Deep Dive

8 months, 5 days ago

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"Alright everyone, put these on. Don't lose them or else you won't be able to breath down there." Fragment handed out small devices.

"Why are we the one's going down there anyway?" Unleashed frowned as he put on the breathing device.

Fragment helped Glitch put something over his back to protect his fire. "We all talked it over and you guys said and I quote 'let's pick somewhere that will give us a challenge'." Fragment huffed before looking between Unleashed and Genkaku. "No greater challenge than a group of mostly fire types going underwater."

"Didn't mean you had to come with us." Genkaku huffed as he adjusted his own breathing device.

Glitch shot him a look. "Yes we did."

"Someone has to make sure you two stay out of trouble." Fragment chuckled. "And that's usually me. Glitch helps though."

"The others are fine without someone to watch them?" Unleashed crossed his arms.

"Ghost is... capable of keeping everyone out of trouble for a bit." Fragment put on his own breathing device. "Alright everyone give me a check. I want to make sure we'll be able to hear each other down there."

With a quick confirmation that everything was working Fragment nodded. It wasn't the first time he'd made something to help them out in a dungeon but it was the first time that the stakes were as high as they were now. Sunken Ruins was a dangerous dungeon, only particularly strong pokemon were let in. Honestly Fragment was surprised their application to come here had been approved at all. He had sort of expected it to be declined, hence why he'd even put in to be able to go in the first place. Though in hindsight trying at all hadn't been his smartest move. What can he say though, he'd had some rather rash influences in his life. Though this did give him a chance to really use his technical knowledge that he didn't get to use too often. He just really hoped that these things worked.

All too soon the group dove into the water, winding their way down to the old temple which was the main draw of this dungeon. Rumor had it that there was treasure inside, but also aggressive pokemon that sought to protect it. Fragment just sort of hoped they got lucky and didn't encounter any of the local pokemon. With three fire types in their group they were at a heavy disadvantage. Though knowing his group's track record they would no doubt encounter some aggressive pokemon.

At first it was sort of peaceful, the relative quiet and serenity of the underwater dungeon was nice. A change of pace from the usual chaos that was Fragment's life. Of course he wouldn't let himself completely relax, he knew something was going to happen sooner or later. He'd spotted several pokemon swimming in his peripheral vision. Soon enough Fragment was sure that they'd get bold enough to attack. A large shadow passed overhead and Fragment had to do a double take as he realized it was a lugia. He desperately hoped that they wouldn't decide to attack them, but as the lugia turned their head down to look at the group. Fragment felt a shudder run through his body as they locked eyes with him.

Suddenly they dove and Fragment had a moment to realize that there was a manaphy and phione with them. "Scatter!" Fragment shouted, before desperately trying to swim out of the way of the dive. He caught sight of the others doing the same. The group was all spun away from each other as the lugia dove past them. At least no one got hit as far as Fragment could tell. "Everyone ok?" He should check just in case.

"What the heck was that!?" Genkaku shook himself out.

"We're being attacked! Use your eyes!" Unleashed growled.

"Focus." Glitch narrowed his eyes as the water cleared to reveal the lugia, the manaphy and phione by their side.

"Well well, things just got interesting!" Genkaku flexed his claws.

"This is bad guys." Fragment's eyes darted around, trying to figure out a way out of this.

"Unfortunately we seem to be stuck. Our only chance is to fight." Unleashed although he sounded upset his body language said something else. He was excited.

Fragment internally sighed. "Be safe everyone. Let's get out of this alive."

The group sprang into action of course it was clumsy and not nearly as coordinated as it would have been on land, but it was something. Fragment mentally went over his moveset and realized he really didn't have anything he could use. He glanced over at Unleashed and Glitch seeing that they'd both paused as well. Perhaps realizing the same thing as Fragment had. Genkaku however was still rushing forward as best he could electricity starting to spark around him. Fragment's eyes widened as he realized the mistake Genkaku was about to make. "Genkaku stop!" He shouted but it was too late. Genkaku had gotten close to the lugia, which oddly had let him approach, before letting off a double shock. The electricity traveled through the water of the immediate area not only shocking the lugia, manaphy, and phione but Fragment and the others as well.

As Fragment blinked the pain away he saw that Genkaku at least had the decency to look guilty. "Er, sorry about that. I forgot about the whole... conducting electricity thing."

Before Fragment could say anything the lugia threw their wings wide. "ENOUGH!" A voice boomed in his head. Based on the other's reactions Fragment assumed they could hear it as well. "While I was originally going to run you all off I now find myself intrigued as to why a group of pokemon such as yourselves has come here. Why put yourselves in a situation where you're so powerless?"

Before anyone else could say something they'd regret Fragment cut in. "We came here to explore, part of the draw was the challenge. Admittedly we're not... well prepared."

The lugia nodded. "No you are not. Why risk your lives though? Surely you know that there are pokemon here which seek to protect this place."

"We did." Glitch confirmed.

"We just decided to try anyway." Unleashed looked away. "Our want for a challenge sort of got out of hand. We got cocky."

"You're all foolish." The lugia shook their head. "But lucky for you I have deemed you not a threat to this place. I will not only allow you to leave but guide you safely out of this place. Alongside my friends." The lugia gestured to the manaphy and phione. Both waved.

The duo floated up to Fragment and his teammates. "I hope you're all alright." The manaphy frowned. "That was a nasty shock. Your friend is quite strong. Genkaku puffed his chest out in pride.

"We can't do much for your injuries right now. You'll all be ok enough for us to guide you back to the surface right?" The phione tilted their head.

"We'll be fine. Thank you for deciding to help us." Fragment nodded his head at the three.

The manaphy nodded. "Always happy to help pokemon who aren't bad."

"Yeah!" The phione pipped up. "As long as you guys aren't here to steal anything we're good."

"Based on how much they struggled to get here at all I doubt they could even make it anywhere to steal anything." The lugia chuckled as it swam by. "Now come along. It would be best to get you all out of here before the sun can set."

The team followed the lugia, making idle conversation with the manaphy and phione as they swam slowly back. It was far more peaceful than it was on the way in, just knowing the presence of the legendaries should keep away any other aggressive pokemon. Soon enough they were out of the temple and up to the surface. Their escorts waved them off once the team got back on the shore. "I'd recommend not coming back, despite how nice the chat was." The manaphy gave them an apologetic look. "It wouldn't have ended well if you hadn't come across us."

Next to the manaphy the phione nodded. "Yeah there's a lot of nasty pokemon that live here. Lucky we got to you first!"

"Tread carefully wherever you go next." The lugia eyed the group. "Be kind and safe travels." With that the trio of aquatic pokemon dove back below the surface.

The team looked at each other, all of them clearly exhausted. "So... dinner?" Unleashed tentatively asked.

"Sounds good." Fragment sighed, simply happy the whole thing was over and everyone was safe.