our haul evenly before we go,” Glaucus yawns. Part of him is tempted to joke that since he led them here, that he should get a bit extra… but Valors a bit too close to him, she could knock him upside the head far too easily. 

They got quite lucky with this trip, it would’ve been easy for them to have been lied to, but, thankfully, they were spared from Gravediggers antics… for once, and now they’ll be able to return back to the city with heavier bags.

Quest 6: That One Shimmering Rock

Zephyr, Valor, and Glaucus are rolling for this quest! Collin is here for CP

Alliion QueenOfOpals and Fooxlyness

Vays: Zephyr 15376, Valor 12655, Glucose 16293, and Collin

WC: 1531