Your Odyssey Prompts

8 months, 11 days ago
8 months, 11 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 11 days ago

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Chapter 1

One moment Emmett was just doing his thing, fumbling around his lab, taking notes, conducting experiments, when an odd thing happened to him. It started out as an electrical sensation, the kind like when lightning is about to strike making your fur stand on end. It grew stronger, along with the sense of something impending, enough to draw Emmett’s nose from his work to look around to figure out the source of this… feeling.

“Did I leave some equipment on?” His pondering came to a quick halt after a brief inspection of his laboratory in which no wayward device or machine was left running. How odd, and yet the prickly, electrical sensation still remains, and is it him or has it grown steadily stronger still?

As if to answer his question an animalistic call sounds at his side as two of his precious creature companions come up to him, Finch and Laronze, both whose ears flick incessantly and eyes gazing about as if they too could sense this odd sensation. Is some sort of strange phenomena happening right here in his humble little lab that even his pets could feel it? How exciting!

“Welp, might as well see what I can find out!” Emmett announces to himself, shuffling in a drawer pulling out a couple of small gauges, energy detectors, metal meters, the whole works. He IS a scientist after all! His two companions stay faithfully at his heels as he tries to get recordings of… anything really. But it’s funny… nothing seems to be registering?

For a moment Emmett wonders if his equipment is possibly broken when an ear splitting sound rips through the air loud enough to make him flinch.And what happens next is too quick for him to follow. The sound of something tearing, Finch and Laronze’s terrified screeching, wind suddenly whipping around him like a hurricane. And then his feet leave the ground and Emmett doesn’t even have time to call out when the Rift sucks him in and everything falls black.


“Ouch… my head….”

Emmett lifts his head, clutching it with a paw and cracks his eyes open. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the bright light filtering through… trees?

“Oh gosh!! Are you alright?”

At the voice Emmett turns to see a… very unusual face.

“Are you okay?” a young Kiamara asks again with concern. “Did you and your pets get attacked by something?”


His pets! Emmett whips his head around (sloshing his slushy brain) to see Laronze and Finch a small bit away laying by a bush looking a bit dazed and their fur and feathers ruffled in all sorts of unflattering ways, but otherwise seem unharmed thank goodness. Looking back at the stranger Emmett squints a bit, trying to get his brain to work enough to form words.

“I was in my lab….” he recalls. “... then something… tore?”

“Ah, a rift.” The stranger nods in a way as if that is a completely normal thing to say. “That happens from time to time, dropping off poor folk like yourself here randomly. In Solaria.”

Solaria? That’s not a country or state or even a city Emmett has ever heard of.

“I can see you’re confused. Let’s get you and your pets taken care of first. It looks like yall had a nasty fall.” the stranger urges, helping Emmett stand. “OH, the names Peaches by the way!”

“E.. Emmett Brown.” he croaks out in reply, for once not feeling his usual eccentric self. Perhaps it is a valid side effect from going through… whatever the heck that was he just went through.

At the sound of Emm rustling to his feet Finch and Laronze rise and meander their way over, giving Emmett some concerned sniffs and nuzzles into his paw which he gladly accepts. Upon closer inspection it does indeed seem that both of them came out unscathed. Hearty little beasts they are!

“And those are… Finch… and Lorenzo… I mean Laronze… yeah, with an ‘e’. Man my brain is splattered….”

Peaches chuckles a bit, half out of humor and half out of sympathy. “Yeah, that’ll happen to you.” They bend to give both creatures a few pets before taking Emmetts arm behind her neck to help stabilize him. “Now let's get you to the village and sort out that large bump on your head.”

“Lead the way…” At this point Emmett was starting to crash, exhaustion hitting him all at once. Finch and Laronze stick right by his side, licking his paw every once in a while in support as the four of them slowly make their way out of the forest.

-776 words