Halloween Fun

8 months, 6 days ago
635 1

Ringox friends carving pumpkins

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Neptune hummed to himself as he prepped his table for the pumpkins he and his friends were getting ready to carve for Halloween, his fins flicking slightly when a knock sounded on his front door. He quickly made his way to the front door and opened it, sea green eyes trailing upwards until he met the golden gaze of the taller, female Ringox, Tiamat who had her arms full of pumpkins to carve and Neptune's eyes widened in amazement at the fact that she was carrying an armload of pumpkins like they weighed next to nothing. 

"Where would you like them?" Tiamat questioned. 

"Uh...table, please." Neptune said, stepping aside to open the door wider as he gestured to the table. 

Nodding, Tiamat ducked her head slightly as she entered his home then Neptune turned his attention to the other two Ringox on his stoop then gestured for them to come in. Betty smiled at her friend then stepped inside, pausing and gesturing for the tiger shark 'Ox to follow.

"C'mon, Ke. It'll be fun, I swear." Betty said. Keoni twitched his nose then wrinkled it slightly before silently stepping into Neptune's home and moved out of the way, allowing the other aquatic 'ox to shut the door. Neptune led the way to his table and walked around it to stand by the first pumpkin he'd decided to work on.

"...what are we doing?" Keoni questioned, his gravelly voice slightly quiet.

"Pumpkin carving!" Betty grinned, golden eyes practically alight with excitement. Humming quietly, Keoni listened to Neptune as he chatted with Tiamat as they worked on carving their own respective pumpkins then he shifted his gaze to the pumpkin in front of him and pursed his lips slightly as he thought of what to carve. 

Picking up the knife, Keoni set to work in cutting the top off his pumpkin then set it aside and began to carefully scoop the guts out, placing them in the large bowl that Neptune had on the table for the guts to be placed into. Setting his knife out of the way, Keoni plucked up the carving tool and set to work on his design, glancing between his friends from time to time and a small smile appeared on his face at how relaxed he felt while carving.

"Done!" Betty grinned, turning her pumpkin around to show off what she'd carved. At the sound of her voice, the other three stopped their carving work and looked up to see what Betty had carved into the pumpkin and Neptune let out a laugh, a grin crossing his face.

"Really Bee?" Neptune snickered and Betty let out a laugh of her own, shrugging her shoulders. Keoni got a good look at the design and shook his head, letting out a quiet huff of laughter at the fact that she'd carved a grumpy ghost into her pumpkin with "Boo Sheet" under it. He got back to work to finish up his own design as Neptune and Tiamat shared their designs; Tiamat had carved the four of their faces into hers where Neptune had carved a skull into his. 

"You almost done, Ke?" Betty questioned, making his gaze flit up to meet hers.

"Mhm." Keoni hummed.

"Don't keep us in suspense!" Tiamat urged.

"Yeah, let us see!" Neptune agreed. 

Mumbling to himself under his breath, Keoni stared at his pumpkin for a moment then slowly turned it around to show the other three, feeling his face slowly grow warm at the quiet murmurings of excitement from his friends, his gaze slowly turning to glance at the trio in anticipation. 

"Dude, this is amazing!" Neptune gushed.

"How the hell did you get all that tiny detail into it?" Betty questioned.

"You're good at this. Love the haunted house." Tiamat grinned.

"Thank you." Keoni mumbled.