Fruits of Your Labor: Goomy Squad

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"Leave it to us ma'am." Clay nodded at the old tropius. "We'll have your orchard and farm taken care of in no time."

"Thank you dear. I'll leave it to you and your team." The tropius nodded her head and left the greenhouse.

Clay turned to the group of goomy fusions, all of them looking eager to start. "Alright everyone let's hop to it. Pancake take Cheesecake, Sponge, Pom Pom, and Snow and start on the berries. Fluff, Mochi, Noodle, and Velvet you're with me. We'll be working on the trees. Sound good?"

He got various noises of agreement. "Alright, those of you with me come on! Make sure to grab some baskets for the berries as well." Pancake looked at the group he was taking.

Pom Pom walked over to the baskets that they'd need. "Alright guys just come over and I'll hand you one."

Sponge and Snow came over and eagerly grabbed the baskets from Pom Pom. She walked over and gave one to Pancake as well. "Alright. We'll be off. We'll return either once the job is done or we require more baskets." Pancake nodded.

"Loosen up some Pancake! Just cause we're working doesn't mean we can't have any fun!" Clay could hear Sponge say as the four walked away.

"Yeah, let's enjoy ourselves too." Snow agreed.

Once they were out of earshot Clay turned back to the others. "Alright, let's get some baskets of our own and get to work too."

Velvet nodded before going to grab a basket, Noodle not far behind. "I wonder how that tropius upkept this place for so long. Think she had help?" The rayquaza fusion hooked a basket around their tail. Velvet simply shrugged.

"Think she's just had help? Like how we're helping her now." Fluff hummed as she grabbed a basket.

"Maybe, but why ask the guild for help now?" Mochi frowned as he grabbed his own basket.

"Doesn't matter. We're here to do our job. Not speculate on why it needs to be done." Clay grunted, grabbing a few baskets. "Alright, with me everyone. Let's get these trees done."

The work went pretty smooth. Clay had to reel in some of his teammate's antics a few times, but it wasn't bad. They'd been doing well lately. Really learning a balance between work and play. It had helped instituting Pancake as a sub leader. The absol fusion had really taken to leadership well and his teammates already respected him.

During the course of picking the trees Clay saw the others come back for more baskets several times. He grinned to himself as he saw that each basket that was brought back only contained one type of berry. He'd make sure to praise Pancake later for keeping them organized.

It took several hours but eventually the greenhouse was all successfully picked. Clay gathered back up his team a d had them double check over their work to make sure everything was organized and easy for their tropius client to deal with. Finally Clay gave a satisfied nod. "Alright everyone great work. Are we all ready to head home?" There were several shouts of agreement and general happiness. As Clay led his team team out of the greenhouse and said goodbye to the tropius he couldn't help but feel happy. Happy that he'd found his little family.