The Confession

8 months, 4 days ago
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Woah, is Takuya crushing on Jun? He couldn't deny that his feelings for him seemed to be growing stronger with each passing day. Lately, he found himself feeling more embarrassed and nervous when around him, and it wasn't just due to their friendship growing. Takuya had the fear of Jun discovering his true feelings. He felt conflicted, uncertain if what he was experiencing was merely a deep sense of friendship or something deeper. What if Jun found out? Would he reject Takuya and distance himself away from him? These questions haunted him as he just wants to keep his friendship with Jun the same but at the same time, wished Jun felt the same romantic feelings towards him.

Despite his fears, Takuya couldn't help but notice the little things about Jun that made his heart skip a beat. He found Jun's kindness and sociableness endearing and admired his handsome appearance. Each day seemed to reveal a new layer of Jun's charm, and it only intensified Takuya's feelings. Is it really okay to feel this way towards him?

Then, suddenly, Jun invited Takuya to join him in the garden for a heart to heart conversation. Takuya immediately agreed, talking to him was enough to make his day feel better. As they sat side by side, with Jun talked about his day, Takuya contemplated whether this was the right moment to confess his feelings. It would be his first time taking such a step, and the thought made him nervous.

As Jun paused in his conversation, he turned to Takuya, who, without hesitation, blurted out,

"I like you."

His words hung in the air for a moment, and Jun's cheeks began to tinge with a soft blush.

Jun stammered, "...What?"

Takuya realized how blunt he had been and felt a wave of nervousness wash over him. He quickly brushed off his previous confession with sign language, his hands fumbling everywhere.

But Jun wasn't buying it. He leaned closer, his own cheeks flushed with a hint of excitement, and softly requested, "Say it again."

Takuya's heart raced as he repeated himself slowly, his voice raising a little bit.. and this time, he made sure to meet Jun's gaze as he confessed, "I like you.." Then, he quickly looked away, his face turning a deeper shade of red.

Jun's own nervousness started to show as well. He cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. "Takuya, I... like you too."

Author's Notes