
8 months, 1 day ago

Explicit Violence

Inktober prompts: Bloodlust + Stitches

An uncanny force of nature makes itself more and more present... perception of time seems to be slipping.

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Author's Notes

This a situation that happens in the future, not the current present.

There was no running this time, I was cornered. Oh what a fool I had been thinking I would be safe coming back here... this is why I didn't get attached. I shouldn't have. I shouldn't be. 

Every cell in my body screaming at me to run, gaze shifting around in frantically as I slipped further into panic -- Stay in the game. I could hear Kimora shouting at me but couldn't make out the words, Chiharu's mocking laughter drowning out any sensible thoughts and coherence I held onto.

The shine of a bloodied blade being pulled out of my body caught my senses back in order as a shock of pain struck through - snapping back to it as I finally caught on with the situation around me hyperventilating. Chiharu had found me. Again. I needed to run but I couldn't, Kimora and Cyanide were with me I couldn't just book it -- Had to give them time to run. Yes. That.. that was the plan. Haha.. Blood loss was getting to me, I collapsed to my knees as my vision blurred... How many hits had I taken already? Why weren't they running? I couldn't make out the words anymore... Looking back at the duo helplessly shouting at them to run - but Kimora and their shadow held their ground. Shielding the terrified pup hiding right behind them, frozen in fear. He was too heavy for her to carry.

I could see the satisfaction on Chi's face as she held me powerless like this, her grin growing amused as she noticed me looking back and stopped toying with me for a moment - now stepping towards Kimora and Cyanide. No. No no no no. NO. She could hurt me all she wanted but I would be damned by the hand of Vetis before I allowed her to lay a single hand on the only blood family I had left... With a pained growl I tried to push myself back up. Limping upwards.

She paid no mind to me, her bloodlust now focused on the two lupaxi frozen in her sights. Her illusions. Raising her blade to strike -- I felt myself slip completely.

Snapping back to it as I felt the warm blood flowing in my jaws now towering over the bloodied nightmare, one of my paws crushing her ribcage under my weight. I let go suddenly in a panic, the arm that had been holding the knife dropping from my hold as I opened my mouth to huff out an apology - I didn't mean to hurt, I didn't want to hurt, not again. As I flinched back in horror once more the small nightmare would wiggle out from my grip and flee back into the forest clutching to her injured arm. Refusing to give chase and knowing the danger was gone I slumped to the ground, feeling the grip of darkness pull me in.

...I could've sworn I saw a shadow slink into the darkness of the trees with the lost arm before I passed out.


I felt myself gasp for air, as I clawed out of the darkness weighting on me, with a heavy cough I puked out some of the black gunk that had filled my lungs. Where.. was I? Looking around I only saw an endless abyss of.. well nothing. Even the place I had emerged from was now solid ground, the same endless darkness that surrounded all around. 

The echoes of my question ran in my mind, and as if listening - it spoke up.

"Welcome to the Abyssails," the voice paused as I frantically looked around for it's source, to no avail. "..or well, an image of it. You're just asleep."

I questioned as to where it was, recognizing the now far too familiar voice. Yet the answer given was... unsatisfactory to my inquiry. "Here, there, I am everywhere - it doesn't really matter since this place isn't real, but if you insist," and as that sentence was spoken, a lupax now stood in front of me. "Satisfied?"

I gave an hesitant nod looking the figure over: it stood way below my natural height, a fur coat so dark it seemed to blend in the surrounding void but strangest of all - it lacked any limbs. In fact it moved more like a snake, now seeing it at a closer range.

I was about to ask a question before it abruptly answered, before it were even spoken. "Yes, a part of it. Shouldn't you already know that though? You were the one who summoned me." 

I shut my mouth quick on that, uncertain how it knew what I was about to say. Only to get an answer for that as well. "Part of the pact, a link of sorts. I am not speaking verbally either; simply projecting thoughts."

It sunk itself in the darkness, wrapping it's tail around itself to rest, seemingly. As it did so, I felt my own weight being pulled down to the ground. "Now... I'd suggest you wake up. Our deal still has to be held mustn't it?"


A distant voice, feminine in nature, was talking in the background - the floor below my head was soft.. a pillow? Where was I..? I could feel the soft sunlight beaming on my face, too tired to move... I need more sleep..

Tsuki's ears would pick up on the nearby rustling of the blankets, cutting Zephyr off as she was still talking, in a whisper "He's awake-"

Cyanide was still curled up at the foot of the couch, fast asleep. Haruko gave a low groan as the pain caught up to his now conscious body. He tried to raise his arm to take a look at his surrounding but a jolt of pain would stop him from doing so feeling the stitches on his body pull against his fur. Senses still too blurry to pick up on his surroundings without sight, he was left clueless - but someone had patched up the wounds left by the fight.. guess there was that advantage; being made of stitches and fabric.

"...Where.." his voice was weak and hoarse from the days spent comatose. He needed water... food, anything - his magic being too weak to keep his body running that way meant it went back to running normally. How annoying - still wondered how people put up with that, but that was probably the least of concern right now. 

He jolted slightly hearing a knocking pattern  to his side - before recognizing the rythm and giving a sigh; an old signal that Kimora and him had from the time he lived under their parents' roof. Due to his lack of sight and their auditory sensitivity at the time, this had become their way of announcing eachother's presence as to not spook eachother. He gave a weak nod, acknowledging it. Only to hear a second one, a bit more out of rythm - unfamiliar and clumsy motions but an attempt nonetheless, someone else was there. Unsure who, at the time, but if Moon was there it was fine he figured.

The feminine voice spoke up again, closer now - he'd pinpoint who it was finally; Zephyr. Moon probably called her over to bring him to safety.. so they were probably up North - far away from Chi... they were all safe.. they were all... safe.

Back to sleep he went...