Morningstar's Plight

5 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 11 months ago
2 2004

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

Explicit Violence

When a single kit is born who brings forth death and destruction how far will the Clan's go to try and test her to see if she'll survive to bring about the darkness? Who will dare try and end her rain of pain, suffering and hatred?

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Author's Notes

Waring; Childbirth - Kitbirth

01. - The Burning Cry Of A New Dawn.

A pained cried filled the shrub that was the nursery, "That's it Morningheart! Push!" With every push the russet furred she-cat thought she was going to die because of the rippling pain that scorched her flank; with a final yowl she gave birth to her first kit, a she-kit. "There's at least one more kit inside of you Morningheart, push for the sake of that kit!" With those words from the medicine Cat she gave a final push once more after a few pushes and ended up pushing out a Tom-kit. While Morningheart tended to her newborn kit's, the moss around her was slowly being replaced with new moss instead of blooded moss.

Panting from exhustion Morningheart laid there for a few moment's not listening or opening her eye's up to the outside world, for just a moment it was just her and her kit's, when she did open her eyes she watched her leader pad towards her with this... concerned and frightened look when she spotted the Queen's kit's, confused Morningheart waited till her leader was in front of her. "Morningheart... their beautiful." Purring with exhaustion she thanked her leader for her word's. "It was worth the pain just to see them, my precious kit's." She was thrilled, her kit's we're here and they we're beautiful she knew they'd grow up to be amazing warrior's maybe even leader someday.

Whirlstar starred at the kit's with a thoughtful look, "What.. What are their name's?" Morningheart smiled, "The Tom-kit is going to be called; Brackenkit and the She-kit will be called; Smallkit." Whirlstar smiled, "They will become outstanding Warrior's of Shadow Clan." Morningheart looked at Whirlstar curiously, she knew something was troubling her leader; "What is the matter, Whirlstar? Something is on your mind I can tell." The black she-cat looked away for a moment mind troubled and full of doubt, "The thing is Morningheart... I cannot allow you to raise these kit's," The word's sent a shock through the exhausted Queen who quickly sprung into action in a somewhat blind rage at her leader, "Why in Star Clan's name can I not RAISE my kit's?!"

Within a split second of saying those word's the Medicine Cat popped back into the Nursery with a simple, "Because the kit's are half-Clan kit's, they cannot be raised by you if they are then they will be bullied and ridiculed by every cat in the five territories this is why they need to be raised by a Shadow Clan Queen who isn't known as the She-cat who left her Clan for a Thunder Clan Tom, if their heritage get's out they will be ridiculed by every Clan around the lake." Morningheart simply snarled, "Over my dead body will you take my kit's from me!" "I'm sorry I have to do this Morningheart... Robintail will raise your kit's and they will become like her own," Another russet fur she-cat with green eyes padded into the Nursery warily, "I will raise them like they are my own kit's, Morningheart."

Hissing at Robintail she yowled out, "You unforgiving froghearted traitorous she-cat! You can't have your own kit's, instead you take MINE!" Robintail stared shocked at what her kin member said, "No! That isn't it Morningheart - I want them to be happy and to be accepted as Shadow Clan cat's fully! Not exiled or - or ridiculed! No cat deserve's that especially kit's!"

With a broken sob, Morningheart curled up tighter when they finally picked up her kit's by their scruff and took them over to another nest before allowing Robintail to curl around them with a purr and a simple, "My beautiful kit's, my little Smallkit and Brackenkit." With a broken heart yowl, Morningheart gave up tear's streaming her face she was helped out of the Nursery, she felt betrayed and destroyed by what her leader Whirlstar and the Medicine Cat, Rowenberry had done. With a simple look back toward's the Nursery she spotted Robintail grooming Smallkit and Brackenkit, her heart shattered even more.

The Prophecy was set in motion.

- 6 Whole Moon's passed by without any sort of issue.

Blurrily light amber eyes fluttered opened, mouth opening into a large yawn peering softly up at her mother Smallkit smiled when she came face to face with her sweet, determined mother; Robintail. Purring in amusement her mother swiftly said, "Are you excited for your ceremony today Smallkit?" Beaming now she nodded aggressively before pausing to look over to her older brother; Brackenkit who to say the least was lost in thought and looking toward's the Nurseries entrance with a look of... longing?

Pondering her brother's look she quickly shook it away before looking at Robintail, "Yeah! Is... Is Sparrowflight going to be there?" Frowning now she looked out towards the entrance of the Nursery. Tensing slightly Robintail sighed and said, "He will be since he is the Deputy, Smallkit." Smiling softly at her kit before looking at her other kit, Brackenkit with curiosity. "Brackenkit are you alright?" Brackenkit was so startled by his mother's voice he spun around and fell over with a meek squeak; chuckling slightly before lifting Brackenkit up by his scruff she softly plopped him down beside Smallkit with a gentle purr, looking at her kit's brightly with happiness, love, fondness and most of all utter devotion.

Brackenkit looked at his sister with a smirk and said, "I bet Tallstorm will be my mentor!" Tallstorm was one of Shadow Clan's most trusted Senior Warrior, - hissing at her brother's words she simply said "No! He'll be my mentor!" Purring softly Robintail nugged her kit's with her left paw and said, "Enough. Whoever is your mentor will be teach you all the same, you'll be proud Warrior's of Shadow Clan. Remember that," As Smallkit and Brackenkit we're about to reply a shadow was casted over them, a booming male voice simply stated; "It's time, Robintail." As the russet furred Queen look at the Warrior with understanding she looked down at her kit's, "Come along kit's. It's time for you to become Apprentice's!" Squealing with excitement, Smallkit lunged past her brother and ended up smacking into the Shadow Clan tom who simply raised an eyebrow in response to this kit's excitement. "Calm yourself little one," Was all he said as he turned around and padded out of the Nursery;

Huffing Smallkit looked back towards her mother, Robintail simply chuckled and padded past her son and daughter before stopping at the entrance and looking towards her kits she stated, "Are you coming? I don't think we can wait another moon for you to become Apprentice's," Ear's prickled and the kit's lunged towards their mother without a second thought, padding out towards the opening of the clearing once they left the safe confines of the Nursery. As the sunlight seemed to paint the grass that was beneath their paws; Smallkit heard a booming voice yell, "Cats old enough to hunt their own prey, gather beneath the great rock for a Clan meeting!"

Letting Robintail lead the way, Smallkit looked around the clearing staring at Cat's she's never seen before or have seen before playing with, as she looked around she spotted a russet furred she-cat just like her mother looking... sad, at her. Blinking in puzzlement and startelement she merely looked toward's her mother and looked back towards the she-cat only to notice she wasn't there anymore, pondering on where the she-cat went she heard her mother suddenly call out; "Smallkit! Hurry up!" And her brother's taunting voice say, "Common Smallkit! Don't wanna be late for our ceremony or Whirlstar won't make us Apprentice's!"

Huffing Smallkit sprung toward's her family, with hope and happiness. If only this small kit knew the truth that was coming. After giving her kit's to Robintail, Morningheart wouldn't ever realise the darkness that would be brought by this simple action.