
4 months, 22 days ago
4 months, 22 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 22 days ago

Storage center for any character questionnaires that I have filled out for Adah.

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@cuz-im-the-wanderer's Fallout OC Questionnaire

1. Which Fallout game are they from?

Fallout 3

2. Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?

Tunnel Snakes
Joining his gang of childhood bullies was somewhat of an accident. When Adah saved Butch's Mom from the radroach infestation, he instantaneously became a member. He probably didn't fully acknowledge this until later, acting in the way that an ideal Tunnel Snake would after his negative development in the wasteland.
Brotherhood Of Steel
Adah has a light affiliation with the Brotherhood, mostly joining them out of an alignment of goals rather than ideology. When Maxon's Brotherhood takes Rivet City's power supply, Adah turns against them.
Reilly's Rangers
After helping the rangers out of a tight spot, Adah continues to work with them. His mapping information proved valuable and it's quality flourished after he was able to view the Capital Wasteland from space.
Ashur's Army
Whilst Adah supported the slaves of the Pitt, he found himself unable to steal a baby away from his parents. This was a projection of his own issues.
Viewing Roy Phillips as the aggressor in the situation, Adah killed the gang of ghouls that were living in the Warrington Tunnels. In return, he became allied with the settlement.

The Family
In a violent manifestation of his biased vault upbringing, Adah killed the cannibals known as "The Family", viewing them little more as disturbed raiders. He can no longer look Lucy West in the eye after secretly murdering her brother.
The destruction of the Enclave was partly caused by Adah's desire for revenge. Later on in the fight, he came to realise the tangible threat they posed to the wasteland.

3. What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?

S - 7
P - 5
E - 8
C - 4
I - 10
A - 4
L - 2

4. Give us a summary of their backstory.

In Vault 101, Adah was hated by many of the other residents. This extended to the other children of the vault, picking up on their parent's secret dislike towards outsiders. He didn't have the strongest relationship with James. As a father, James would often invalidate Adah's problems by comparing them to his harsher upbringing on the surface. They worked together as Adah put aside his needs for the betterment of the Vault, choosing to study as a surgeon.

He maintained a strong friendship with Amata. Other residents often believed that they were a couple, however their sleepovers were just full of saved up snack rations and cheesy movies. Sometimes Adah would hang out with other young people who were not in his class and not as prone to hearing bad things about him, such as Jim Wilkins and Steve Armstrong.

5. What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?

Adah Herschel Dunn is his full name. Sometimes people will shorten this to "Ade". Butch probably spawned most of his nicknames such as "nosebleed" and "Adaham Lincoln".

6. What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?

Freddie Gomez made Adah realise that he was gay at a young age. He is cisgender. With the toxic and oppressive environment of Vault 101, Adah is very guarded with this information and only tells close friends. He never told his father.

7. Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?

Through his Med-X addiction, Adah has also gained a psychological dependency on the drug. He additionally suffers from PTSD after the events of Escape! and occasionally suffers from episodes of psychosis. Vault Depressive Syndrome is something that he likely experienced, though it was never treated or acknowledged.

8. Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them?

His Med-X addiction is severe and has resulted in debilitating withdrawal symptoms when without it. Whilst he could take something like Addictol or Fixer to treat this, for a long time the mental side of his addiction has stopped this being a successful treatment plan. Repeated injections has led to visible track marks on the inner parts of his arms.

9. How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe?

For the most part Adah is pretty lazy about his appearance. In the Vault, he was too scared to get his hair cut between the ages of 16 and 18 after Butch became the new hairdresser. He is incredibly particular about his facial hair, believing that without it he looks like a little boy. In an ideal world, he would wash every at least every 3 days depending on activity. The wasteland makes this more difficult.

10. What do they fear the most?

Adah's greatest fear is abandonment. He hides a lot of things from others because of this. Sometimes, his fear of abandonment results in aggressive behaviour where he pushes people away before they can hurt him.

11. They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?

Poor charisma is reflected in Adah's speech. He is very rude towards others, often picking dialogue actions that insult others. Adah is able to recognise this as a flaw and apologises when he can. However, if he is frustrated or decided that he doesn't like someone, he will persist.

12. What are they most insecure about?

His appearance is actually something he's pretty insecure about. He doesn't believe that he is attractive or desirable in a relationship and has low self-esteem.

13. What Wasteland threat do they fear the most?

Super Mutants are Adah's greatest wasteland fear. He is horrified to learn that they used to be human. The prospect of being captured and eaten rather than instantaneously killed terrifies him. (It was also his first in-game death)

14. What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements?

He is a cancer. View his full astrological chart here.

15. What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ)

Adventurer - ISFP-T.

16. What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw)

Gryffindor, though others expected Ravenclaw.

17. Which Pokemon Go team would they choose? (ex. Instinct, Valor, Mystic)

He'd join Team Mystic. His Pokemon team is: Surskit (partner), Reuniclus, Manectric, Porygon, Magnezone, Metagross.

18. Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest?

Strengths: Mathematical, Kinesthetic. He has extremely steady hands and movement and has an excellent ability to work through logical puzzles.
Weaknesses: Spatial, Intrapersonal. Adah struggles with creative tasks and has a poor imagination. He also particularly has a hard time with identifying his own emotions and values.

19. What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)

Within Vault 101, Adah could be described as Lawful Neutral. After escaping from Vault 101 he drops to Chaotic Neutral and remains that way after his experiences.

20. Do they have any hobbies? What are they?

Reading is something he quite enjoys in his spare time. Usually, he will read something casual like "The Adventures Of Captain Cosmos" or check out his (or his friends) daily horoscope. In the wasteland, he starts to experiment with explosives for fun or for combat if they are particularly effective.

21. Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?

As Valentines day probably just makes Adah yearn, his favourite holiday would be Halloween. He used to love dressing up with Amata and trying to make the ugliest, scariest and tastiest snacks possible.

22. What’s their favorite season?

Spring fascinates Adah. Whilst there is limited growth in the Capital Wasteland, he is amazed to see new plant life and young mutated animals for the first time. When the weather starts to slowly warm, it's a welcome feeling.

23. Do they have a temper or are they level headed?

Having a very short fuse is one of the few issues that Adah is aware of within himself. He's extremely easy to set off into a rude, foul-mouthed rage. This is something that he's trying to work on and correct himself in. For the most part, he just seems inappropriate rather than violent.

24. Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?

Adah strongly suppresses his feelings even before leaving Vault 101. Something that contributed to this was how his Father subtly diminished Adah's issues by indirectly comparing them to the harsher experiences of the surface. After escaping Vault 101, Adah seeks to numb his emotions and feelings through the use of Med-X. His continued untreated trauma makes him overwhelmed.

25. Are they a leader or a follower?

He's somewhat in the middle and will lead or follow depending on how the mood strikes. Often he will brush off something that he disagrees with and leave, though this is usually on his own. Ultimately he is a loner.

26. How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make.

At first glance, Adah appears aloof and cold. When he speaks, he appears to be selfish and unpredictable.

27. Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they travelled with if any? Current companion if any?

In truth, Adah prefers to not be alone despite how he pushes away his companions. He has travelled with all of Fallout 3's companions at some point or another. Most notably, he completed the majority of his mercenary work alongside Charon, Sydney and Sergeant RL-3 as a group until Adah goes his own way. Butch Deloria is his permanent, endgame follower who lives with him.

28. Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation?

Adah would view himself as selfish for wanting basic things. He's really a selfless person who gives too much of himself to others and needs to rein it in for his own wellbeing. Despite this, he's hardly a people pleaser as he can be incredibly harsh towards others.

29. What do they find most attractive in others? Name at least one psychological and physical trait. (doesn’t have to be romantic attraction)

He typically goes for men with dark hair, angular shaped lips and whatever he views as "dreamy eyes". Personality wise he ends up interested in eccentric men who have some sort of personality issue.

30. Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?

Flirting is not really something Adah does when he's interested in someone. He's not the pursuing type either and will just long for a relationship rather than doing anything for the most part. On occasion he will take advantage of the "Confirmed Bachelor" dialogue options to crudely manipulate a situation in his favour. If someone hits on him he's usually too surprised by the situation to capitalise on it. There isn't much notable about how often or easily he falls in love, he's rather average about it. When Adah is smitten with someone though it's usually accompanied by some form of angst.

31. What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship?

Whilst he doesn't have loads of relationship experience, what he has experienced has been highly superficial for the most part. His relationship with Steve quickly fizzled out under the face of threat in the Vault. Timebomb is probably a bit too spontaneous and unknown for Adah to pursue a relationship with him. After becoming friends with Butch, Adah was reluctant to fall for him but it happened anyways. Eventually Butch and Adah turn their friends with benefits situation into an exclusive relationship.

32. Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?

Thanks to Adah's low Charisma stat, even when Adah would like to solve a situation peacefully it usually descends into violence. Oftentimes, he would pick the violent option anyways.

33. What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak?

When in combat, Adah prefers to fight stealthily and from a distance. His weapons of choice are energy weapons and explosives. If forced into close quarters Adah may use a flaming/shock sword but he prefers not to. There have been times where through the combination of Med-X and Psycho he has done some serious damage to himself and his enemies.

34. What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?

Adah usually has Jingwei's Shocksword on hand and may use it for combat or on random electronics. He uses a few different energy weapons on his journey but the Microwave Emitter is his favourite.

35. Their most prized possession?

In the Vault, most of Adah's childhood toys were redistributed to the new generations. One of the few things he was able to keep was a tarot card deck from Beatrice. He didn't really understand the real point of these but it seemed magical when Beatrice performed a reading. Normally though, Adah just played with these like as though they were random cards with his friends and made up different games and adventures with them. His deck of cards has a lot of memories attached to it and most of the people in them are dead now.

36. Their thoughts on power armor?

He's quite interested in the technical aspects of power armour though he finds it a little impractical to wear at times, particularly because Adah is hardly spry and prefers to avoid being seen. If on a dangerous quest or in group combat, he will wear it and change his tactics accordingly.

37. Favorite armor/ outfit?

Most people know of Adah by his Vault 101 Security Armour. The "Prototype Medic Power Armour" however provides Adah with a regular supply of Med-X to fuel his addiction. In casual situations, Adah enjoys wearing Butch's jacket to keep warm and strongly likes how it looks.

38. How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?

Adah may have steady hands but his perception isn't the best. He's quite reliant on his Pip-Boy's V.A.T.S. system to shoot properly. Regular guns remind him of his traumatic experience in the Vault and cripple his aim with them.

39. What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily?

It may not seem like it but all the danger and killing does take a hefty toll on Adah's psyche. Even when trying to numb all of his feelings with Med-X, sometimes this comes to the surface. Eventually Adah leaves this kind of life and the Capital Wasteland as it was killing him.

40. Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)

Death scares Adah and is often on his mind. He's witnessed so many violent deaths at such a young age and worries about when and how he will die. It keeps him awake at night. His experiences with death have made Adah quite overprotective as he can't bear to lose anyone else.

41. Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home?

He likes to have a place to call home and to dump all his stuff in. Initially he lives in the Megaton House and puts all of his creature comforts inside of it. Eventually, he moves it's contents into the Mothership Zeta spaceship and lives on the move.

42. What’s their favorite location?

Adah feels safest close to home and likes to eat food (much better than what he can cook) at the Brass Lantern in Megaton. He likes to sit at their bar outside and take in the neon lights and night sky above in relative safety.

43. Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?

Pity is something that he would feel towards all ghouls. Whilst he is nice to regular ghouls, if they knew this some would probably chew him out for looking down on them.

44. Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?

He can be quite excessive with his spending and won't have an issue with buying supplies from traders. When it comes to carrying scrap, he can't be bothered with the effort.

45. Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?

Curiosity often gets the best of Adah. He can easily get side-tracked when it comes to finding a scientific or hobbyist location.

46. How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?

Adah suffers from insomnia and night terrors when he does manage to sleep. In addition, he has ended up sleepwalking on a few occasions. He strongly prefers to sleep on a proper bed and probably won't bother if the only option is sleeping on the floor. Sleeping with a partner makes him feel a little less stressed and helps reduce these symptoms slightly. When he finally falls asleep, he's pretty grabby and likes to be bundled up.

47. What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse)

Too many times has Three Dog annoyed Adah by talking about him on the radio. He absolutely hates the attention he gets as a result of it and doesn't care for the DJ's opinion on his actions. It honestly reminds him of the surveillance he experienced in Vault 101. His favourite radio station as a result would be Agatha's Station, where Zigeunerweisen is his favourite song.

He also has his own selection of songs on his Pip-Boy and probably changes his favourite of those on a whim. An example is Sea Of Heartbreak by Don Gibson.

48. What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?

His cooking skills are atrocious, which does not pair well with being a picky eater. Normally he eats junk food, particularly potato chips and Yum Yum Devilled Eggs. Fortunately Butch is able to cook. Adah enjoys when he makes brahmin and carrot stew. For dessert, Adah loves a Mississippi Quantum Pie.

49. What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol?

For a drink, Adah is pretty happy with a regular Nuka-Cola when he's not just having to keep hydrated. Sometimes, he might have a little rum in there too. He likes absinthe and the sugar cube that's involved in the serving process. He's not too picky with what he drinks and will accept most things.

50. Do they have any tag skills?

Energy Weapons, Medicine, Science

51. Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons, Bobbleheads)

He collects bobbleheads and comics. His favourite series is Captain Cosmos though Grognak is a close second nostalgic pick. If he ever found an action figure he would jump for joy.

52. Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?

Tripwires in particular catch Adah off guard. When it comes to other types of traps, he can usually see them well enough to disarm them in time.