Forgotten echoes

8 months, 9 days ago

A familiar feeling seems to escape you.. Have we been here before?

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Do you ever wonder, how things would be today if we had never made that deal?

..Of course you can't answer me, I'm barely the remnants of a long lost consciousness. the Abyssails are lonely you know. Knowing I'm no longer myself, something that will soon be lost to time as I feel the last of me succumb to this empty void - consumed like everyone else.

This wasn't supposed to happen, but this is what I get in the end for playing with Fates..

"All that is lost finds its way to me - ..."

Maybe one day I'll find my way back, for now I think it's time for a long.. long rest. Final thoughts for company, bringing me comfort as I slowly forget who I was. I remember my friends.. Ekko, Paradox, Eclipse and.. Gael... I hope, they can survive without me. I was the weakest link... a coward. I couldn't deal with the curse. I didn't want to wait for decay to consume me.

So I made a pact with a demon...

How foolish of me.. but in a way... that was my wish was it not? Be spared from becoming a mindless husk in a crumbling world. Like this... I can get a new start.. yes... a new life.. it'll be like none of it ever happened.

Just a shame I have to forget my friends too.. hope they forgive me if we ever meet again, but honestly... I hope we don't.

Hah.. my time's running out... I think it's time to let go... I loved you guys...

I'm sorry.

With a last breath, I feel the sinking Abyssails - then.. nothing.

You find yourself in an empty room, pentagram of blood beneath your feet... trying to speak you find yourself unable to - you can't even feel your jaw move, or your eyes blink. You look around with confused panic... only to feel a sudden violent pain as you're thrown against the wall opposite of the room... you don't even know what hit you.

Collapsing to the ground all you hear is a sharp crystalline cracking sound ringing through your ears before blacking out as the pain overtakes your body.


You feel a voice echo through your head, familiar, yet you can't recall why: "Welcome to your new world little ᔑ∷ᒷᓭᓭ."