Ralts Army Shorts

8 months, 15 days ago
8 months, 15 days ago
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Entry 1
Published 8 months, 15 days ago

Some short stories from the Ralts Armies. Exact characters and information for each entry will be stated in it's write up.

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Author's Notes

Uriel and Shade were meant to be on a simple fetch and return mission. What they were meant to get was not eggs, but that’s what they found and they couldn’t just leave them there.

Characters: Uriel & Shade
Word Count: 1492
Hatching two eggs

The Eggs in the Snow

The Shiny Ralts groans. His breath coming out as a visible fog from the cold. Glancing back, towards another figure only just visible from his position,
“Hurry up, Uriel! We’re going to be late and you know it doesn’t like that.” He calls out, shouting back to his companion.
A few moments pass, and a sigh comes out of the shiny ralts, dreading that he’s going to have to go back and drag this Uriel along with him to stop them from being late.
“I – I found something, Shade, I think you should come here!” Uriel finally responds, she’s yelling, loud enough so he can hear her from this distance but not much louder than that. Shade wants to complain, but his interest is piqued. The last time she found something it was just a funky coloured berry and she ended up bringing it up to him, not calling him down to it.

Shuddering slightly from the cold, Shade begins to trudge his way back through the snow and towards his companion, and oh does he hate this time of year.
Uriel is further back then he expected her to be, just behind some bushes. Her bag as been pulled off her back and the cloak is no longer around her neck, he can see her wings quiver slightly from the cold.
“What on earth has gotten into you?” Shade begins but is swiftly hushed by Uriel who instead just gestures him to approach. He wants to complain again, but then notices the serious look on her face, the way she’s shivering and seems to be covering something that’s placed on the floor. So instead, he bites the further complaint back to instead investigate further, if it is nothing then he will let loose on her.
Pushing his ways through the bush to join his friend, Shade’s mouth drops open. He’s not going to complain now as he spots what Uriel has bundled up in her warm clothing, and instead he begins to pull his own off. Soon his jacket joins Uriel’s, wrapped around the eggs on the floor, there’s too of them and as his hand brushes against them, they’re still warm so clearly weren’t abandoned that long ago and the bushes have been helping the fact to keep them warm. His mind is rushing with thoughts and ideas, they can’t just leave these eggs out here, but he’s also not too sure how the two ralts’ will be able to safely bring these eggs back and keep them warm enough, there’s still a fair distance to go until they get back to their home.
“What shall we do?” Shade barely catches the words, they’re so soft and quiet that Shade’s not even sure if Uriel actually meant to say them out loud. The girl as moved, no longer stood by the eggs and is instead closer to them, small wings spread out to try and shelter the eggs from the cold air above. 

That’s a good question, Shade doesn’t know what to do. It’s left his mind about being worried about turning back late, sure that it will understand once they can return and explain the situation. The snow has begun to fall again and it’s getting colder, there’s no way these eggs will survive out here even if the parent is around here somewhere. His eyes dwindle on Uriel for a second, she’s begun to huddle down with the eggs and he feels a streak of protectiveness over them and the younger ralts. The plan finally comes to him.
“Right, Uriel we’ll hunker down. This snow is going to get worse and these eggs won’t survive if we don’t do something. We’ll hold them close between us and layer our cloaks and your blanket over us as a form of shield, leaving a gap at the side for air and to see when the snow stops. Hopefully, the chill will then be lessened so we can move them. I’m sure it will understand.” Shade explains and Uriel nods, though she still looks very hesitant, clearly worried about any repercussions.
“But what if their parent comes back? What if it doesn’t understand?” She asks, voice quavering slightly, Shade smiles, trying to reassure her.
“If the parents come back, then they will understand we went out of our way to keep their eggs safe. If no one comes back, well then, we bring them back to it and they’ll see why we had to be late… hopefully they’re ralts.” The end of the sentence is said just under his breath.
This does however, seem to reassure Uriel, so she helps him begin to set up their little make shift camp. They work as fast as they can as the snow gets heavier, for both the eggs sake but also their own, he can see how Uriel is shivering now, a couple of her downy feathers fall, she tries to hide it and tucks them under the eggs as cushioning. Shade feels guilty, a sort of double edge sword. He’s the reason they had such a rush to return, getting distracted by something within the Capital, so he’s the reason they’re stuck out here in the cold; but, if he hadn’t then they may have never found the eggs and he doesn’t like to think about what that could have meant for the eggs. 

The camp is built. A few sticks and the thicker bushes are holding the blanket over the top of them, though as they both duck into the shelter, their head crests bump the material, it almost threatens to make them material fall off and Shade holds his breath, but it holds. Uriel wraps herself around the slightly larger egg, her wings now held tight to her back, clearly their cold.
“How are you holding up?” He asks, a little nervous not wanting his friend to grow sick because of this, that wouldn’t look good and then there really would be no chance to get these two eggs back if there is no parent around and if Shade’s being honest, it’s highly unlikely that there is one.
Uriel just stares across at him, they don’t need to be able to see each other’s eyes to know she’s blinking, exhaustion over taking her,
“’m cold.” She states softly. Her tone makes something in Shade feel wrong, sad in a way he doesn’t really know. He reaches a hand around the egg he’s huddling to his chest; he can feel the warm pulse coming off of it and grabs Uriel’s hand.
“I know, but we’ve got to look after these eggs and I know you understand that. We just have to ride this out and keep them warm until we can get moving again. You know, I recon we’re strong enough now that if we end up taking these eggs with us, it will put us in charge off them when they hatch.” He states, sort of just running his own thoughts out loud to reassure Uriel. This seems to work though and the girl suddenly seems less exhausted.
“I would like that! I would be as good at looking after them as you are for me.” She smiles out, seemingly less exhausted at the idea and she wraps her arms around the egg tighter, though she doesn’t let go off his hand. Shade laughs softly, he’s not her boss, he was just a bit better at picking up the knowledge then she was so had to help her out.
Time seems to travel differently as the two keep their arms wrapped around the eggs, Uriel occasionally bringing up comments and ideas of what she’s going to do for this future egg that she’s clearly set her heart on. It makes Shade laugh, not in any form of cruel way, it’s more that he’s very fond of the girl and her dreams that she’s already set up. Shade can’t help the fact he’s running his other hand across the shell of the egg he’s holding onto, it’s subconscious and maybe yeah, he likes the idea of being in charge of someone younger than him. These eggs need someone to look after them and right now it’s these two and it doesn’t really matter what’s going to happen next, they just need to keep them warm and loved. Mayber there’s more steps to it, but these seem to be the most important ones and while these eggs are still warm and they can feel movement in them, well he’s going to assume that they’re happy and healthy.
Neither ralts can wait for the snow to go down, to be able to bring these eggs home and hope they get two new friends to join their little group.