Nyssa: Devious Decorations #4

7 months, 20 days ago

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Nyssa gave a frown as she gave her hand a hard shake, attempting to dislodge the sticky piece of paper mâché that had become pasted to her skin.

Despite her trepidation, G’Ma had managed to convince her to give creating the Heartfire decorations another try. She seemed grateful for any extra help and had managed to steer Nyssa in the direction of the crafts table with little protest. Silas seemed more than happy to tag alone, although Nyssa suspected that had more to do with the pet treats G’Ma kept in her pocket than wanting to assist in the Heartfire decorations.

Nyssa had managed to let her ambitions get the best of her, and had somehow found herself up to her wrists in an unpleasant mixture of old newspapers, flour, and water. She had blown up small balloons earlier and was currently attempting to lay the paper mâché pieces on them, all the while Silas seemed to look on in amusement.

It was slow going, but eventually Nyssa managed to get a handful of balloons covered in the sticky paper. Once they had dried and hardened, she used a small pin to pop the balloons and painted them with orange paint. “Think you can get me a washcloth, Silas?” Nyssa asked as she peeled another piece of dried newspaper from her skin with a wince.

Her companion gave a short bark and scampered off, returning shortly afterwards with a damp cloth. Nyssa took a moment to clean herself up, before using a black marker to draw on some faces to the paper mâché Jack-o-Lanterns.

“Well… I suppose they could have turned out worse,” Nyssa said aloud as she turned over a misshapen paper mâché pumpkin in her hand.

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