Dreepy Transport - Short Story

11 months, 3 days ago
401 2

Wolfsbane has the wonderful idea to conscript her fellow messenger Shrimp into aiding with Pokemon transport, only one problem... Shrimp's small.

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"Um.. are you sure this is safe?" "Yeah! Sure! Toooootally safe!" Wolfsbane gave in reply to her small cohort in a far too joyous tone, the thumbs up almost felt mocking from Shrimps perspective "You said the same thing about that delivery to that mountain-" "And you're here safe and sound! No hard done" The Mewtwo waved off 'physically maybe..' Shrimp thought sourly as he recalled his journey with a messenger bag almost twice his size and suspected it weighted twice as much as well.

Why Wolfsbane always seemed to give Shrimp these almost impossible tasks for a single Dreepy to accomplish might always remain a mystery, while he hoped that maybe it was the Mewtwo fusion putting a misplaced amount of faith in him he had a feeling Wolfsbane wasn't that generous. But it was that hope precisely that had in him in this situation now, a comically small saddle strapped to his back.

"But is it safe for the passenger? It's not like, a Teddiursa or something? right?!" Wolfsbane gave a chuckle and moved to pat the Dreepy on the head in an effort to calm him down "You worry too much Shrimp! Plus I don't think I'd be able to swing that legally speaking..." The last part muttered mostly to herself before popping up with a flourish "Your passenger today will be a lovely little Magical Azurill! Madico.. or something like that!" "Madico? That's not a name." "And Shrimp is?" Wolfsbane laughed whilst an irritated Shrimp crossed all 4 of his arms in a show of anger.


“Wow! Look at your 4 legs! You could hold so many magical wands! You’re already a dragon, you’d make such a cool Magical boy!” A small pink Azurill rambled from atop the saddle firmly fastened to the Dreepy’s back, so far the journey hadn’t been all too terrible, Madoka, as Shrimp had learned turned out to be quite the talkative little water mouse. Most of the conversation had been filled with Madoka gushing over ‘magical girls’ and attempts to convince him to join her as one.

“So who’s your magical mascot that grants you powers?” Shrimp interjects in an attempt to steer the conversation away from the topic of recruiting him as a magical boy, for what felt like the 100th time today.

So maybe Wolfsbanes idea hadn’t been terrible… This time around at least.