EXECUTION: You Create What You Become

5 years, 4 months ago

Explicit Violence

Frederick Gower, SHSL Taxidermist's execution!

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That’s it, he was caught, caught of murdering another individual, “I-I can explain!” He cried out, but it was all too late, and before long, he could catch everyone’s disappointed gaze on him, the looks of disgust, and broken trust. “....ah...yous got me fair n square… guess i got what’s comin’ to meself,” he added with a shrug, the look of acceptance facing the despair he was met with… Before that got erased by the look of fear. Four shackles shoot out from the darkness, clamping onto his wrists and ankles, before pulling the SHSL Taxidermist into the darkness.

Everything went black for a while until he realized, he couldn’t move. Then suddenly, blinding light comes from the ceiling, Frederick quickly looked away, shielding his eyes from such a blinding ray. Soon enough, the light dimmed…

Frantically looking from side to side, he had realized he was bound to a surface, restricted to nothing but moving his head to look around. 

Eerie sights of his own creations with a sick mono twisted smile, cracking their faces forwards, sending a chill down Frederick’s spine, when suddenly, the Headmaster himself approached, a small case of tools in paw. The mono promptly opened it, revealing nothing but too familiar tools. This caused fear to be stricken into Freddie, he was going to be joining his own creations. His own fate, was to be just like what he’s created.

The Headmaster started with a scalpel, promptly starting an incision below his ribcage, cutting downwards, surprisingly neatly. Frederick in awful pain the entire while. He soon moves the scalpel to cut up to the Newfie’s neck, creating a perfect incision, and promptly continuing to skin the man alive. 

Placing the tool back, and with the murderer’s pain still at a constant, Monokoti proceeded to peel the skin off, not paying mind to the pain his victim was bearing. He can only watch in horror as the sight of his own skin leaving his body is both seen and felt, burning with pain. 

The process was...rather quick, however extremely painful. He had lost consciousness before the whole process was complete. 

Curtains closed before the process sped up once he passed out, and all that was left behind was a taxidermy replica of the SHSL Taxidermist, Frederick Gower, looking eerily alive, and with his signature smile plastered on his face. The creation was on a stand, simply labeled “Newfie”.