Egg Tending

8 months, 14 days ago

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"They've found another egg?" Frigid approached Rune curiously, clearly trying to get a better look at the new egg she was looking after.

"They have. As our pack leader has put it 'we are beginning to proliferate throughout this new world'. We're lucky that at least some of these eggs are being found by those that have a right to raise them." Rune shifted, gazing out at nothing in particular.

"I've seen many of our kind, and even some vampires, start to integrate themselves with the civilized people of this world." Frigid stated. Though it was said rather calmly Rune knew her packmate, he was upset.

"As unfortunate as it is to admit, we cannot force our brothers and sisters to not go to them." She readjusted the egg so it rested more stably. "We are in a new world it's... understandable they might seek out those that know of it in order to help them adjust." She hated trying to reason out why any would want to live amongst the pokemon of this world but it was all she could do.

Frigid hummed and moved to sit down and carefully curl around her and the egg. She pressed into his cold side in an act of silent comfort. "Perhaps eventually they'll learn that they don't need the pokemon of this world to help them. We can only hope, though I don't think it's likely." He laid his head down gently nudging the egg. "Let's move on from this depressing topic though. What do you think will hatch from this one?"

"Well, considering our last was Rover..." Rune paused. "I get a similar feeling from this egg. I believe they will be a dragon of some sort."

"Our pack seems to attract a lot of dragon weres hm?" Frigid smiled softly.

"It only makes sense, our pack leader is one himself." Rune adjusted her position around the egg, Frigid adjusted himself to her movement as well. "Though not all have been. There is Comet."

"You're right. It's simply most of us." Frigid hummed. "I wonder how much out pack will grow and if Eclipse will decide to take in any more vampires."

Rune frowned but quickly schooled her face into something more neutral. "I know our pack will grow large and strong." She said with a confidence that she truly felt. Eclipse was a strong pack leader. That would no doubt continue to attract new potential packmates. Of course not all of them would be accepted but as things stood she knew his criteria for accepting packmates was far more lax than it may have been back home. Right now she new he wanted to prevent weres from going to the pokemon of Coldour. Begrudgingly that same sentiment extended to the vampires. Sure they weren't too bad, the two species had coexisted peacefully enough back home but she had never really liked the vampires. They just sort of... rubbed her the wrong was she supposed.

She felt a light thump on her head that broke her from her thoughts. She looked up at Frigid mildly annoyed. "You were thinking too hard." He huffed. "Focus on the now. Right now you have a duty to take care of that egg and make sure the were inside will be strong enough to grow with us. Become a proper member of our pack. Whatever you were thinking so hard about is of no consequence right now."

Rune sighed, but nodded before laying her head down and gently bumping her nose against the egg. "You're right. Thank you for pulling he from my own thoughts."

"You're welcome. Now rest. I will keep you and the child safe." Frigid nuzzled her neck. Rune nodded before closing her eyes. It was easy to fall asleep knowing she and the egg were being watched over.