don't go where I can't follow

8 months, 8 days ago

During the Sith Empire's invasion of Odessen, Paladins Aven and Leo take the students they'd never ask to fight in a war deeper into the mountain to escape the fighting.

To Aven's distress, Leo gets the idea to return to the surface to ward off the invaders.

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Whumptober 2023: Day 16 | Prompt(s) Used: "Don't go where I can't follow."

They’d gathered the Paladin students—the ones too young for this, the ones they would never ask to fight in a war—and together they’d run. Deeper into the mountain, deeper still, until they could no longer hear the fighting beyond.

Leo’s teeth remained bared and her tail puffed up, all while she kept her lightsaber readied while she took up the rear of the group. Aven took the lead, her own weapons drawn and the one that shone red held up to act as a light source for the tunnels that were meant for this very thing.

“No one following,” said Leo. If it wasn’t for the jewelry at her ears and neck and fingers that almost sparkled in the light of their lightsabers, she would have faded into the shadows around them.

That reassurance did little to calm Aven’s racing heart. She’d done this exact thing before: Gathered Padawans, younglings, who none would dare ask to fight, and fled. Once, when Tython was invaded; she brought them to Kaleth, where they hid among the ruins. Again, when Zakuul struck; fleeing to Ossus with so many others.

And now once more, as the Empire struck against Odessen.

The students now were as frightened as those Padawans had been so long ago. She could sense it thick in the air around them.

And all she ever did was run.

“Aven.” Her eyes lifted from the students, to Leo. In the light of their weapons, she could see their brows arched with concern. “Breathe.”

So she did.

“What are we going to do?” she finally asked.

Leo’s tail swished this way, then that; they were thinking. They were thinking, and Aven didn’t like the look on her face.

“You stay with the students,” she said finally. “And I’ll try to keep Imperial forces out of the base. They don’t get in there, they can’t find the entrance to get here.”

Aven swallowed. From everything they were hearing over the comms it was a disaster up there. What Leo was suggesting may very well get her killed. “Don’t do this.” It was all she could say.

But she knew Leo, better than anyone.

And so she knew Leo was about to head back up there anyway.

So Aven turned her weapons off and, with trembling hands, strode up to the Cathar and cupped their face in her hands. She knew the students were watching, she could feel their eyes on her back, but she didn’t care. “Please be careful.” She leaned in, offering a soft kiss that was returned the moment their lips touched. “Just…don’t go where I can’t follow. Please.” Don’t get yourself captured, or killed.

“I’ll be careful. I promise.”

One last kiss—then she was gone.

Aven felt her shoulders sag as if a too-heavy weight had found its home there.

Stay safe, she thought as she turned back to the students and ushered them to head deeper into the tunnels.