A Group of -- is called a --

8 months, 5 days ago

For future reference. If / when I upload all mentioned cultures, this will be deleted.

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Aaracokra / Kenku / Owlin - 'Flock"

Aasimar - "Bevy"

Centaur - "Fare"

Changelings - "Cast"

Dragonborn - "Bale"

Dwarves - "Trestle"

Duergar - "Troop"

Elves / Half-Elves - "Swarm"

Dark Elves - "Sleuth"

Drow - "Cauldron"

High Elves - "Kitsch"

Moon Elves - "Husk"

Sea Elves - "Shoal"

Sun Elves - "Army"

Wood Elves - "Copse"

Firbolg - "Kine"

Genasi - "Amalgam"

Air Genasi - "Gust"

Earth Genasi -  "Span"

Fire Genasi - "Flare"

Water Genasi - "Raft"

Gnoll - "Cackle" or "Pack"

Gnomes - "Gaggle" or "Skein" 

Deep Gnomes - "Brace"

Forest Gnomes - "Fesnyng"

Rock Gnomes - "Tiding"

Goblinoid - "Colony"

Goliath - "Thunder" 

Halflings - "Kettle"

Humans - "Pack"

Kobolds - "Clutch" 

Lizardfolk - "Bask"

Minotaur - "Band" 

Orcs / Half-Orcs - "Drove" or "Caravan"

Tabaxi - "Clutter"

Tieflings - "Kindle"

Yuan-Ti - "Brood"