Simple Bio

5 years, 1 month ago
5 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

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Chapter 1

Many universes have different worlds in which they control or manipulate by the higher beings that watch over and protect each universe. There was Mirrors, an exact replica of the human world in which mythical beings like dragons, lycans, and goblins could inhabit without terrorizing the human race. There was Caetheas, an underwater realm in which merfolk lived only to serve their royal courts and fear the land above the sea, only traitors moved into Mirrors. There was Astreas, a monarchy that settled its rulings to have their undying beings coincide with the humans to live their lives together in harmony, however, this didn't mean Astreas were obligated to live in the human world. They had ease traveling between each world. Despite these world being connected through the higher beings, one of the almighty's decided to leave the clan to form their own world. This led to universes being destroyed within the process to find the escaped traitor, but for hundreds of years, the traitor almighty spent their life creating a beautiful world they decided to call Dunwich.

Within Dunwich, the almighty, who now calls themelves Cozmo, created a world for magic to truly spur and run rampage as their powers surged through their veins. Cozmo created warlocks, witches, gremblins, flying monkeys, gargoyles, cyclops, and enchantresses. Cozmo worked for years to create, in their mind, the perfect world. Warlocks became divided, using their light or dark powers to wield into Cozmo's side or against them. Cozmo didn't mind the divide, it was natural for the world to be uncertain on such things. Witches recked havoc across the world, whether through marketing violence through zombies (voodoo dolls), or performing hexes upon other creatures until they received whatever they wanted. Gremblins were almost like the elders, they were fortune tellers or messengers for enchantresses that used their third eye ability to sense the future. Flying monkeys, well that was for fun, Cozmo thought it would be interesting to see and he wasn't wrong. Now Gargoyles and Cyclops almost fall under the same species, they were a very mixed community that thought it would be best to combine numbers and form treaties alongside each other as comrads. These two species were able to form a type of immunity against magic and often sold their secrets to witches or warlocks for currency. Enchantresses worked with Gremblins to rule over the world and spread the words of Cozmo, they were the ruler of much of Dunwich. Their powers were simple; they could make anyone listen if they so pleased by putting an enchanting spell over the individual. Each species, each category of magic-wielding beings, worked together to become a beautiful society filled with chaos and wonder. Cozmo felt as if they were missing something however, a spark to settle the chaos and create balance. With a touch of cloud, star gas, and a surge of black energy, Cozmo created Kieran, a dark warlock born in a light warlock family.

Kieran at a very young age learned the hardships of what exactly he was. Kieran's powers were stronger than his entire families combined, which forced fear into the families hearts over what he could be. Kieran's family were light warlocks, a family that followed Cozmo's words as if they were an enchantress themselves. The family believed they were being punished for not following Cozmo to their fullest and usually took out their frustrations on the young boy. Kieran wasn't allowed to go to school like other warlocks, no instead he was locked in his room all day with his mother watching him like a hawk so he wouldn't have any outbursts. Kieran wasn't allowed to have any friends. Kieran wasn't allowed to even eat with his family, he ate at a much later time until he stopped eating altogether. Kieran did not appreciate the mistreatment he received, and slowly began learning how to cause havoc when he was truly angered. He would often curse his family, and suddenly a sibling of his would break their leg or his father would get smacked in the face with a wooden table. He was often punished harshly for being a "brat" as they called him, but he didn't care, all they reinforced was how scared of him they truly were. Kieran began sneaking out once his mother would head to bed, whether it was it was breaking into the bookstore and making his magic stronger, or getting so mad at his family that he destroyed buildings his family enjoyed. Kieran didn't understand why he was treated differently compared to his siblings and the hatred for his family grew larger and larger until he had enough. Kieran at the age of 18, which was 200 for humans, Kieran decided to leave his homeland and family in the dead of night to create his own life.

Kieran didn't necessarily know where exactly to go, but having Cozmo on his side behind the scenes truly worked in his favor because Kieran was lead to an inhabited area of the sleeping vale, a forest that buffered the divide between lights and darks. Kieran decided this is where he will live, this will be his home. With much help of locals in neighboring towns where gargyoles and cyclops live, Kieran built his town; Kineallen. Kieran built this town to create neutral grounds for every species, so lights, darks, witches, and even flying monkeys could come in and act as if they were all the same. Kieran built his home just outside of the town, and of course was naked to every species' eyes since he enjoyed living in solitary. Kieran however wasn't the mayor or ruler of this town, he let an enchantress take control and enjoyed not having all eyes on him every time he decided to speak. He wanted to stay under the radar as he studied hard and became a powerful warlock on his own. It took hundreds of years to finally master his studies of dark magic, and at the age of 23 he seemed to be the only young warlock to have mastered both light, and dark studies. Kieran continued to stay under the radar, and picking up small tasks that involved very little of his dark magic. His piece of mind slowly came to a halt, and his world was going to change forever. Cozmo felt the small snipets of Kieran's loneliness eating at the outskirts of his mind and decided to create a friend for the young powerful warlock, a small dark witch called Harlow.

While out on a task that involved removing a hex in witch territory on an elderly gremblin couple, Kieran accidentally stumbled upon a witch creating havoc upon a Gargyole home for "stealing" her wand. Kieran knew he shouldn't get involved with this witches problems, but he realized that despite him not being a light, he wanted to help her. Kieran immediately diffused the issue, which ended up with the Gargyole losing an arm and eye but we don't bring up that. Kieran finally got a good look at the witch and realized how short she truly was despite her hothead attitude. Harlow, as he soon learned, was an apprentice witch that had a helpful yet destructive manner of handling situations. It was either help a creature in need or create hexes to slowly decrease their lifespan. Kieran found the small witch fascinating at how quick her emotions can switch, yet also found how much of a nuisance she could be. Harlow followed him all the way to Kineallen and to his house, to which he let her see for a few seconds. Kieran said his goodbyes and thought nothing more of the small witch. When he headed out the next day, sure enough Harlow was waiting for him. Kieran immediately shooed her off, but stopped arguing after Harlow went with him alongside his tasks, rambled on about herself without bothering him much, and even caused more hell than good. This went on for several hundred years until Harlow turned 18 and Kieran was almost 24. Harlow was dropped of many of her apprenticeships because of all the havoc she would end up creating, and she didn't understand exactly why she wasn't performing well despite knowing she was a good student. Kieran, finding that Harlow had become a decent nuisance to be around and never pressured for information about himself, decided to take her in as his student. Witch magic was something completely different to warlock magic, but Kieran learned for Harlow's sake and for her to become proud of what she was. Harlow looked up to Kieran as not only her best and only friend, but as a mentor who she wanted to show her true power to. Kieran found the little brat to be a good addition to his side as a partner, a wonderful student, and caring friend.