True Ending

8 months, 1 day ago
6 months, 28 days ago
2 2332

Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 1 day ago

Explicit Violence

The good apocalypse AU

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1 . Stuck

     Of course, neither of them thought it'd end up this way. Jesse clutched the ring box in his pocket tighter, trying to grasp some semblance of their future as it seemed to slip farther away. Kizzy's reassuring voice kept him calm as passengers frantically buckled their seatbelts for the emergency take off. As the plane started abruptly, Jesse's worries eased ever so slightly, truly thinking they'd at least make it back home to deal with this mess.

     That's when they heard it, echoing through the cabin. Words failed everyone in the aircraft as a passenger near the back of economy class coughed and wheezed, gagged and gasped for air. Before the infection could even make its way to the poor soul's brain, chaos ensued. Determined to protect her, Jesse jumped to his feet, grabbing Kizzy's hand, their backpack, and booking it off the plane. Jesse didn't even pay mind to the fact that he was living his childhood dream, jumping down the inflatable escape slide off the aircraft. He was fixed on getting as far from civilization as possible, desperately needing Kizzy to be out of harms way. No words were shared between the two as they ran, too on edge listening to the screams behind them slowly fall into the distance. Jesse silently thanked whoever built this airport in the middle of nowhere, continuing to rush away with Kizzy by his side.

     After running for a deeply uncertain amount of time, the two were able to find what looked like an abandoned gas station, slightly relieved to see it had already been broken into and mostly looted. Whoever was in the area with them wouldn't be coming back here. They made their way inside, still refusing to let go of each other's hand as they found a break room in the back. The two sat on the mildly uncomfortable couch and finally took a breath, as if they hadn't breathed for miles. Still, silence rang through the room, only broken by their equally broken gasps for air. Jesse looked at his girlfriend, the love of his life, and felt tears fall. She was already looking at him, sobbing silently. Jesse immediately pulls her close, holding her tightly as they take this moment to themselves. The world falls away as they embrace. Jesse holds Kizzy tighter as she slowly becomes the only thing that matters to him anymore. He needs to keep her safe, no matter the cost.

     Some time passes, Jesse lifts his hand, wiping the rest of Kizzy's tears away. He's not as good at providing reassurance as she is, but he tries his best.

     "It's gonna be okay, Kizz. How are you holding up? Are you hurt?" He looks around her, trying to spot any wounds. Kizzy shakes her head, placing her hand on top of Jesse's.

     "I'm alright, I'm fine," she whispers, her voice not displaying any one emotion. Jesse tries to read her expression, but she just looks tired. He holds her close again, Kizzy leaning against his chest as they sit silently again. Through the window, they watch the sun set, finding a bit of beauty in this moment. Kizzy looks up and kisses under Jesse's chin, thankful she has him through this. He can't help but smile, kissing her forehead as they turn back to the sunset.

     "If I had to be stuck in America with anyone, I guess you're the best option to get stuck with." Kizzy laughs softly along with her tease, earning a scoff and a laugh from Jesse.

     "I'm truly honored to be your best option," he rolls his eyes and huffs, squeezing her and planting more kisses on her cheek. "I guess you're fine to be stuck with too."

     Kizzy smiles with him, happy they were able to find a bit of enjoyment in each other's company. Though meant as a tease, Kizzy knows there's no one else in the world she'd be able to joke with in the middle of an apocalypse. She thanks her lucky star she was able to be blessed with him, against all odds. She takes a deep breath, her expression falling.

     "So, we're stuck here?"

     "Seems so."

     “Well then,” she sighs as she stands up, holding her hand out to him. “Let’s try to get back home alive, yeah?”
Jesse looks up at his girlfriend, the woman of his wildest dreams, and smiles, taking her hand and standing up. He pulls her into a kiss, dipping her ever so slightly before pulling away.

     “Let’s.” Is all he says. They nod to each other before grabbing their bag, leaving the break room, getting ready to find any materials they can.