Mini Mission: Care of the Wild Life

8 months, 2 days ago
8 months, 2 days ago
1 731

Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 2 days ago

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Chapter 1

"And we just get to play with them? No need to clean poop or something like that?" Storyteller was thrilled, and the joy on Pan's little face was evident as well. They were standing in one of the Adoption Centers in Thundra, excitedly hopping from one foot to the other. Matsuda and Dune had dropped them off here because Storyteller had shown up at their place one day with an ad in her paws. They were looking for helpers at the center for the animals. No further details were given on that paper, but it brought the solution to a problem the family had: Matsuda had business in Thundra and Dune should accompany him. Until shortly before their trip, they had not found anyone who would take care of their little one. Thanks to Storyteller, they had found a place for her and the strange girl had also invited herself. After a short consultation with her parents, everything was settled.

And so the four of them set off in the direction of Thundra, which went surprisingly well. The children didn't complain about the long walk, but chattered excitedly with each other and thus entertained the whole environment. They were a loud group. It had nevertheless taken longer than expected, since they had to rest more often than when they were only two on the road. Sure, the kids didn't have the stamina yet, but they never complained. They were too afraid that one might change their mind and they wouldn't make it to the Adoption Center.

After instruction first by Matsuda, then by the center's director, they had been placed in the care of a keeper who showed the little ones around. Now the keeper nodded as answer to the question by Storyteller. "Yes," he replied, as he searched in a closet for some toys. "We need some help right now to keep the little ones a little busy. You must know that these were all lost." He nodded toward a room next to him without turning his head. Busy, he rummaged in the closet. "We found them in the wild but they are no wild animals. They're pets but... The owners haven't been located yet, and now they need someone to cheer them up." 

He pulled out some balls and a frond, thought about it for a moment, then pressed the things into the children's paws. 

"And I'm afraid I so don't have time for that." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck for a moment. "We're also having some problems with the wildlife outside at the moment." He screwed up his face. "That's not really our responsibility, but we've been asked to help out. That's why I have to leave right away, too, and the people waiting here are just missing out."

Now he looked at the children and raised a paw in warning.

"Please handle them with care and caution. The little ones probably want to go home and are therefore quite sad. Therefore, be kind and not too stormy, that could unsettle them and maybe even scare them."

The children nodded.

"And don't feed them. Some of them are food specialists and can't tolerate everything. They'll chow down anything you'd give them, of course, no question! But it might not agree with them."

Again a nod from the children, even though they were a little disappointed. They would have loved to feed the animals, because animals always looked so cute doing that.

"Good." The keeper didn't seem quite convinced yet, but after a glance at his watch, he decided without further ado that the instruction would have to do as it was. "Good," he said again and led the children to the door. "Please don't be disappointed if they don't run to you right away. This is all new to them. New surroundings, new faces. They have to get used to you first. It's best if you sit down somewhere and wait. They need to explore you first, so let the animals get close to you. Then don't try to pet them right away, some of them don't like that right away. They will show when you are allowed to touch them. And when you can do that, the playing can begin. If one dares, the others will follow and then you won't be short of play partners." He grinned briefly, then opened the door.