Fruits of Your Labor: Reach Out Merchants

8 months, 6 days ago

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"Alright my friends! This is something we're used to, so let's get this done!" Blue clapped his hands together.

Frostbite and Noto hooked up a cart to Ashe to help haul what they picked around. The rhyhorn fusion was upset they couldn't be too much help with actually picking, so she'd been happy to be able to help at all. "Good to go." Noto nodded.

"We set to go?" Nimbus tilted his head. Frostbite perked up from her spot next to him.

"Is everyone set to begin?" Blue looked at each of his fellow guild members.

"I do believe we're ready to get started." Aurora hummed.

"Y-yeah! Let's do this." Nigiri brought her fins together from her spot on Aurora's back.

"Ready as we're gonna be boss." Stripe nodded.

"Let's do it!" Jolt jumped up in excitement.

"Then let's get to it." Blue nodded and led them to a far side of the greenhouse. The group had already decided before to work from the outer part in. It felt more organized that way. They got right to it once they arrived, it wasn't the first time they had done something like this. Aurora's farm back at their base gave them plenty of experience. It was because of that experience that they had agreed to help in the first place, despite not being members of the guild. This was just the sort of low stakes job that they could handle. Though Blue had been considering putting together a group within their guild more suited to actually diving into dangerous dungeons. It was rather hard to get items to pokemon mid dungeon if you couldn't get there yourself after all. It was something he'd need to discus with Stripe since if Blue did decide to do that the blitzle fusion would surely lead it. There were a couple others he had in mind that would do well, namely Nimbus and Jolt. Perhaps if Stripe liked the idea he could begin actively trying to recruit a couple more to assist on that front or leave it up to Stripe.

There was idle conversation as the group worked. Jolt and Nigiri chased each other around some in between picking berries. Ashe made sure to do her best to keep the cart as close to everyone as possible. Aurora and Stripe worked side by side on some trees, the amaura knocking the fruits down for Stripe to collect. Noto worked silently on his own, humming some sort of tune. Frostbite quite obviously hit on Nimbus, but as usual the skarmory seemed too dense to notice. There was quite the little betting pool going on to see just how long it would take for Nimbus to realize what was going on. While Blue shouldn't condone betting like this... he was in on it as well. They were all quite invested.

Soon enough the work was done and Blue was nodding in satisfaction as Stripe and Aurora did a couple last checks. Once they gave Blue the ok he smiled, gesturing for his team to follow him out. It was a fulfilling day of work and one that had him thinking about the structure of their group. He eyed Stripe's back as they all traveled home. He'd talk to the blitzle tomorrow, for now everyone deserved some rest.