
8 months, 3 days ago
8 months, 3 days ago
1 595

Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 3 days ago

Elodie just needs to do what she's told and she will be rewarded handsomely. Right?

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She will be an attorney, just like me! Is what my father keeps telling everyone.” Paced Elodie. “I do not want any of this. I want to go out and see my friends. Why am I always stuck at boring family gatherings? Why am I always babysitting younger cousins?”

“He keeps smacking his tongue against his teeth, I cannot bear that sound, it is worse than chewing with your mouth open.” Elodie blinked. “I am grateful that I have my own room, but what is the point of having it if I cannot dine in it? I want to eat in my own.”

“Yesterday, not only have I prepared dinner, I have spent the entire night cleaning up after everyone.” Said Elodie, not moving an inch. “I woke up in the morning at 6am so I could eat alone, in a clean, tidy kitchen. All in vain, the table was dirty and full of breadcrumbs. I think my father simply wishes to spite me, he never wakes up before 8am.”

“I hate both sets of grandparents. Father’s side are a stereotypical white couple who hate one another yet still remain married. I hate hearing both of them talk shit about one another when they think the other is not listening.” Elodie sighed and fixed her hair. “The mother’s side are rich assholes, who will never shut up about how they helped us pay off our home. I hate being in the room when both sides are present.”

“Not one of my grandparents ever really cared about me. They let me inside their house so they can brag about their oldest granddaughter visiting them. They only care to make other senile old people jealous. How I wish I could tell them I hate them all. How talking to them brought me physical pain.”

“I asked my mother to iron my shirt, I needed it for a party and I simply did not have any time to iron it myself. After a long day at school, cleaning at home, I wanted to take a quick shower and go.” Elodie looked around the room. “She said no. I asked why. Do it yourself, you are an adult. So is my brother and yet you keep ironing his clothes. He is WORKING, unlike you. I am STUDYING just like you wanted me to.” Elodie laughed. "My brother's online scams, according to my mother, were legit work."

“Grandma promised that she would give me a small apartment in Bern.” Smiled Elodie. “That was my one way ticket out of this house. I just needed to endure everything a little bit longer.”

“My younger brother… is too sheltered.” Sighed Elodie. “I was studying for an exam when my mother came in and told me to make lunch for my brother before he leaves to play basketball with his friends.” Elodie paused, disturbed. “I said no. I stated that we are only 3 years apart, when I was 16 I was already making my own lunch. He can pick up cooking at 16 too-” Elodie stopped. “I was used to verbal abuse from my father, but when my mother called me a bitch and slapped me- I couldn’t take it anymore. I knew I needed to get this degree and leave.”

“My father said no.” Elodie started tearing up. “Every wish fulfilled, every demand met, degree in hand. He said no.” Elodie covered her eyes. “He kept going on about dirty crystal cups, he cannot eat pudding from a smudgy crystal cup.” She wiped her tears. “Then, he will never eat again.”