Mini Mission - Il Bisso Galeto

SC Mini mission log (14th October 2023)

A small team is sent to locate and retrieve a small creature that's been terrorizing the town.

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✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

It's a pleasant, sunny day in Treviso, and you've been called to help out Italy's horribly understaffed local SC branch to help with finding a creature of some sort that seems to be causing trouble around the area. You're met at a local cafe by a somewhat antsy, tired-looking man with two empty coffee mugs next to him, who waves you all over to his table and greets you in Italian-accented English. " this everybody...?" He counts heads quickly.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash is probably too chipper and full and energy for this poor mans and they do their best to tone it down for everyone. "IIII believe so, sir!"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andrew nods along with Ash, fiddling with his sweater while he awaits for further instruction.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank stayed to the back of the lil group, trying not to take any dominant position in the conversation with this being his first mission.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Aaah, finally something to do! And that man looks extremely tired already! ... Two coffee mugs down already and the day is just starting, huh? "Hello sir! That'd be all, yeah! And we're plenty!"

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

Bones says nothing, hunching a little to try and not look too out of place in a setting like this.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

The man nods and finishes off his cup of coffee, adding a third empty mug to his collection. " name is Francesco, I'm your contact for today with the Milan branch. Um,," He gestures for the others to join him at the table. "If you have a seat, I can explain the issue we're dealing with." Once everyone's sat down, Francesco seems to settle a bit. "So we...have been receiving reports of a creature causing trouble here...there've been a few minor injuries. From the descriptions we've gotten from people, we believe it's a Bisso Galeto." he looks around. "Er...before I explain, do any of you know what that is, or...?"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash hums, giving a little "nice to meet you, Francesco sir! I'm Ash!" as they plop down-"Nope, no idea, sir! But I'm curious all the same!"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy helplessly shrugs, offering an apologetic smile. "I-I'm afraid I don't."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank shift a bit in the chair, trying to hard to focus on listening. "...gelato? Its like ice cream, right?..." He didn't really hear him right. His english is still rough, you think he's gonna catch anything else?

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie blinks, trying to translate it in their head with whatever little bit of spanish knowledge they have. "A... kiss cake?? The heck is that?"

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

Bones stares blankly at the man.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash stares at the group, confused.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

"N. No. Uh-" He reaches for another mug of coffee. "It's a type of monster local to's very small, about the size, of..." he holds his hands apart. "A small dog, maybe? It looks like a bit like a rooster, but it has spines and a snake's tail."  He sighs. "They are only a major risk to small creatures or those with no defense, but they are very aggressive and will scratch up someone's face and eyes badly, given the chance. But I was the only one free to take the request, and it is hard to spread out and search well with only one person, so...that is where you all come in."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank gently sweating, seeing at he's already got one scratched up eye. "Cool..."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Sooo, should we invest in some masks? Goggles, maybe?""But interesting..... a murder chicken- with a snake's tail!"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Sounds like it could be trouble without some form of protective gear- "And would we be catching it? Chasing it out-?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"A dinosaur................." Leslie ponders.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

Francesco rubs at the back of his neck. "It's up to our discretion, as long as it's out of the city...we want to avoid harming an occult creature unnecessarily, though."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Mm! Makes sense! Lets not hurt it or anything if we can help it!"

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

"That is our purpose, ideally." Bones chimes in.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Francesco blinks twice. Why is his coffee hallucination talking.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Well, yeah... so chasing it outs maybe better? Can we scare it...? With like.. a broom...?" shrugs. Hes not great at this idea stuff

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy nods. "Maybe if we could catch it and contain it safely, we could find somewhere to relocate it."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"I mean I'm sure we can trap it, right? I have my toolkit with me, I can make a lasso or something if needed."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Francesco sighs and flags down a waiter to pay his exorbitant coffee bill. "We'll need to find it first...I'll show you to the area where there've been sightings."  A short time later, you all find yourselves in a residential area, old-looking apartment buildings in the Italian architectural style lining a square. Francesco goes and knocks on a few doors, and comes back with an old lady, a tall middle-aged man, and a young woman. "These are the people who requested our help...they can answer any questions you have about what's been going on." 

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank blinks and looks at the women. "... Where'd it go?" best question hes got

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash is worried about this mans with an coffee tab- As they reach the residential area, they take a moment to look around, just taking in the little details, before turning to the two ladies and man with a smile and a wave. "Hi there! Is there a place it likes to hang out most, perhaps?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

Oh, pretty area! Leslie is vaguely distracted by the architecture for a moment, before focusing back on the conversation. "Well it looks like we've already gotten to the real questions, but hello! Would you happen to know if it likes to hide somewhere?"

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Having that much coffee can't be good for someone's health.. It looks like the others got the questions handled though so Andy will settle for listening and taking mental notes!

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

Bones figures the humanoids already have the important questions handled, and idly looks around the surrounding area for visual clues.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡

Andy gives Bones a tiny wave while the others discuss things. Hi Bones! ^^

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵

Bones gives Andy a small nod of acknowledgement.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

The little old lady speaks up in heavily accented English. "I saw it on that roof!" she points at a building across the square. "It shouted at me and looked as if it was going to come down until I went inside." The younger woman huffs. "It jumped out at me in that alleyway when I was trying to take the trash out! It ripped up the leg of my pants and chased after me." The man looks around like oh me? when it seems to be his turn, before waving. "I, eh, saw it in the alleyway on the other side chasing a stray came out of a hole in the wall. Is very small, so many places to hide, I think."

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Sounds annoying... poor dog..." He kinda really doesnt wanna have to chase or be chased by this thing, but thats the job, huh-

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

"Three different sightings, huh?" Andy taps his chin. "We'll probably have to go to all three and go from there."

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"... Soooo, basically, three different places to split ourselves between, it can fly, and it can hide anywhere." Leslie pulls the goggles down from their head and adjusts their gloves. "I've got a lot of materials, we can see what we can work with here--"

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

"When did you see it?" Bones addresses the three witnesses.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash hums and notes that all down mentally. "I hope the dog's okay!"

"Eyyy nice- Let us know if you need anythng, Leslie!"

"Also, since it's a chicken, it luckily won't be able to fly too high-"

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Francesco nods. "Yes, if you all are able to set traps...that may be easiest..." The witness' answers range from a couple weeks ago to a couple of days!

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Okay...." He thinks "Do we... have, uh... bait?.. What does it eat-?..."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Francesco silently pulls a bag of sunflower seeds out of his satchel.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Right, cool, got it..."

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash gives two thumbs up!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"I've got enough materials for making two lassos, five mini fish remote bombs and two sludge bombs. Oooh I've also got some motion cameras if needed--" Rummaging through pockets and toolbox.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C

".... wait, bombs-? This is an old apartment  building-.... will that be, uh.. ok?" Frank looks at the nearby buildings and cant help but feel like this will end poorly

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵

"I can create entrapping vines, but they will not last long." Bones comments idly.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

"Oky maybe not.... bombs- Anything trap based is probably best! I can also try materialization if need be?"

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Blinks. "Oh no, don't worry, sludge bombs aren't actual explosives! They make an area of gooey stuff that slows down anything that touches it 'cus you get stuck to it!"

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"I uh... think I could maybe get it to sleep... that might be kinda hard, though..."

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

From here, you all will be splitting up to construct simple traps, with food as a lure; you all will split up to the three areas that have been mentioned, Alley 1, Alley 2, and the Roof. One person at each location will make a flat d20 roll to check the effectiveness of their trap, with advantage for techies.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"Well, I think I'll take alley 1-- I can make a combination of a sludge area and a lasso with the bait in the middle, so that it can't go away quickly." Nod nods and starts moving towards it, toolkit in hand and starting already on the materials for the trap while walking. (8) (-1 baby leash, -5 glowsticks)

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy decides he'll try Alley 2, and he's going to set up something equivalent to a cat trap, with the sunflower seeds set inside the cage as the bait. Harmless, and usually very effective! [14]

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵

Bones makes their way up to the roof, scattering the seeds and casting entangle. Vines and rough weeds sprout around them, ready to grasp the creature if it appears. (4)

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash is on the roof with Bones, trying to help Bones with a box trap that they used Materialize for. (-15 mana) (3)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Uh- I'll just.. uh... follow I guess." He looks between the two and just kinda follows Leslie, since hes gotten to talk with them a bit more at least. Seeing how Leslie's trap also wasn't working out as well, he fell back to plan B and tried to put the chicken thing to Sleep. Hopefully without. Also knocking out Leslie. (16; -1 spell slot)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie blinks at Frank, fully awake. "Oh! My sister used to try to do that a lot, I'm used to it." (20)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

"Oh, nice.." Well, that worked out.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

After a bit of waiting, the bisso galeto does appear in alley 1, but unfortunately Franks sleep spell doesn't have an effect; in front of Leslie and Frank is, as described, a small rooster-like creature with a snakes tail that immediately gives an earsplitting screech and squares up, feathers fluffing out aggressively. It's here! And it wants to fight! Whatcha gonna do! 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash 'oop's and scoots over. Being cautious because you know. they're still on a roof. (10  Dex)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank instinctively covers his ears. He's not mildly terrified-

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

Bones follows Ash's lead, with only a tiny bit less caution. (12 dex)

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy hears the screech and gathers everything in a rush, but is starting to realize maybe taking the whole trap with him isn't helping in getting there- (Dex 6)

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie jumps and winces at the screech, immediately just acting on instinct and jumping to grab it. At least they're wearing leather gloves!! (Str 19)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank watches as Leslie fucking lunges at the horror chicken, and in his panic, tries to help them by calming the thing down. But he's a bit too freaked out to really be convincing- (AH 8)

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

The chicken screeches furiously in Frank's face and starts trying to scratch at Leslie's arms, but it doesn't do much against the leather gloves (attack roll 6). It's still real mad tho. 

Bones has arrived and can now contribute, Ash and Andy have not made it to the scene quite yet!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

That chicken is getting held in place with the cheer power of fear. The strongest grip on earth. It is not going anywhere. "gET OUT OF RANGE, FRANK--" (Str 25, nat 20)

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank is shaking in his boots rn. He hated birds in the first place, but when a demon chicken screeches in your face it really effects a fish, ya know-

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

Bones arrives and. Stares at Leslie, unsure how much they're succeeding right now.

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash is a bit worried by all the screaming.

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy is extremely concerned!

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP SCREECHING IN MY EARS--" Strongest grip on earth. Not letting go. This thing's organs are getting squeezed. (Str 25, nat 20)

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺

The chicken makes a rubber chicken squeaky toy noise and seems to be actually calming down a bit like a burrito'd cat, still scratching at Leslie's arms but less angrily now (attack roll 11). 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash, coming across the scene, does the normal thing for a person very used to feral cats, and (covering their hand with their sweater and jacket sleeve) holds out sunflower seeds to the rapidly calming chicken. (AH: 20)

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

The bisso galeto seems to calm further and blinks, head tilting this way and that before pecking at the seeds in Ash's sweater. Nice!

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andy finally arrives on the scene to see- Leslie wrestling a chicken snake, Frank looking a hair away from fainting, Ash feeding said chicken snake and Bones watching the whole thing. It seems calm though, so-!"Um- I-I have this cat trap we could use to cage it?" 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

"Oh yeah please-" Ash is talking very softly to not rile up the chicken again. "Lets put it in the carrier-"

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

Bones is just studying the strange creature out of curiosity at this point. Good job team.

👽 Bennie | 🌸 A 💀 F 🍵 C 

Frank is very glad they got the thing to relax

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠 

Leslie has the most focused face on earth as they veeerryyyyy carefully put it inside the carrier, arms fully stretched out and in the most stiff way possible. It's done. Gone. Away.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Without the weight of Leslie's firm grasp, the bisso galeto is abruptly very offended by what's going on and starts screeching again and rattling around at the cage, but to no avail; it is successfully caught!  Francesco pokes his head into the alleyway, having somehow gotten a to-go cup of coffee from somewhere. "...Uh, is everyone okay?" 

Vesuvi || Hugo 🕶 Andy 📡 

Andrew gives a double thumbs up in the air! "We got it!"

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟

Ash drops some seeds in there quickly and smiles to Francesco as they step back. "Yup! We're good! It's contained!!!"

Aob | Asme 🍄 Aushi 🖕 Aones 🌵 

"Your caffeine consumption seems unhealthy." Bones comments unhelpfully.

🌌Iné | Auran🛸 Leslie⚓ Jess 🛠

"... Well! Our work here is done!" closes toolbox. They want a coffee too now.

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Francesco blinks twice again. His caffeine hallucination is judging him now. Maybe he should cut back. He shakes it off, giving a sigh of relief. "Good...great work. I suppose I'll, uh,  bring it back to our base with me and we'll figure out the best place to relocate or release it." He holds his hand out for the cage. 

🌟Knoxy/Bethany | A🌠L🗡I 🐟 

Ash hands the cage over!

✨ Blue | Wisty 🌇 Thistle 🌺 

Once Francesco takes the bisso galeto, he gives the team a heartfelt thank you and heads on off to his next job, wherever that may be, and you all are free to head back to the hotel or wherever you might like. Congrats on a successful chicken hunt!