EXECUTION: One Night at Despair

5 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence
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“One Night’s Despair”
Student: Renée Morin, Ultimate Animatronic Technician

“...I-I’m so sorry...” the tears quickly came, the girl, sobbing. Her voice, full of sorrow and regret. She hadn’t meant for anything to go this way, but here she was, caught with a murder on her hands.

“Oh boo hoo! Poor little Renée is crying again! Oh, not that I care!” The black and white mascot chuckled, it’s sharp teeth making an even more wide smile than before.

“With that out of the way, Let’s give it aaaaalllll we’ve got!! It’s PUNISHMENT TIME~!”

And with that out of the way; the floor opened beneath her, and Renée fell through. There would be a set of video footage, live footage, soon appear on a large screen in the trial room, the screen that would display the girl’s soon incoming death.

The lights were off, and Renée couldn’t see a thing, that was, until everything dimly flickered back to life. She would find herself sitting in a office chair, and a set of screens in front of her. A door on either side of her. The situation, all too recognizable to one who played a little too many indie games. However; this just so happened to be a spin off she *hated*.

Frantically flicking through the screens, she would see three animatronic mascots on stage, all black and white like the mascot of the killing game. A rat, duck and in center, a very creepy rendition of the same animal the Mono himself was.

Thus, she began fending herself off from the freaky animatronics, closing doors left and right, the fear obvious in the girl’s eyes.

It only got worse when the power suddenly cut, everything went dark, and the only thing to fend herself with was a flashlight. Seeing the rat in the left door, she made a bolt out of the right one, running to hide until Renee was suddenly grabbed by the cold hands of the Mono himself, and dragged off to a back room, kicking and screaming... which did nothing.

She would soon find herself thrown to the floor, as the hollow shell of a Monopossum suit was grabbed, and part by part, she was forced into the empty, but component filled shell.

Pointy bits drove into her flesh, and bones were crushed. This continued, bit by bit until her entire body, but her head was shoved in. The girl in an enormous amount of pain. She couldn’t move, or it would hurt even more. Soon enough, the mono grabbed the head, and shoved it over her own. Her final scream, causing locks to go off, sending even more metal bars, springs and other components to crush her body, painfully.

The screen would pan to staticky video footage of a slumped over Monopossum suit, oozing blood from any opening. Unmoving, and blood stained.

Renée Morin, Ultimate Animatronic Technician, is dead.