The Centaur

8 months, 5 days ago
8 months, 5 days ago
12 2211

Entry 1
Published 8 months, 5 days ago

A nomadic culture of human(oid) / horse hybrids. A group of centaur is known as a "fare". Though uncommon everywhere, the largest number of them reside in the country of Brivorne.

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Centaur architecture is easily collapsible and portable. Most centaur are nomadic, and carry most of their camps on their backs, so the lighter something is, the more of it they can carry (or the faster they can move). 

The exact look of a centaur camp will vary depending on the natural resources available to them.

Most structures are canopies made of felt or specially crafted hides, supported by poles made of birch or willow wood (or whatever light, flexible wood is available). Some fares will place minor enchantments on canopies to make them more resistant to the elements, which gives them a slight glossy sheen. 

Larger fares will also have small "pens" to enclose spaces that are meant to be private, such as the elder's home, the foal canopy, and the herbalists storage tent. 

Carts or wagons are uncommon sights, often traded for from other cultures. A fare with a wagon will often have more features to their camp, like sturdier light sconces, larger cooking setups, and practice targets or dummies for training.